The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1148: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (142)

  Chapter 1148 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Wrong Benefactor (142)

  Murong Ling Tian fixedly looked at the couple on the viewing platform.

  Su Qinghuan and Ye Feihan are all dressed in red standing on this misty high platform. They are both born with picturesque brows, standing side by side at the moment, and they have a dazzling sense of immortality.

  Murong Lingtian glanced at Ye Feihan gloomily, and there was a hint of jealousy and resentment in his eyes. If there were no Ye Feihan in this world, how could Su Qinghuan not choose herself? !

  The man's eyes were gloomy, trapped by that heavenly oath, unless Ye Feihan took the initiative to attack him, otherwise he should not act arrogantly on Ye Feihan.

  Murong's hand under Lingtian's robes was tightly clenched, and a bit of contempt was born in his heart, even if Su Qinghuan liked Ye Feihan, what about?

This man is a hundred years old, but he is still stagnating in the transformation of the gods. It is not like he has sensed the threshold of crossing the catastrophe early, and now because of the power of feeding back the kingdom of heaven, Murong Lingtian is confident and capable. Take Su Qinghuan to the fairyland safely.

  Not everyone in the world of immortality is a big Luo Jinxian, after all, there are moments when the second generation of immortal natives are born, they are cultivated from the beginning, but the immortal aura of the immortal world is far higher than the aura of the Canglan Continent.

  Murong Lingtian is confident, he has the inheritance of the ancestor of the Ascending Demon Cave, and has countless opportunities to protect him, and he can definitely protect Su Qinghuan in the immortal world.


  Compared with the little love between men and women, Murong Lingtian consciously realized that no monk could resist the temptation-temptation of soaring.

  The man thought this way, half begging and half tempting to Su Qinghuan.

   "Qinghuan, let me go. Rather than following a cultivator who doesn’t know when he will fall, he will fly to the immortal world with me. Isn’t it good for Shou and Tianqi?"

As Murong Lingtian said, he stared at Su Qinghuan's clear brows that were half-hidden behind the curtain. This curtain naturally couldn't stop Murong Lingtian's burning eyes, but it made the man feel a little bit more in his heart. Spy and possessiveness.

  —He has never seen Su Qinghuan wearing a happy dress. It is really more beautiful than he thought.

  This woman, with his childhood sweetheart, decided that the matchmaker's words should belong to him, rather than settling down with a Ye Feihan who ran out halfway for a lifetime.


  Murong Lingtian thought so deceivingly, even if he knew that the second sky thunder was about to be smashed, the man did not hesitate to stay in front of Su Qinghuan, trying to lure her into the bait.

   "Qinghuan! Don't you want to go to the fairy world to see? I know, you are only embarrassed to leave Ye Daoyou because of your thin skin, but you definitely want to go with me in your heart."

  Su Qinghuan almost laughed when she heard Murong Lingtian’s words. How could she have any yearning for the fairy world? She was born in the fairy world, okay? !


  I have seen shameless people, but she really has never seen Murong Lingtian shameless.

As for the merits of the golden light, Murong Lingtian has some, but compared to Su Qinghuan’s accumulation in so many reincarnations, it can be described as the light of fireflies that cannot compete with Haoyue. .


  If Su Qinghuan is willing to show off his merits, I am afraid that the entire Canglan Continent is not comparable to the monks, and it can definitely blind everyone.

  Of course, Su Qinghuan did not have this hobby, but even more firmly shook Ye Feihan's hand next to him.

  "Sorry, Mr. Murong, I am not interested in the blueprint you have drawn at all. I believe that there may be many Taoists who are willing to follow you on this huge Xuanjian Peak. Why are you clinging to me?"


  Murong Ling's face almost pale in weather, but seeing Su Qinghuan's unshakable appearance, the man suddenly doubted his life, but at the same time, his jealousy towards Ye Feihan became more intense.


Murong Lingtian looked around at the people around him. He didn't believe that Su Qinghuan could really have no interest in ascending to the upper realm so firmly, but he was just a look. Sure enough, many monks in the surrounding area who had come here to observe the ceremony all have a face. Looking longingly towards Murong Lingtian.

"That's right! Daoist Murong, I would rather demolish ten temples than to ruin a marriage. Since Fairy Su and Daoist Ye are so determined, why do you want to dismantle them? If Daoist Murong is not disgusted, the little girl is willing to follow. Fellow Murong Dao!"

The one who was speaking was a well-known beauty in the world of cultivating immortals. Although everyone had already seen the real body of Murong Lingtian Tongtian, but Murong Lingtian is now a real dragon. The dragon clan is different from ordinary demon cultivators. It is the right way. The image of a totem that the monk also worships in his heart.

What's more, Murong Lingtian's body is so powerful and handsome, just as Su Qinghuan said, most people are willing to catch up with opportunities she doesn't want.


  Almost after the first female cultivator spoke, the other cultivators also seemed to have made some determination, and even those who waited for Murong Lingtian to recommend themselves.

   "Friend Murong, choose me!"

   "No, choose me!"

  Who doesn't want to fly through the catastrophe, Murong Lingtian is so sure that he can take one person to the immortal world, let alone female cultivators, even the male cultivators in the crowd are eager to follow Murong Lingtian.

  Compared with the so-called face, everyone is really unwilling to fall away easily in this long period of time.

While speaking, the second and third heavenly tribulations have already been smashed straight down. What makes everyone shocked is that these two consecutive heavenly tribulations are actually like the first heavenly tribulation, even Murong Lingtian's protective magic cover. There is no split!

  You must know that for nearly a thousand years in the Lancang Continent, no monk has successfully crossed the calamity and soared. It seems that this Murong Lingtian has great hopes for cross-border soaring!


  Because of this change, there are more and more silly monks below.

  Murong Lingtian saw the ardent and ardent faces of the monks looking at him, and he was a little proud, but he couldn't tolerate the figure beside him, and soon looked at Su Qing happily.

  "Qinghuan, don't pretend to be pretentious. I know that you, like the monks below, definitely want to ascend to the immortal world. If you are afraid of betraying fellow Ye Daoist and contaminating cause and effect, I will certainly remove these obstacles for you."

   "If Ye Daoist is for your own good, you must know that you are not as strong as me. I believe Ye Daoist is also a smart person and will voluntarily look at Qinghuan and you will live better."

   Murong Lingtian glanced at Ye Feihan proudly and contemptuously when he said this, that posture is no different from bullying, even reaching out to pull Su Qinghuan’s sleeve.


  The hatred of taking his wife is right in front of him, just as everyone looked at Ye Feihan with some sympathy, Ye Feihan suddenly shot, but it was just a sword, and it directly split Murong Lingtian's body shield!

  " Taoist Murong respects himself, Qinghuan is my Taoist companion!"

  Everyone was stunned when they arrived at this scene!

  (End of this chapter)

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