The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1150: The demon who confessed the wrong benefactor (144) 2200+ words

  Chapter 1150 The Demon Lord Who Acknowledges the Mistakes of the Benefactor (144) 2200+ words

  Seeing Murong Lingtian's figure disappearing into the air unwillingly, the other monks were shocked.

  They didn't expect that the little fox could choose to stay in the lower realm so unwaveringly, and they didn't expect Ye Feihan's strength to be far more powerful than they thought.

  But no matter what, the two parties involved in the Taoist Ceremony did not care, and the others could only pretend that nothing happened.


   And Su Qinghuan and Ye Feihan, who are dressed in red, naturally do not take this small episode to heart.

  The little fox smiled and raised his glass to everyone.

   "It shocked everyone, but this ceremony will continue. If you are not at ease, you can leave on your own. Qing Huan will never blame everyone."

Who caused Murong Lingtian to make such a moth, so that Xuanjian Peak’s mountain protection formation was broken by thunder robbery in two places, but Ye Feihan and Qinghe Shangzun were sitting in the town, and the other places were nothing big. destroy.

  The cultivator who knows how to winks quickly reacted, and quickly and politely raised the cup in his hand, and offered a cup to the little fox and Ye Fei Hanyao.

  "...Where is Fairy Su, it would be good for us to witness a venerable ascending into a fairy. What's more, the dazzling sword of fellow Ye Daoist earlier gave me a lot of inspiration for our practice."

   Ye Feihan nodded faintly.

   "The Taoist fellow praised it."


  So the Daolu ceremony was successfully held.

  Su Qinghuan and Ye Feihan looked at each other. According to the ancient Taoist couple contract method recorded in Wenyuezong's classics, the two raised their hands and clasped their fingers together. At the same time, they each took a drop of effort and vowed to the sky together.

"I, Su Qinghuan/Yefeihan, take the heaven and the earth as evidence, rely on the sun and moon as proof, no matter the wind, frost, rain, snow, no matter how the light changes, I hope that the person holding my hand promises this life, eternal life, and will never fail. If there is violation, people God abandon it!"

  As the two talked, they felt the two drops of blood in the air suddenly merge into one, turning from red to golden, and then split into two petals, each returning to the center of their eyebrows.

  It was almost the moment the golden fusion of heart and blood was poured into the body, Su Qinghuan clearly felt that her bond with Ye Feihan seemed to deepen, although she usually felt that she had a close relationship with Ye Feihan.

   But from then on, as long as Ye Feihan is still in the same plane as her, the little fox can perceive the other's position. Of course, the closer the distance is, the clearer it will be. If it is thousands of miles apart, it will be positioned in a general direction first.

   In addition to this positioning function, Su Qinghuan can vaguely realize that her own air luck has also merged with Ye Feihan. It is not an exaggeration for two people to say that they are living together and dying together.


The monks in the audience were shocked when they saw that the little fox and Ye Feihan had made an oath with all their heart and blood. Replace with ordinary blood.

  Because in case two people disagree with each other in the future, it is extremely difficult to cancel this kind of bondage.


  As the peak master of Xuanjian Peak, Qinghe Shangzun was not surprised that the two disciples chose this more binding ancient contract.

  He had long seen how his big disciple Ye Feihan liked Su Qinghuan. After all, Su Qinghuan would become his second closed disciple because of Ye Feihan.

  At the beginning, Qinghe Shangzun was not very optimistic about the relationship between Ye Feihan and Su Qinghuan, but now that the two people have achieved a positive result, the gray-haired old man is very pleased.

  He waved to the little fox and Ye Feihan, and then two concentric rings appeared out of thin air in his hands and gave them to the couple.

"This pair of rings was found for the teacher in an ancient Da Neng cave mansion. It can make a pair of concentric Taoists practice more with half the effort. The original reason is that they can only accumulate dust for this life. Unexpectedly, it will be cheaper for the two of you. Monkey cub."

