The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1152: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (146)

  Chapter 1152 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Wrong Benefactor (146)

  Murong Lingtian, who holds the reincarnation mirror in his hand, is extremely confident that he can go back thousands of years without fail, bring back Su Qinghuan, and make the little fox fall in love with him unswervingly.

  He claims that he has the ability to change cause and effect. This time, no matter what Ye Feihan, Li Feihan, and Wang Feihan can't pass him.

  It’s just that men didn’t expect that sometimes they can change the first year of the junior high school, but they can’t change the fifteenth day.


   Seeing the thin, snow-skinned **** the Huashu Swing, Murong Lingtian almost suspected that she was wrong.

  The five senses were indeed unchanged, but Murong Lingtian almost instantly concluded that the "Su Qinghuan" in front of him was not the little fox that made him love and hate.

  Where is the problem?

  Murong Lingtian stubbornly tugged at the reincarnation mirror, a terrifying thought suddenly formed in his mind, but the next moment, it was quickly denied by the man.

  When he mistakenly identified Su Xier as his savior, he did feel that Su Qinghuan made him feel a great change, not at all like the timid and weak little girl in the memory, but can be shrewd.

However, he experienced the death of his mother, suppressed by his father and stepmother, and Murong Lingtian subconsciously excused the little fox. Anyone will change, just like his temperament has changed drastically after experiencing so many hardships, but it is indeed the same as before. It's very different.

  The most important thing is that if Su Qinghuan is rebirth by seizing her house, this is an extremely insidious sorcery, but Murong Lingtian sees that Su Qinghuan's Taoism is so flawless and firm, it is not like the evil cultivation of rebirth by seizing her house.

  He had also seen the little fox break through the catastrophe, and there was no such kind of resentment and evil power on the thunder and lightning, but it seemed like a golden light of merit, which made the little fox go through the catastrophe much easier than ordinary people.


  Where is the problem? !

  Murong Lingtian had actually faintly grasped the core of the problem, but the man himself did not want to admit that it turned out to be true.

Perhaps because Murong Lingtian's mind was violently turbulent, Murong Lingtian was born to vomit a mouthful of blood, blood splattered on the reincarnation mirror, Murong Lingtian's expression changed slightly, before he could wipe off the blood on the mirror, he suddenly heard a timidity. the sound of.

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​is that you?"


  Murong Lingtian on this Lancang Continent, the cultivation base could not show the strength of the Immortal Venerable, if it were not for the help of the reincarnation mirror, he would have been expelled by the law of heaven here.

   But even if Xiu was suppressed, Murong Lingtian couldn't believe that his concealed figure spell could be seen through by an ordinary woman so easily.


After guessing that the beautiful and weak girl in front of him was not the one he yearned for, Murong Lingtian's mood was very complicated. He turned around with a confused expression and looked at him carefully when he saw the **** the swing. .

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​have I dreamed of you because I have dreamed too much recently?"

  Actually, after Murong Lingtian retired, the girl didn't have much feelings for this man in her heart, but after all, she was the object of her marriage since she was a child, and the handsome and extraordinary figure of the other party will inevitably be imprinted in the girl's heart.

   And Murong Lingtian in front of him is very different from the girl's impression.

Not only is his stature taller, but also because Murong Lingtian is now an immortal, and he is even more handsome than he was in the mortal period. Especially the indifferent Ling Chen temperament almost makes the girl subconsciously want to worship. .

  Just because Murong Lingtian did too unsympathetic on the day of her mother’s burial, the girl’s grievances and resentment inevitably surfaced, and she couldn’t let herself kneel and worship a man who had lost her reputation in this way.


   "Can you see me?"

Murong Lingtian frowned. Since he was discovered by the girl, he didn't intend to hide his figure anymore, but the coercion belonging to the high-ranking immortal was still completely restrained, otherwise the girl would have been unable to bear it long ago, and the seven orifices would bleed and die. .

  "...Big Brother Lingtian, how did you get in? Did you get over the wall?"

   The teenage girl who was sixteen and seventeen years old Ai Ai looked at Murong Lingtian, with a faint alertness and curiosity in his eyes.

   And seeing such a fragile "Su Qinghuan" who was defensive but without contempt in his eyes, the pain of being fooled by fate in Murong Lingtian's heart once again struck his heart.

  In fact, from the girl's words and deeds, it is more in line with the girl Murong Lingtian remembered before he retired.

  It is far from the little fox with sharp teeth.


  Murong Lingtian realized this, and a smell of sweetness came out of his throat again. He only felt that these thousands of years of waiting, and the chase buried in his heart for many years, turned out to be just a dream in the end.

  Based on his cultivation, but at a glance, it can be seen that there is no sign of the woman in front of her being taken away, on the contrary... it is more real.

  Is the butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou, or Zhuang Zhou dreaming of the butterfly? Could it be that the hundred years of his acquaintance with the little fox, compared with these long thousands of years, was actually made by himself?

  Murong Lingtian does not want to believe this answer. How can he forget the bitterness and sweetness that he could not ask for? !

  The man forcibly contained the sweetness that was about to appear in his throat, but even so, the expression in the man’s eyes suddenly fell a lot.

  Even if he does not want to admit it, Su Qinghuan has long been his obsession with his practice for thousands of years.


   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​why have you kept silent?"

  The girl leaning on the swing saw Murong Lingtian still looking at herself silently. Her eyes seemed to be looking at another person. The girl was slightly surprised, but she didn't feel uncomfortable.

  I don’t know why, she used to have a faint resentment towards Murong Lingtian, but seeing the man’s eyes that seem to have lost everything today, the girl feels a hint of happiness in her heart suddenly.

  The bad emotions that fell into a rock, surprised the girl herself.

  She has a kind and pure temperament, and she has never had such a peculiar feeling.


   And Murong Lingtian looked at the girl with complicated eyes, and in the end he just shook his head.

   "So... she was never you."

  The little fox’s smiles, every move, even a white eye, or a word of cursing him, made Murong Ling Tian’s soul hold his dream for thousands of years.

  When he was hunted down in the fairy world, Murong Lingtian also relied on the belief that he had to wait until the little fox to support him.

   What surprised Murong Lingtian was that Ye Feihan did not appear in the fairy world, nor did Su Qinghuan.

   With their cultivation base, it would not take so many years to fly through the catastrophe and ascend.

  At that time, Murong Lingtian thought it was the accident that the two had encountered and fell, so he was more eager to chase the reincarnation mirror of time and cause and effect.

  But fate told him that in the end, it turned out to be nothing? !

  How sad!

  How ridiculous!

  (End of this chapter)

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