The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1175: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (23)

  Chapter 1175 Phoenix man’s miserable original match (23)

  Su Qinghuan almost laughed when she heard what the shrew said. She coldly swept Zhao Chunhong over her desk.

"I said Ms. Zhao, the Qing Dynasty has been dead for more than a hundred years. Do you still play the old style? You thought I was married to Shen Zhiyuan. The ghost of the house?"

  "Sorry, it’s a new era. If I divorced Shen Zhiyuan, my car and house would be my pre-marital property, and it was funded by my parents, you guys, you won’t get a little bit of it."

The colleague next to    saw Su Qinghuan still in the mood to talk to Zhao Chunhong so politely, and immediately developed a little admiration for this Tu Feiyuan.

   However, everyone was taken away by Zhao Chunhong as soon as they arrived today. At this moment, seeing Su Qinghuan with a firm look, everyone found Su Qinghuan in a trance that Su Qinghuan seemed to be different from the previous few days.

Not only did the heavy, old-fashioned black-framed glasses be replaced with thin round-framed glasses with high refractive index, but even the bangs that had been combed all the year round were also lifted, and the long, rough hair was trimmed to shoulder-length. Hair on the collarbone looks a lot more refreshing.

  The clothes have also become more suitable for her figure, with a black silhouette silk suit outside and a Korean version of ice silk wide-leg pants underneath.

   Dressed up like this, the little fox looks at least ten catties thinner than yesterday. Although he still doesn’t match the thin man, he looks much better than before.


  Everyone had never seen Su Qinghuan dressed up before.

  She hangs her head cringly all the year round. Most of the summer she wears not the kind of extremely fatty short sleeves for the elderly, or some floral dresses that are more tailored but not suitable for her at all.

  It’s not that no one can wear these two kinds of clothes as good-looking, but they are not suitable for fat people. Wearing that way not only does not magnify the advantages of her white skin, but it makes the original owner look like a steamed bun.


  Colleagues looked at each other thoughtfully. Yesterday, some people thought that Shen Zhiyuan hadn't made up with Su Qinghuan after half a year. So even if the original owner's popularity in the office was not good, some people stood up and spoke out.

"I said that this Aunt Zhao, even a hundred years ago, in ancient times, there was no in-laws who wanted to be guilty of a daughter-in-law's dowry. Whoever dared to take the dowry slips of the daughter-in-law can be sued. "

   "That's right, I heard that Su Qinghuan married Teacher Shen before, and the other party didn't have any money at home, so I bought Su Qinghuan a gold bracelet of 8,000 yuan.

"The cost of the wedding for hundreds of thousands was all from Su Qinghuan's family. In the end, you didn't expect that your Shen family could buy out this daughter-in-law. Now you still want to get Su Qinghuan's house and car after a divorce. You are really big faces. !"


  Zhao Chunhong didn't expect that someone like Su Qinghuan would stand up and speak for her, but she was shameless at first. At this moment, even though she was so angry at the words of those colleagues-her neck was thick, her voice was not downgraded at all.

  "What do you outsiders know! We talked about naked marriage when we were in love. Su Qinghuan’s family insisted on being ostentatious, and I couldn’t think of holding a wedding in that kind of expensive and dying hotel."

"We didn't enjoy this money. What's our business? And the eight thousand gold bracelet is not money, but Su Qinghuan really enjoyed it! Take 10,000 steps, or Su Qinghuan has to be cheeky. Marry to our Shen family, okay!"

  Hearing Zhao Chunhong so arrogantly to say that it is not easy to pay 8,000 yuan for his own home, it is not easy for others to leave the house, the car and the hotel for the wedding. Many colleagues, even if they can’t understand Su Qinghuan, are very difficult to say.

   And Zhao Chunhong saw those colleagues who did not say a word, but just looked at herself silently, thinking that she had the upper hand, and immediately raised her head triumphantly and continued yelling.

   "Are you convinced now?"

"Furthermore, this woman didn't go home in the middle of the night last night, maybe she was hooking up with a wild man outside, and she watched my Zhiyuan's hand hurt and didn't look at him. Even if it broke the sky, Su Qinghuan didn't account for this marriage. reason!"

"She is a woman who is not obedient to women. She doesn't know how to constrain her age. She can't spread our family Zhiyuan outside. She hurts Zhiyuan's feelings and destroys his personal reputation. Not only does she have to lose money, but we have to pay for Zhiyuan. The house and the car are right!"


  Su Qinghuan saw Zhao Chunhong yelling so loudly, she didn't get angry but laughed instead, and took a seat casually, and sat down and talked slowly with Zhao Chunhong.

  "Ms. Zhao, you never thought of a rural grandmother who never finished primary school. Now you still know about personal reputation rights. But since you know reputation rights, why don’t you learn more about the law?"

"I just got off work last night and bought something and went back to my parents' house. This track is all there. If you can find out about me looking for a wild man outside, you are welcome to sue as long as there is evidence, otherwise I will have to Backhand report that you slandered my right of reputation."

"Oh, by the way, as for the hand injury of your precious son, I remember he was injured when he drank water at night and dropped a cup? How could it be as if I ran to the house and hurt him deliberately? "

"Of course, it was just two centimeters of small wounds that only shed such a few drops of blood. You just jumped up and down like this and made me feel like I was going to kill him. In fact, he didn't need to go to the hospital. He was on the way to the hospital for five minutes. The blood clotting healed."

  Speaking, Su Qinghuan turned out the WeChat chat records of Shen Zhiyuan yesterday and showed them to the colleagues next to him.

  Those colleagues originally thought that the excitement was not too big a problem. Originally, everyone was a little bit upset with such a rural shrew, but at this moment, seeing Su Qinghuan, the party concerned, calmed down, everyone was also inexplicably calmed down.

  I even thought that Su Qinghuan, who was sitting in a chair, was more aura than Zhao Chunhong, who was crawling on the desk and rolling.


"you you--"

  Zhao Chunhong originally thought that Su Qinghuan would be overwhelmed by her own stubbornness. She could do nothing but cry. She also took the opportunity to take advantage of this soft persimmon.

  Who knows that the little fox is so calm, she can't hit her, and when she scolds, people just don't pick up, Zhao Chunhong got anxious on the spot, and then climbed down from the desk and scratched the face of the little fox.

  Su Qinghuan smiled when she saw it. In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, she immediately tied Zhao Chunhong's backhand and made the opponent unable to move with her skill.

"It's not good to just hit someone if you say it, Ms. Zhao, I asked the security guard to take pictures of all your sloppy appearances just now. Do you think that I was put down by you first or Shen Zhiyuan first when I went to Nuo'an Noble Middle School. Dismissed?"

  (End of this chapter)

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