The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1193: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (41)

  Chapter 1193 The miserable original match of Phoenix man (41)

"Zhiyuan, my colleagues are just kind, worry about me not to lie. But I know you are my family and my other half. It is a good thing that you want to buy a school district house with me. I believe you will not be the only one The man who pictured the house, right?"

  The little fox has an innocent and innocent expression, with a look of ignorance about the girl's head dazzled by love.

  Those colleagues knew that Su Qinghuan was an invincible love brain, but they didn’t expect that she had such a quarrel with Shen Zhiyuan, and now she can still believe in Shen Zhiyuan so silly and sweet.

  Is it because there are women who are so cheating?

  Before, on the social news, there was the kind of being beaten to death by her husband. As a result, others persuaded her to get a divorce, but she still insisted on relying on her husband, saying that her husband treated her very well.

  Some people think that this kind of woman is inseparable from the terrible husband because she doesn't have a job. As a result, the girl's job is more decent than the man's, and the salary is higher than the other's.

  So, some people just can’t think about it and they have to hang themselves on a tree with a crooked neck. What can others do?


  For a while, the sympathy eyes that looked at Su Qinghuan grew more.

  Shen Zhiyuan was a little confused recently because of the little fox's attitude. He couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw the little fox agree so easily.

  He thought it was difficult to convince the little fox to go.

  At this moment, being praised by the little fox wearing a high hat like this, Shen Zhiyuan has not heard the little fox's mockery, after all, the deep affection and nostalgia in Su Qinghuan's eyes is not fake at all.

  It seems that I have really turned this scam!

  The man suddenly raised his head again, very proud of himself.

   "Of course, how could I be that to you? Qinghuan, I really think about it for us. If we have children, we will buy the school district housing now. If the children want to study in the future, it will definitely be the first batch."

  Some male colleagues heard this and were instantly dissatisfied.

  Due to the vigorous and resolute methods of the little fox during this period, as well as the appearance that gradually became more and more beautiful, he is not the only man in the company who has a great affection for the little fox.

  Some people can't help but make a cold voice.

   "How could you have children now? What kind of school district housing do you still buy? Su Qinghuan has nothing to do with you, right?"

  At first, everyone didn’t want to pay attention to this kind of thing.

But everyone is not blind. The little fox often hugs a jar of Chinese medicine in the company that looks very bitter, so everyone is wondering whether it is the prescription prescribed by the black heart hospital that Shen Zhiyuan once introduced. ?


  Little Fox knows that it is enough to say something once, and a caring person will find clues in the future to replenish her brain, so she also knows how to use this method to guide her colleagues to continue to feel bad about Shen Zhiyuan.

  No, the effect is now evident.

  Shen Zhiyuan was said to be a ugly thing, and he couldn't hold back at the scene. He looked angrily at Su Qinghuan's face.

   "Qinghuan, I apologized and explained to you two months ago. The doctor said that we must divide the room within half a year. Are you still talking nonsense in the company?"

   "I was wronged, since we reconciled, I haven't talked about it everywhere..."

  The little fox shook his head innocently, but when she heard that Shen Zhiyuan said that she would not be able to round the house in half a year, the girl showed her bright eyebrows, and she couldn't help feeling sad.

   Those colleagues who have been watching gossip, from the little fox's grievances and sad expressions, there is no sign of twists and turns.

  There was a female colleague who had been onlookers before, and she was shocked on the spot.

   "My God, so the two of you really haven't rounded up the room yet?"

   "That's it, Su Qinghuan is still willing to buy a wedding house with you? Is this a lard fascination?"

   "It may also be that I have been infused with some fascinating-soul soup."

  Among the onlookers present, there is no one standing on Shen Zhiyuan's side. Without him, the faces of Shen Zhiyuan's mother and son are really disgusting.

  Before, they would be confused by Shen Zhiyuan's handsome appearance and handsome dress, but these years, what is the most difficult to earn, that is money!

  How many little girls on Weibo joked every day that it’s okay to cheat feelings, but not to cheat me on money.


  Obviously, they all have reason to suspect that Shen Zhiyuan is really cheating on Su Qinghuan’s affection and money. He has to sell Su Qinghuan’s pre-marital room to buy a school district room with empty gloves!

  The so-called joint-buying, is it a house of several million, Su Qinghuan’s house is 99.9%, and Shen Zhiyuan’s is less than 1%?

  Everyone's suspicion is completely reasonable. At this moment, they have not thought that anyone in this world can be so bad. They still don't think that Shen Zhiyuan is going to kill Su Qinghuan to defraud the premium.

  Of course, the little fox didn’t tell his colleagues, otherwise there are those who are smart or have a lot of social experience, I’m afraid they will start to think about it.


  Shen Zhiyuan saw the acupuncture-like eyes of the people falling on him, and his heart was simply miserable. When Su Qinghuan’s colleagues sympathized with that aspect, Shen Zhiyuan felt very uncomfortable.

  Now they are still being mocked by them as a liar who eats soft food, and Shen Zhiyuan feels even more unhappy.

  He coaxed Su Qinghuan with his ability, and it was Su Qinghuan who wanted to take the bait. Is there any problem?

  Shen Zhiyuan didn’t want to stay in Su Qinghuan’s company for a while. He immediately grabbed Su Qinghuan’s arm in angrily.

   "...go away, ignore them, let's go see the house."

  The little fox achieved his goal, so he let Shen Zhiyuan drag him away very aggrievedly.

  Waiting in the car and letting Shen Zhiyuan act as the coachman, Su Qinghuan faced Shen Zhiyuan with a sad expression.

   "Zhiyuan... Are you really like my colleague said, are you only with me for my family's money and house? What if one day, I run out of money and still have a bunch of debts?"

   "...Don't talk nonsense."

  Shen Zhiyuan turned the steering wheel irritably, he looked at Su Qinghuan awkwardly for a long time, and could only comfort her patiently.

   "Nothing, I like you the most."

  God hurriedly harvested this earthy fat circle, let her go underground to be sad.


  Shen Zhiyuan started Amitabha in his heart, but he was just like a snake.

  The two drove swiftly, and soon came to the school district housing sales place that Shen Zhiyuan said.

  In fact, the house has generally been built for many years, and now it has been unfinished and has been sold out. Coupled with discounts, there are still scattered citizens visiting the venue.

  Real estate sales were too busy for the moment, and Shen Zhiyuan couldn't wait to bring the little fox to the third floor.

  The balcony of the house had not yet been fenced, and seeing that Su Qinghuan could fall a step away from the edge of the window, Shen Zhiyuan suddenly felt evil.

  Is it because he pushed, Su Qinghuan fell down and landed on the ground first, maybe he would die?

  (End of this chapter)

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