The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1172: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (20)

  Chapter 1172 The miserable original match of Phoenix man (20)

   Seeing the expensive ice cream on the market, Su Qinghuan felt a little bit worthless for the original owner.

  ——For the original owner, no matter what her age or what she has done, her parents will always stand by her side, willing to spoil her as a small official.

However, the original owner had to pay for the name of a virtuous and good woman who did not worship gold in Shen Zhiyuan's mouth. How much cost he had paid for his life. The quality of life was terribly deteriorated. The ice cream.

  If Shen Zhiyuan knew about it, there would be a lot of scrutiny.


  The next day, Su Qinghuan slept well. She saw the breakfast that Su and Su's mother had put on the table as soon as she got up.

  A drawer of steamed buns plus a hard-boiled egg, and freshly squeezed soy milk. There was also a note under the breakfast. It turned out that the two old men had already gone for morning exercises.

  The original owner is the old daughter of Su's father and Su's mother, so Su's father and Su's mother are very fond of her.

In the past, when the original owner was young, there were those who could not think about what a baby girl was for. Sooner or later he would marry out. Su's father and Su's mother were asked to adopt a son by his side, but they were directly refuted by Su's father and Su's mother. NS.

When he grew up, Su's father and Su's mother did not feel wronged by Su Qinghuan at all, and even bought a house and car for Su Qinghuan. In fact, if the house was not to be closer to the original owner company, Su's father and Su's mother could actually buy it outside the third ring road. The same price area can be one-half larger.

  It’s just that Su’s father and Su’s mother were reluctant to run around on the road, so he finalized this small house that was only ten minutes’ walk away from the original owner’s company.


  Su Qing ate the Xiaolongbao slowly, and felt that it might be because he had never suffered from human suffering that the original owner was so naive that it was a good thing to combine with Shen Zhiyuan.

  A coldness flashed in Little Fox’s eyes. She turned on the phone and looked at it. As expected, Shen Zhiyuan didn’t call her, but WeChat bombed dozens of them.

What    means in and out of the words, on the surface it is begging for mercy, but in fact it is accusing the little fox of being too cold-blooded and ruthless, and he does not regard himself as the pillar of the family at all.

  Other information Su Qinghuan quickly skipped, but there is only one. Shen Zhiyuan said that his mother wanted to come to Jiangcheng to see them very early, so he specially booked a high-speed rail ticket for his mother Zhao Chunhong, which will probably arrive today.

  The little fox felt funny when he saw this. When he was in love, the original owner had never seen Shen Zhiyuan’s mother, but if the elderly did not attend the wedding, it would be too unreasonable.

  So Shen Zhiyuan found Zhao Chunhong, who was really a rural shrew. The original owner had booked her a five-star hotel and was not satisfied, and had to squeeze into the original owner’s two-bedroom house.

  You must know that although the original owner’s house is 80 square meters, the original owner’s parents did not use it as a wedding room at the beginning, so the living room occupies a large area to receive guests for drinks and tea. It looks decent.

  The two rooms are very small. One of them has been converted into a study room by Su Qinghuan, which is full of books and computers from the original owner.

  So if Zhao Chunhong came here, she wouldn't even have a bed, but she refused to stay in a five-star hotel, saying that it was because the original owner didn't treat herself as a real mother.

  It’s funny that this woman has never raised the original owner, and she didn’t pay a penny from the beginning to the end of the wedding, but she was embarrassed to ask her mother to be treated.

  And most importantly, the mother of the original owner is not as difficult as this shrewd mother-in-law. It is to pay the original owner and contribute to the original owner. She can't even do one ten thousandth.


  At that time, Shen Zhiyuan was also afraid that the wedding would be messed up by Zhao Chunhong, and finally stood on the side of the original owner and persuaded Zhao Chunhong to stay in a five-star hotel.

  Zhao Chunhong did not dare to complain about his son, and agreed aggrievedly. In his heart, he directly believed that the original owner was a troublemaker, so he would let his son turn his elbow outside.

The most frightening thing is that Zhao Chunhong is not actually ignorant of Shen Zhiyuan’s niche hobbies. When she was still in college at Shen Zhiyuan, she once bumped into her son in a dark alley, holding a man and chewing. Peck again.

That scene did not frighten Zhao Chunhong. When she was finishing the bedding in Shen Zhiyuan’s bedroom, she also found the second mobile phone hidden by her son. Good fellow, the things in it were really shocking and completely refreshed Zhao Chunhong’s three views. .

Zhao Chunhong secretly mentioned Shen Zhiyuan about this matter, but her husband died. Although her character was pungent, she upholds the old custom of husbands dying and sons. She did not dare to face Shen Zhiyuan, but constantly brainwashed her son to find him. A girl married and even gave birth to a child.

  After having children, it doesn’t matter whether Shen Zhiyuan wants to divorce or spend time outside. She will definitely let Shen Zhiyuan take the custody of their old Shen’s baby.

  As for fraudulent marriages, Zhao Chunhong is not completely ignorant that this is not good or even touches the legal red line, but Zhao Chunhong doesn’t care at all. What is more important than her and her son?

  Later, the original owner died, and Zhao Chunhong moved from the countryside to the original owner’s small house.

  Country folks who don’t know that their family, Shen Zhiyuan, is good looking, whether he is studying, or marrying a rich girl in the city, who doesn’t envy her, she also wants to live a relaxed life in the city.

And Shen Zhiyuan was unwilling to 10,000. After knowing that Shen Zhiyuan’s purpose of filial piety to Su’s father and Su’s mother was not pure, Zhao Chunhong thought about the tens of millions of assets in the Su family, and obediently listened to his son’s words and moved back from the original owner’s home. Down.

  Actually, Zhao Chunhong had also made the idea of ​​the original owner’s body, because in the countryside of their hometown, there was a boy who was waiting to die early, and his parents ignorantly wanted his son to marry a girl, so that he would not be alone underground.

Moreover, Su Qinghuan is said to be a big girl before death, so the remains in the countryside will be even more expensive. Of course, Shen Zhiyuan heard the amount of money for the marriage, and he moved a little bit or two, but finally gave up. NS.

   After all, compared with the profit of the implied marriage, Su Qinghuan’s house and the assets of Su Qinghuan’s parents’ home were what really caught him.

  Shen Zhiyuan also strictly ordered Zhao Chunhong not to talk nonsense after returning to the country, so as not to ruin his plan.


It can be said that if there is a mother, there is a son. Zhao Chunhong and Shen Zhiyuan are all wicked people. If they were not worried about being excavated to kill Su Qinghuan, Shen Zhiyuan would really want to use the body of the original owner as well. It's clean.


  The little fox cleaned up her things and took a taxi to the company to go to work. What she didn't expect was that the doorman looked at her hard to say a word before she arrived at the desk.

   "Uncle Li, what's wrong?"

  The uncle doorman also knew what went viral last night, but at this moment he still patted Su Qinghuan on the shoulder with infinite sympathy.

   "Xiao Su, your mother-in-law is here, and she's making trouble in the company now..."

  (End of this chapter)

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