  The little fox can of course feel the majestic aura of the concentric ring, and can even faintly perceive that it is a pair of broken ancient celestial artifacts, far from this world, and the woman can't help being amazed by the masterpiece of Qinghe.

  In fact, she didn't have much real friendship between the white-haired old man and the apprentice. Qinghe Shangzun obviously looked at Ye Feihan's face and loved her.

  With the short hand, the little fox immediately smiled and nodded at the old man.

   "Master is the best."

  Shangzun Qinghe also smiled and nodded. He was quite satisfied with this little fox, who was called the apprentice, but was actually the apprentice's daughter-in-law, and then exhorted Ye Feihan.

   "In the future, you have to deal with Qinghuan."

   "Disciples, remember."

  This sentence does not need to be said by Qinghe Shangzun, Ye Feihan will also remember it in his heart.


  After the ceremony was over, the little fox and Ye Feihan also unexpectedly saw Shen Qishuang who hurried over.

   "Sister Qishuang, who are you?"

  The little fox was a little surprised to see Shen Qishuang, who was obviously just coming out of the ice cave.

  Although Shen Qishuang looked embarrassed, his expression was clearer and clearer than when the little fox invited her to participate in the ceremony of the Taoist couple before, and was no longer as depressed as before.

  Shen Qishuang first nodded at Su Qinghuan and Ye Feihan.

   "Sister Su, Brother Ye, today is your big day of rejoicing, I should have punished myself for being late. This pair of Jiansui will give you a blessing."

  Su Qinghuan took the sword spike and was also startled. It turned out to be a good pair of spiritual weapons. Although it was not as good as the ring given by Qinghe Shangzun, it was definitely a good thing.

   Even Ye Feihan was slightly moved this time, not because the sword spike was so expensive, but because he saw that Shen Qishuang had stagnated in the late Jindan stage for a hundred years, and now his cultivation is about to break through.

   Ye Feihan looked slightly condensed.

   "Are you a demon?"

   "Yes, Brother Ye is really insightful."

  Shen Qishuang said with joy, she has completely let go of the past now.

"Before, I had been in retreat in the ice cave. I felt a little bit when Murong Lingtian was soaring through the robbery. I just happened to see the figures of Sister Su and Brother Ye advancing and retreating together, and Murong Lingtian had also ascended to the upper realm. Broken past emotional barriers."

   Ye Feihan held Su Qinghuan's hand and nodded coldly.

"It's so good, but it's rare, but we can't ask for it. If you were not depressed all day long because of Murong Lingtian, you wouldn't have been stuck in the golden core stage for so long as the root of heaven, you still keep this sword spike for yourself. Bar."


  Shen Qishuang was spotted breaking the past, and suddenly a little embarrassed, she looked at Su Qinghuan anxiously.

   "Brother Ye, do you mind that I previously declined to participate in the ceremony of Taoist couples between you and Sister Su? I have already blessed you in my heart. I did not intend to refuse, but..."

  Seeing Shen Qishuang, Su Qinghuan smiled immediately, she took the sword spike, and gave Ye Feihan a cold look.

   "What are you doing so cold and scary?"

  "This sword spike is a gift for us to testify that you are about to break the pill and get an infant. Ask Yuezong to have one more Yuanying monk in town. Feihan and I can rest assured."

   "Sister Su, are you leaving the sect?"

  Shen Qishuang was startled, obviously not understanding why.

  Ye Feihan's face showed some impatience.

   "Qinghuan and I are going to Hongchen to practice, Junior Sister Shen, goodbye."


   Before the little fox could say anything, Ye Feihan grabbed the little fox by the hand and teleported away directly.


   "Hey, Brother Ye, I haven't finished speaking yet, what are you doing in such a hurry... Hmm!"

  The little fox gave Ye Feihan a sigh, and was about to continue his thoughts, but the handsome face in front of him suddenly enlarged.

  Su Qinghuan’s eyes opened in shock, and she felt the man’s lips press directly over——

  (End of this chapter)

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