The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1163: Phoenix man's miserable original match (11) 2200+ words

  Chapter 1163 The miserable original match of Phoenix man (11) 2200+ words

  The two people have been dating for more than a month. Shen Zhiyuan brainwashed the original owner every day and his widow mother in the countryside pulled him up, and it was not easy to send him to university. After the two married, the original owner must be filial to his mother.

  When the original owner saw such an excellent and handsome Shen Zhiyuan, he naturally nodded, even if he hadn’t seen Shen Zhiyuan’s mother, he secretly made up his mind to support the future mother-in-law as his own mother.

  Even the original owner offered to go to the countryside to meet Shen Zhiyuan's mother, but Shen Zhiyuan quickly refused for the time being because the journey was too far.

  Because Shen Zhiyuan knows deeply that his mother, Zhao Chunhong, is a rural shrew, and even if she is a woman, she is extremely patriarchal.

  Actually, Shen Zhiyuan is not really the only child. There are two older sisters above him, but they were given away for money in the early years.

  Shen Zhiyuan would never tell the original owner about this kind of thing.

  More importantly, the countryside in their hometown is not as developed and rich as the countryside in the second-tier coastal cities like Jiangcheng.

His home is the poorest in the village, and it is still a soil embryo house. Even the bricks and tiles are not paved. The wind leaks in the winter and the water leaks in the summer. Mosquitoes are all over the place. It's still an aqua toilet.

That kind of messy and messy environment, let alone the charming city people like the original owner, even the little girls in their rural areas, who have a degree of education or who have gone out to work after graduating from elementary and middle school will not be willing to return here. Kind of place.

  The beauties in their hometown start at three or four hundred thousand, and there is still no rebate, which may be held in the hands of the woman’s parents to marry the woman’s brother and brother.


  Unlike Jiangcheng, although there is a so-called betrothal gift, the real meaning is the small family start-up fund.

  Generally, the man gives a part of the bride price, and the woman also gives a part of the dowry, which is held in the hands of the young couple, or to buy a house or a car, or to improve family conditions.

  There are women who have good family conditions and prefer their daughters. It is very common to give back a car. Even dowry a house is not uncommon.

  This is also the reason why Shen Zhiyuan picked the original owner.

What he likes is that the original owner is innocent and carefree. The so-called trouble is nothing more than being too fat to find a bad partner. In Shen Zhiyuan's heart, even if he gets married in the future, he will be very jealous of the original owner. If the original owner's money and house are all It's fine in his hands.

  Girls are inferior to others, why do they need to buy a house and a car?

  If these things fall into his hands, they will definitely be able to exert greater value.

Of course, Shen Zhiyuan also knows that no matter how much the original owner likes himself, he is still very likely to be shaken in front of the soil embryo house that is dirty and messy and can't even cover the wind and rain. After all, the conditions are so bad that it can't even be regarded as a light meal. .

  The best way is to coax the little girl to get the certificate before the original owner sees the conditions in his home country.


  Getting the certificate, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a drink. If a married woman gets a divorce, the depreciation will be too fast. Shen Zhiyuan doesn’t believe that the original owner has so much courage to break his nerves and bones.

  As for the wedding, he was indifferent anyway, and he was not going to make a wine for this Tufeiyuan.

  After all, the wedding banquet hotels in Jiangcheng are ridiculously expensive. Even if you choose to do it yourself in the rural auditorium, a wedding plus a banquet of about 100,000 is a must.

   Just a word, he has no money, and if he has money, he is determined not to spend it to the original owner.

In his opinion, the original owner’s kind of soil, fat and round, is pitifully stupid in terms of emotions, even if he coaxes his mouth, after all, the original owner is not happy to find those cheap crystal cups and cheap couple T-shirts he bought. Are you north?


  If it is a normal relationship between young couples, and girls pay most of their consumption, they can see that something is wrong, not to mention that Shen Zhiyuan is very green tea at every turn and expresses that he likes shopping clothes.

He did not open his mouth to let the original owner buy it, but who made him like it? He complained about the original owner and spent money indiscriminately every time. Ever wanted to really stop it?

  Now the clothes in shopping malls are expensive. Even the original owner is reluctant to spend so often, but for the sake of Shen Zhiyuan, he broke the rule and bought more expensive brands.


  The original owner had vaguely noticed something was wrong in her heart, but she solved herself every time. Shen Zhiyuan was not from Jiangcheng, and the monthly rent was a lot of money, not to mention sending money to the country to the widow mother.

  And Shen Zhiyuan also gave her gifts back?

Although the difference may be between 10,000 and tens of yuan, there is an old saying that sending feathers from thousands of miles away is light and affectionate. The most important thing is that Shen Zhiyuan promised her that she would not lack material things for a lifetime, so why bother to follow Is your lover arrogant?

   It seemed that she was a little worshipping money.

  Yes, the original owner has never felt that there is any problem with his consumption, but in Shen Zhiyuan's view, the original owner is not worthy of eating good food, and every penny she spends is not as good as using him.

  The man quietly hinted that girls should be virtuous, hardworking, considerate, economical, and more important.

  Under this kind of constant brainwashing, the original owner also increasingly felt that he really had a problem, and then he treated Shen Zhiyuan better.

  It’s just that her cooking was really unpalatable, and she broke several plates. Shen Zhiyuan didn’t let the original owner do the housework crazy, but it was inevitable to pay.


After Shen Zhiyuan hinted that the family background was too poor and might be going to be a naked marriage, the original owner didn't think there was any problem. Instead, he felt very sorry for Shen Zhiyuan. It is also extremely uncomfortable.

  So in this case, the original owner decided to cheat his parents, and took the initiative to stand in the position of her boyfriend to help Shen Zhiyuan infinitely.

  She introduced Shen Zhiyuan to her parents. Although the original parents were not satisfied with Shen Zhiyuan’s family situation, the young man was energetic and his work was considered decent.

  Those local boys with good backgrounds may be picky by their in-laws after their charming daughters marry, but Shen Zhiyuan is different. He is of average origin and should be grateful to the original owner for his efforts.

  Holding this idea, the parents of the original owner did not prevent the two from getting married. They even frowned after hearing that Shen Zhiyuan said that he did not want to do wine but only got a certificate, and forced Shen Zhiyuan to buy more than 7,000 gold bracelets to make a kiss.

Then the wedding banquet, wine display, wedding photos, diamond rings, and favors were all the money paid by the original owner’s parents. There were more than 300,000 yuan here. They even generously let Shen Zhiyuan live in the original owner’s house and did not force him to buy a marriage. Room, said that if there are children in the future, the two can be replaced.

  In this case, Shen Zhiyuan is still extremely dissatisfied.

  His job looks decent, and his salary is better than that of ordinary public teachers, but in fact, his savings have not yet come from the original owner.

  Shen Zhiyuan often haunts various bars in Jiangcheng that are not visible late at night, spending lavishly, just to enjoy the praise of Master Shen, as well as the compliments of all kinds of little white faces and strong men.


  At the beginning of their marriage, Shen Zhiyuan planned to change the original owner's house to the names of the two, but he was delayed in concluding the original owner's house, and the original owner rejected him naturally because of his uncomfortable heart.

  The man held a grudge in his heart, and suddenly he had other crooked ideas in his heart.

  ——Isn’t there such high insurance for personal safety now?

  If Su Qinghuan dies, will he be the beneficiary?

  (End of this chapter)

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