The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1184: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (32)

  Chapter 1184 The miserable original match of Phoenix man (32)

  Shen Zhiyuan is obviously still a little half-dream and half-awake now, so he is not as affectionate as he usually pretends to be when he is awake. That human-looking face is still showing a bit of permeating gloom at this moment.

   When confronted with those chilly peach eyes, the little fox's heart beats.

  On the surface, she complained a little bit aggrievedly.

  "Zhiyuan, don’t you know that scaring people can scare people to death? You walked like this without making any noise, and suddenly appeared at the door of the toilet, and my heart was about to jump out!"

  "And what is your room, my room? We are only temporarily splitting the room and sleeping, can't I go to see you if you live in the master bedroom?"


  Hearing the very natural complaint of the little fox, Shen Zhiyuan shook his hand slightly, and realized that his attitude was too aggressive.

  Shen Zhiyuan hurriedly pinched his palm with his nails, feeling the obvious pain, and the man's face slowly showed the tender look of the past.

  The man smiled guiltily at Su Qing.

   "My wife, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to divide you from mine, but I just had a nightmare and almost felt like I was caught by something."

  "But I heard the sound of you flushing the toilet here, I thought maybe the person in the room just now was you, maybe I was too timid and scared."

  A man like Shen Zhiyuan who can kill people without blinking, how timid is scared by some ghosts, this is obviously just a man's excuse, and the little fox also knows this very well in his heart.

  However, the play will continue, so the little fox joked with Shen Zhiyuan with a smile.

   "You are still a big man, so you will be frightened by this in the middle of the night."

  "I just have some bed recognition, so I can’t sleep in the middle of the night tossing and turning. Go to the master bedroom to see if you have covered the quilt, and then go to the toilet with a stomachache. Are you satisfied with this answer?"


  Shen Zhiyuan hoped that what Su Qinghuan said was true. The man hadn’t thought at this moment that the actions of the little fox were far more thoughtful than she had shown.

  Because the little fox said that he liked him too much, and was afraid that he would do something to Shen Zhiyuan in the middle of the night, Shen Zhiyuan inevitably felt an inexplicable sense of worry.

   "Is it really just like this?"

  Shen Zhiyuan tentatively asked the little fox, trying to see something unusual in the little fox’s micro expressions.

It's a pity that men are destined to be disappointed, because when it comes to acting, Little Fox is much more amateurish than Shen Zhiyuan.

  Even with a polygraph, the little fox can behave as usual.


   Seeing Shen Zhiyuan's suspicious look, the little fox smiled narrowly.

   "Oh, looking at you like this, doesn’t you doubt that I will kiss you secretly in the middle of the night?"

   "Actually, I just wanted to do that too, should we try it now?"

  Of course, the little fox knows how much the original owner once loved the scum of Shen Zhiyuan, so the little fox doesn’t mind expressing his affection for Shen Zhiyuan when he is deeply worried.

  Sure enough, before the little fox came forward, the man quickly avoided it as if he was afraid of getting dirty.

   Realizing that his escape action was a bit too fast, Shen Zhiyuan smirked.

   "We have been married for so long, so don't make this kind of joke. Okay, I'm very sleepy. It's too late now, so go to bed."

  Speaking, before the little fox could answer, Shen Zhiyuan fled and closed the door of the master bedroom, and rushed back to the bedroom.

  Su Qinghuan originally thought that Shen Zhiyuan could carry on for a few more rounds, but he did not expect that in the middle of the night, Shen Zhiyuan would obviously not have the acting skills as when he was awake.

  The little fox curled her mouth boringly, and then slowly returned to her second bedroom. To be honest, she didn't want to live in the same room with this scum, because she was so affectionate because of this servant.

  Shen Zhiyuan really overestimated his charm value.


  The little fox here soon had a good dream and went on a quiet date with Zhou Gongan.

  But Shen Zhiyuan in the master bedroom has been tossing and turning.

  Because of the little fox's previous jokes, he always felt that this woman was too restless, shouldn't he really do something indescribable to him in the middle of the night?

  Whoever makes the little fox heavier than him.

  If that time is really reached, once the little fox is pressed on his bedding, maybe he really has no chance to resist.


  Just as Shen Zhiyuan was suspicious, the man suddenly thought of something. He quickly took out the cell phone under his pillow and saw that it was still powered off. The man was relieved immediately.

   Just out of suspicion, he couldn't help but turn it on and took a look.

  In fact, there are very few clues in Shen Zhiyuan’s mobile phone, and they are hidden in various corners.

  The man has always felt that even if Su Qinghuan is taken away, it is impossible to find it, so he usually does not particularly guard against the little fox.

  It’s just that I don’t know why today, but the man feels a faint sense of anxiety.

  Shen Zhiyuan quickly deleted all the suspicious information in the phone and emptied it. After doing all this, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.


  However, Shen Zhiyuan didn't know that he was too late to do this. Little Fox had the ability to remember, and just following the little information in this phone was enough to make her turn out the stormy waves.


  Time passed day by day, and the two of them slept because of the splitting of rooms. On the surface, Shen Zhiyuan was also pleased with Su Qinghuan a lot.

  The man thought it was pretty good at first.

  But when it was time for Su Qinghuan's salary to be issued, he subconsciously wanted to pay back some of his credit cards, only to realize that he no longer had control over Su Qinghuan's salary.

  Once a high consumption habit is formed, it is difficult to change it.

  Otherwise, how can the proverb say that it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality.


  And because Su Qinghuan has been to the gym for longer and longer stays recently, it has also become more convenient for Shen Zhiyuan to get in and out of those niche bars.

  Without the BMW car from Little Fox as a base, Shen Zhiyuan had to embark on a long-term rental of luxury cars.

  The rental price of a luxury car is not affordable for ordinary people. Even if Shen Zhiyuan only goes to a bar for a few days a month, it makes him very painful.


  Shen Zhiyuan realized that he could not go on like this, he wanted to solve the stepping stone of Su Qinghuan as soon as possible.

  Thinking about this, a vicious plan soon formed in the man's heart.

  He first glanced at the popular insurance company's family pillar insurance clauses on the market, then held back his excitement, and quickly dialed the phone number of Little Fox.

   "Wife, your birthday is coming soon, shall I give you a present?"

  (End of this chapter)

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