The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1204: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (52)

  Chapter 1204 Phoenix man’s miserable original match (52)

  Shen Zhiyuan originally wanted to have a long talk with the little fox. Taking advantage of his experience of lying in the hospital so miserably, he scolded the little fox’s wife for being unfilial and not virtuous.

  But he didn't guess at all, the little fox actually agreed with a shame, as if everything he said was right at the moment.

  The man looked at the little fox from head to toe suspiciously, thinking that he had auditory hallucinations.

   "You didn't do it to coax me? When you were married, you didn't even like my mother to stay in our wedding room for one night. Now why are you willing to let my mother live in and take care of me?!"

   "...Zhi Yuan, in your heart, am I such a magnanimous and unscrupulous woman?"

  Su Qinghuan looked at Shen Zhiyuan with red eyes, as if as long as Shen Zhiyuan said a few more serious words, a woman would cry at any time.

  "I used to be ignorant, but this time after you fell into the water, I found out how much you love me. I was too narrow-minded before, and I almost let down your love for me..."

   "Take me to your mother..."

   Seeing Shen Zhiyuan's eyes that were about to become unkind again, Su Qinghuan quickly changed her words.

   "I mean, I suddenly realized how difficult it is for my mother-in-law to raise you up over the years. It is precisely because of her mother-in-law's dedication that I can have your affectionate and dedicated husband."

"So I feel that I was too shallow before, and it makes sense for you to take over my mother-in-law. I used to be incompatible with her, but now I think about it, she is an elder, I should let her order, after all, she raised You're older, aren't you?"

  The little fox looked at Shen Zhiyuan with idiotic eyes, but in her heart she shouted that Zhao Chunhong should come quickly, she couldn't wait to send the mother and son to prison!


  Shen Zhiyuan naturally couldn't hear the little fox's heart. He saw that the little fox was on the road now, and the eyes that seemed to flash with tears, which were filled with dependence and affection.

  Even if he heard the term "affectionate and single-minded" that was irrelevant to him, Shen Zhiyuan accepted it without any guilty conscience.

  The man raised his head arrogantly, almost wanting to laugh at Su Qinghuan, only now knows he is filial to his mother?

But then I thought about it, now is not the time to tear away the last face with this silly Baitian, Shen Zhiyuan also looked moved by Su Qinghuan, pretending to stretch out his hand, holding the little fox's slightly rounded plain white hands. .

  "Qinghuan, I know that you have always been the most sensible woman. My mother and you did have some festivals before, but now those are all gone."

   "Since ancient times, it has been said that when you meet each other, you will laugh and lose your grievances. Now that you have such an idea of ​​actively giving in, my mother will definitely treat you well."

  The little fox nodded deeply.

   "Yes! Zhiyuan, I also believe what you said, the mother-in-law can nurture you into a talent, still in such a poor environment, so I really feel that I was too bad before."

   "She is an old man, an elder, I shouldn't have been so aggressive before."

   seems to realize that her acting is a bit too exaggerated, Su Qinghuan bit her lip hastily and timidly, looking like a ignorant and ignorant girl.

  "But Zhiyuan...I offended my mother-in-law before. Will her mother-in-law now have trouble with me even if I make up for it?"

"Although I want to let her, but I am also the little princess who my parents spoiled and grew up, so sometimes it is inevitable that I am not as good as the previous generation did. If you encounter a mother-in-law who is too critical, will you help me speak? "


  Originally, Shen Zhiyuan saw Su Qinghuan agreeing to Zhao Chunhong moving from the country as if he had been caught, he was still a little suspicious in his heart, but at this moment, seeing the little fox hesitated again, he suddenly felt that this was in line with human nature.

  The man emptied the little fox and stroked the collar of the little fox with affection.

   "You, don't worry about those who are missing. I know you are always the kindest. Although my mother has a bit more aggressive personality, she is not the kind of old lady who is totally irreconcilable."

   "Don't worry, if the two of you really have a big conflict that cannot be reconciled, I will definitely be on your side. After all, you are the woman who will accompany me through my life!"

  That's weird!

Su Qinghuan gave a silent sneer when he heard the man's hypocritical words.

  As for Zhao Chunhong, a poisonous woman who is restless at the wedding, how can she know the general?

  As for Shen Zhiyuan’s so-called promise of companionship in life, it’s even more far-fetched. I’m afraid that she would die in the water before, right? !


  Faced with Shen Zhiyuan's hypocrisy, Su Qinghuan also pretended to accept it shyly.

  She leaned her head on the man's shoulder, and there was a little girllike innocence in her voice that she had never seen in the world, she was also ignorant of the sinister heart, and was full of illusions about the future.

  "Yes...Zhiyuan, when we fell into the lake, I realized that life is so precious. I used to have a temper with you. It really shouldn't be."

   "If you didn't jump into the water to save me, maybe I would have died long ago. I was too ignorant in the past. I have to stubbornly arrogantly and even divorce you. I feel so guilty."

  Su Qinghuan said, raising her eyes and looking at the man with full eyes. There seemed to be endless friendship in those water-cut autumn pupils.

   "Zhiyuan, we are all alive now, how lucky, you don't know, how many little girls in Jiangcheng now envy me for marrying a handsome and infatuated man like you."


  Shen Zhiyuan was very proud before hearing this, but when he heard it at the end, he was a little bit embarrassed.

   "How would they know us?"

  The man's heart chuckles, vaguely with a bad premonition.

  After all, Shen Zhiyuan only wanted to spread his reputation as a "good husband" in the circle of acquaintances of the two, such as Su Qinghuan's parents and Su Qinghuan's classmates and colleagues.

  But it does not mean that Shen Zhiyuan wants to be famous.

  After all, people are afraid of being famous and afraid of being strong. Once they stare at him too much, this infatuated drama will not be so easy to perform.

  The acquaintances around Su Qinghuan can see with their own eyes how good he is to this soil, fat and round, but now the confrontation between men and women on the Internet is so serious, and there are many malicious gossips who have never met a real person, so he does not want to be used for analysis.


  Su Qinghuan seemed to have failed to understand the confusion on the man’s face, she took out her mobile phone in enthusiasm and shook it towards Shen Zhiyuan.

  "Here, the story about you jumping into the lake to try and rescue your wife. It's hot search in the same city on Weibo, and hot posts on local forums!"

   "If you hadn't been in a coma, you would have seen reporters who wanted to interview you outside the previous ward!"

  Shen Zhiyuan’s eyelids twitched violently, and he took the phone with trembling, only feeling that things seemed to be shifting in an uncontrollable direction——

  (End of this chapter)

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