The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1206: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (54)

  Chapter 1206 Phoenix man’s miserable original match (54)

  Shen Zhiyuan saw Su Qinghuan’s head approaching, and the man held the phone in his hand, and instantly shivered uncontrollably.

  He subconsciously wanted to remove the bad reviews. Unexpectedly, Su Qinghuan held him sincerely, and apologized to Shen Zhiyuan like a daughter-in-law.

   "Zhiyuan... I'm sorry, I don't know why some netizens say these things, maybe they are colleagues in my company."

   "I was not good before. If I listened to you and didn't talk about our personal affairs in the company, maybe you would not be attacked like this."

   Seeing Su Qinghuan's sincere and ashamed expression, Shen Zhiyuan originally had some shame of being exposed to his shortcomings, but at this moment he couldn't help but start to rise up.

  He snorted coldly.

   "It's fine if you know it. It was the doctor who said that your physique was not good, so we didn't have a consummation. Now it seems that it is all my fault."

   "Cough...I'm sorry, Zhiyuan, you won't be angry, will you?"

  The little fox looked at Shen Zhiyuan with a pleased look, and sneered casually in his heart that this scumbag really opened a dye shop for three points of color, but he still spared no effort to open up the killing mode.

   "In fact, our colleagues are just too straightforward. If they contact you for a while, they will know what kind of person you are."

   "And we are all married now, and we also mentioned the previous weddings and what we did. We are all a family, just like a mother-in-law. She may have suffered too much for a lifetime, and she didn't deliberately want me to lose face."


  Shen Zhiyuan was the first time he saw Su Qinghuan sincerely apologize for the “dominant” wedding.

  In Shen Zhiyuan's view, even if Su Qinghuan's attitude is so low, the man's heart is still unhappy.

  He least likes Su Qinghuan’s words that their family is poor. Isn’t this poking the man’s backbone?


  The man couldn't help but snorted again.

  "It’s fine if you know it, but Qinghuan, don’t always accuse me and my mother of being poor. You locals in Jiangcheng know that you look down on people aloof."

  "You don’t even think about it. Why do you look down on mountain people like us in developed coastal cities like Jiangcheng? If you didn’t take advantage of geography, we would have already developed."

  Su Qinghuan saw that Shen Zhiyuan attributed their poor family to a bad birthplace, and the little fox was speechless.

"Tong'er, Shen Zhiyuan is secretly changing the concept, right? Now that there is so much assistance to the underdeveloped areas, Shen Zhiyuan's hometown is only a few households including Shen Zhiyuan, or a loess house with a covered house. There is no air leakage in winter and water leakage in summer."

"I admit that Jiangcheng has a little geographical advantage, but compared to other people in the same village, how can he not think that other people's homes are all born in the same land, living in brick houses and driving in small cars. He and Zhao Chunhong But is it still spinning like this?"

Shen Zhiyuan is actually not stupid, or even a bit smart, otherwise he won’t be admitted to university. With a handsome face and superior height, he was given a glimpse in the teacher entrance examination of Nuo'an Noble Middle School. In phase.

  His resume and written examination at the time were actually not as good as the other girls who applied for, but because he was a handsome guy, Nuo'an Noble Middle School thought that there were too many girls in the teacher team, so he was taken extra care of during the interview.

  Including that after successfully applying for an appointment at Nuo'an Noble Middle School, Shen Zhiyuan also took advantage of his appearance and often represented Nuo'an Noble Middle School to attend events.

  Shen Zhiyuan’s salary, even if it is placed on the whole Jiangcheng, is definitely considered middle and upper, even if there is no establishment, it is not inferior to many teachers in the system.

  It is reasonable to say that he has changed his origin enough to make his family live better and better, but what about him?

  What did you do after finding a job?

On the surface, he teaches and educates people, secretly talks with all kinds of little white faces and brawny men, and has opened a variety of high-consumption cards. They have worked for so many years. Not only can they not pay the down payment of Jiangcheng, but they also owe a lot of debts. .

  He and Zhao Chunhong's home in the country is not to mention improving the brick house, even the original fence collapsed and left unattended.


  And Shen Zhiyuan’s mother, Zhao Chunhong, is not to mention that she spends her days playing tricks in the countryside, relying on the relief money from her hair.

  In the past, in order to help the impoverished people, Zhao Chunhong sent piglets back to Zhao Chunhong in order to let Zhao Chunhong raise the piglets to sell them for money.

  They don’t need them to find the channels for selling, and the line has already been connected.

  As a result, what about the stupid, poisonous and lazy shrew Zhao Chunhong?

   but directly slaughtered and eaten.

  I went to the poverty alleviation office to ask for a new one.

It is said that teaching people how to fish is better than teaching people how to fish. Seeing this situation above, it is the most benevolent to help you two or three times. In the end, you can only give some relief money. The piglets are not given, so as not to be unpleasant. .


  Shen Zhiyuan went to college, but in his bones he was the same as Zhao Chunhong. He believed that someone would give his life a foundation, but Zhao Chunhong chose to lie on the top of equality and give money to help the poor, while Shen Zhiyuan chose the original owner.

  They are not any poor people, but leeches who only lie on others and **** blood.

   is extremely hateful.


  System 233 also agrees with Little Fox’s point of view.

   "People like Shen Zhiyuan and Zhao Chunhong have not gotten rid of poverty at all. In fact, if Shen Zhiyuan can put his mind on the right path, why worry that life will only be prosperous?"

  Even if Shen Zhiyuan likes men, if he abides by morals and stays with a happy man all his life, even if he is concealed and not single, as long as he does not harm innocent girls, he is worthy of himself and others.

   Then, as long as he works hard, has a monthly salary of 10,000, and lives within his means, he has already surpassed many people, and there is always hope for life.

   "Yes, it's a pity that he doesn't stand upright, so he has to do evil everywhere."


  The little fox's eyes were cold, but when he looked up at Shen Zhiyuan, he seemed to be frightened, and his expression was extremely timid.

   "I'm sorry, Zhiyuan, you are the best. Is it okay for an adult not to remember a villain? Can you give me your mobile phone? I want to call my mother-in-law."

  Shen Zhiyuan showed a suspicious look on his face.

   "Can't you fight?"

  Su Qinghuan pretended to be embarrassed and pouted.

"The time my mother-in-law came to Jiangcheng, she repeatedly scolded me, so I blacked her out. My mother-in-law is afraid that she will blacken me too. Now I borrow your mobile phone and want to apologize to her and invite her to Jiangcheng. ."

   "...You, you must be like a daughter-in-law when you are a daughter-in-law, and you must be filial to my mother in the future."

  Shen Zhiyuan handed his mobile phone over in angrily.

   "After all, you have to be virtuous when you enter my Shen's door, you know?"

  (End of this chapter)

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