The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1195: The miserable original match of the Phoenix man (43)

  Chapter 1195 Phoenix man’s miserable original match (43)

  If it hadn’t been for Su Qinghuan to take two steps forward suddenly, how could he be harmed by this woman like this!

   "You let me go!"

   "Zhiyuan, what's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly murder me? Is your leg hurt again?"

The little fox looked at each other with tearful eyes, and very kindly tapped Shen Zhiyuan’s leg. In the eyes of others, it was a light touch that could not be lighter. Only the little fox knew that the one she clicked was the easiest to make Shen Acupuncture points where Zhiyuan’s pain radiates.

  In an instant, Shen Zhiyuan screamed even harder!

   "It hurts, it hurts!"

  Although this man is a snake-hearted man, he is no more than a mortal body. At this moment, he began to cry involuntarily.

  Shen Zhiyuan subconsciously felt that the little fox was deliberate.

  But Su Qinghuan did use very light strength, and he didn't touch his wounds, and he didn't know why, he started to hurt so strangely!

  Is it too much worry about yourself?

  Shen Zhiyuan saw the little fox who was more nervous than himself, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

  In fact, when he was on the third floor, he was about to push the little fox, his hand was already raised very high, and the man even thought that his murderous intentions had been very obvious.

  But after he fell off the balcony, the little fox still pulled him without hesitation, and even asked him for help.

  Is this silly Baitian, hasn't realized that he wanted to kill her before?


  Shen Zhiyuan was puzzled, and the little fox pretended to weep at Shen Zhiyuan.

   "Zhi Yuan, if I knew that this time the house visit would make you like this, I won't come, woo woo woo, I just ask you to be safe in the future."

   is weird.

   The staff who assisted Shen Zhiyuan next to him saw the tears in the eyes of the little fox, and they couldn't help feeling that Shen Zhiyuan was a bit too aggressive towards Su Qinghuan.

  They had seen it before, if it weren’t for Su Qinghuan’s effort to pull Shen Zhiyuan like a weak woman, I’m afraid Shen Zhiyuan would fall!

  I’m so old, just to see a house, I have to go to that remote place, even if I walk, I saw that the balcony hadn’t been fenced off yet, and even dared to run out. Isn’t that too long?


  Shen Zhiyuan noticed those people with disgusting eyes, and he was immediately indignant.

  Anyway, the ambulance hasn’t come yet, and the man immediately hummed to the staff.

  "What does your company do? Customers want to see the house and don’t know how to bring a few more salesmen to watch. Now I am injured, you can say how to compensate!"


  I have to say that Shen Zhiyuan is the true biography of his shrew mother Zhao Chunhong, but Shen Zhiyuan usually does not reveal it easily. If there is really oily water, he will naturally not let it go.

  When several staff members saw Shen Zhiyuan’s clamor, they were very annoyed. They are all adults. Can they still not take care of themselves?

  There are staff members and they have experience in dealing with that kind of rascals. It's just that Shen Zhiyuan is a tall man and a talented person. Who knows that he is such a person?

"Mr., we posted a notice downstairs before. This is a redevelopment of an unfinished building. The protective fence has not been installed. You should step on it first. If you want to see the house, you must not approach dangerous places. ."

"We have a disclaimer statement, and our staff went to adjust the monitoring, to see how you stepped on and fell off, sir, fortunately now you are caught in time by your wife, and our staff also arrived in time, no Cause serious problems."

   "Do you still have surveillance in that broken place?"

  Shen Zhiyuan widened his eyes in disbelief.

  When he turned to the balcony before Su Qinghuan, his eyes were inevitably fierce. The most important thing was that he raised his hand shortly after Su Qinghuan’s back, without verbally reminding Su Qinghuan.

   Do you want to say that you want the stupid woman Rasu Qinghuan to come over?


  These actions are connected, and if you think about it, you will understand what you want to do.

  Shen Zhiyuan's expression was wrong right now, he hummed.

  "I know that your third-rate company does not do other business, but the disclaimer is just playing, forget it, Qinghuan, you can help me to the door first, the ambulance is here, we just leave."

  The car they drove before has been asked to drive to their community property first, and the security has to park it in the parking space.


  A few sales staff did not expect to mention surveillance. This man who had been reluctant before, actually said it so quickly.

  Everyone glanced at each other.

   But it is better to do more than to do less, and he simply smiled politely at Shen Zhiyuan.

   "Those two pay attention to safety, I wish Mr. Zhu heal soon."



  Shen Zhiyuan glared at those people angrily, and could only let Su Qinghuan support him, limping towards the door.

  Of course, the little fox saw the depression of Shen Zhiyuan's attitude, but she deliberately wanted to attack the man a few words.

  "Zhiyuan, your previous attitude was so bad. After all, we were too careless. We shouldn't be so close to the balcony without fence."

   "When is it, you are still helping outsiders to speak."

  Shen Zhiyuan was indignant.

  The little fox seemed to be frightened by him, tears of grievance in his eyes kept turning, and his hand suddenly loosened Shen Zhiyuan.

  Shen Zhiyuan was stumbling again and fell a big horse.

  Shen Zhiyuan was so painful that he could almost hear the sound of his bones breaking again.

  And the little fox seemed to be frightened, and directly slumped on the ground, without any intention of helping Shen Zhiyuan.

  After a full minute or two, the little fox got up from the ground and held Shen Zhiyuan in shock, crying and apologizing frantically.

   "Zhiyuan, it's all my fault. I shouldn't let go of you just now, but I don't know why I forgot about your limp."

   "Oh, if I could, I wish I was the injured person."

  The tears of the little fox almost shed like no money. In Shen Zhiyuan's heart, these are the tears of the crocodile.

   But seeing this woman cry so sad, Shen Zhiyuan couldn’t tell for a while whether the little fox did it on purpose.

  Especially the fact that the little fox saved his life previously made Shen Zhiyuan very confused.

  Of course, this little confusion is not enough for Shen Zhiyuan to eliminate the matter of killing the little fox in exchange for the insurance premium. After all, this is the reason why he has been with this earth and fat.


  "Stop crying, crying makes my legs hurt even more."

  Shen Zhiyuan gave the little fox annoyingly, but the ambulance arrived late, and the medical staff finally carried Shen Zhiyuan onto the stretcher.

  The little fox sat next to the ambulance, silently bowed his head, and continued to play the bitter daughter-in-law.


  None of them knew, a few staff members at the sales center at the moment turned on the previous monitoring.

  When she saw the scene where Shen Zhiyuan's eyes were gloomy and he raised his hand to push towards the little fox, someone suddenly exclaimed.

  (End of this chapter)

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