The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1201: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (49)

  Chapter 1201 Phoenix man’s miserable original match (49)

  The killing intent in Shen Zhiyuan's eyes flashed by, but the man quickly endured it and said to Su Qing with tenderness.

"Qinghuan, I just said nothing for a while. I know you are not that kind of person, but I care about you too much. Compared to trapping you at home and being a canary, I still like you to realize yourself outside. ambition."

"After all, the two of us are still young and have to buy a school district house. If we have another child in the future, the family expenses will be too great. In a place like Jiangcheng, my salary of 10,000 yuan per person is really not enough for two people. What's more, I will become a family of three in the future."

  Su Qinghuan knew how Shen Zhiyuan would not agree with her to be a full-time wife. Of course, even if Shen Zhiyuan really planned to let her go out without seeing anyone, the little fox had some ways to make Shen Zhiyuan nauseous.

  At this moment, seeing the man bow his head so quickly, the little fox nodded his head in a considerate manner, and acted with Shen Zhiyuan.

  "Zhiyuan, I know, you just love me too much and care about me too much. Seeing that you will be jealous because of other men, I actually don’t feel more happy in my heart."

   is weird.


  Shen Zhiyuan saw that the little fox no longer talked about resigning and asking him to hand over financial power, the man was relieved.

  His unkind peachy eyes rolled round and round, and soon he brought up the most important thing in his mind.

"Qinghuan, it’s best for you to understand me. I am really afraid that you will misunderstand me. Now you are getting more and more beautiful and your career is getting more and more prosperous. Sometimes I am afraid that you will not fail. Like me."

"Usually I have to be busy teaching, and I don’t have much time to say something sweet to you. That’s why I want to go boating together this weekend. We haven’t lived in a two-person world for a long time, and this time I just have a chance. You how do you feel?"


  The little fox nodded with interest.

  "Didn't you say that the lake fish over there is very fresh and delicious? I don't know what species it is?"


  Shen Zhiyuan didn't understand it carefully at all. The man hurriedly took wherever he could answer it.

   "Ah, the variety is not important. The most important thing is that I have you by my side. I am happy when I eat anything."

"Me too."

  The little fox looked at Shen Zhiyuan with a smile. The man consciously concealed a very good killing intent, but the little fox had already made a clear insight.

  "Hey, Shen Zhiyuan looks like this is about to start, Tong'er, I want to see how he will die this time."

  System 233 also kindled a candle to Shen Zhiyuan with great sympathy.

   "Yes, the original owner can't know how to water, but the host can swim, and Shen Zhiyuan is too arrogant."

   Ask the system 233 to say that it is better to take the little fox to climb the mountain. After all, this is a mortal plane, and the little fox will certainly not fly, and the probability of death from falling off a cliff is higher than that of falling into the water.

  The little fox saw that System 233 was so crowded that it was not too much to be a big deal, and immediately dismissed System 233 to the extreme.

   "Tong'er, aren't you on my side? Why did Shen Zhiyuan start planning murder methods?"

   "Ah, how dare I, people are thinking, will Shen Zhiyuan have any tricks in the future?"

   "It's nothing more than that. I'm curious about how Shen Zhiyuan should jump the wall if he fails this time."

   "Oh, I'm wrong, maybe I don't have to wait for him to jump over the wall, I'm not interested in playing with him, I want to send him to jail."

  The little fox is still waiting for an opportunity. It is best to send the shrew of Shen Zhiyuan’s mother, Zhao Chunhong, to prison.

  It’s just that Zhao Chunhong is disgusting now, but the law is a person's lowest moral bottom line. No matter how much Zhao Chunhong talks to his daughter-in-law, he is still not in jail.

  The little fox thought, maybe after this boating, things will turn around.

  She doesn’t believe that Zhao Chunhong and Shen Zhiyuan, a wolf-hearted mother and son, can still hold their breath after two consecutive losses.


   Soon, in the expectations of Su Qinghuan and Shen Zhiyuan, the weekend has arrived.

  Shen Zhiyuan really picked a good place, and the little fox did not expect that there is such a beautiful place in the suburbs of Jiangcheng.

  I saw the warm wind blowing on the face, and the lake surface was rippling. The weeping willows on the lake bank reflected the beautiful figure in the lake water. From time to time, there were flying birds flying over the lake, giving people a kind of empty inspiration to forget the world.


  If the playmate of this trip is not a femme man like Shen Zhiyuan, maybe the little fox is in a good mood for a while.

  For example, lying on a kayak comfortably, without paddling any oars, as long as the kayak is allowed to drift on the lake water, wherever it counts, it will be a half-day leisure.


   "Qinghuan, is this a good place?"

  Seeing the little fox admiring the lake and mountains so fascinatingly, Shen Zhiyuan sneered in his heart. This silly Baitian doesn’t know yet, today is her death date!

  Su Qinghuan heard Shen Zhiyuan's voice, and she immediately pulled away from her appreciation of the beauty. She felt disappointed in her heart, but on the surface she still had to nod at Shen Zhiyuan perfunctorily.

   "Yes, but I don't know how to row a boat, Zhiyuan, I may have to rely on you to row."

   "It's okay, I am a big man, I should have rowed a boat."

  Seeing that the little fox was so lazy and unwilling to row, Shen Zhiyuan was happy to come by himself. Only by manipulating this oar can Su Qinghuan fall into the lake faster!

  Today is Su Qinghuan’s death date!

  A cold light flashed in Shen Zhiyuan's eyes. The moment he saw the little fox holding the life jacket, he almost snatched it without thinking.

  In the surprised eyes of the little fox, Shen Zhiyuan quickly explained.

   "Qinghuan, this dress is a bit dirty. May I find another one for you?"


  The little fox didn't even break Shen Zhiyuan's drunkard's intention. She smiled and watched Shen Zhiyuan pick up a more torn life jacket. The man volunteered to help Su Qinghuan fasten the safety button of the life jacket.

  But at the end, the little fox clearly saw that the safety buckle was not fastened, I was afraid that there was a risk of pulling it out at any time.

  This is too obvious.

  The arc of the lips of the little fox can't help but pick up.

  "Zhiyuan, haven't you deducted it yet?"

   "Okay, alright!"

  Shen Zhiyuan saw the little fox as if he hadn’t noticed anything. The man was relieved immediately, and he went boating on the lake with the little fox.


  The kayak is not very big. When the two of them just got on the boat, there was a splash of water.

  The little fox called out pretending to be worried.

   "Zhi Yuan, this boat won't capsize, right?"

   "Don't be afraid, I'm here, it's okay, even if it turns over, I can swim, I will save you!"

  Shen Zhiyuan said so confidently, he also drew other people's jokes.

   "The young couple are so loving."

  The man lowered his head pretentiously, struggling to paddle the oars, and steer the kayak straight to the depths of the lake!

   Seeing that she was far away from other tourists, Shen Zhiyuan's evil heart could no longer be contained!

  (End of this chapter)

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