The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1210: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (58)

  Chapter 1210 Phoenix man’s miserable original match (58)

  The little fox thought it would take a while to record evidence of Shen Zhiyuan’s attempted crime, but he did not expect that this dog man was more anxious than she thought.

  A cold light flashed in the little fox's eyes, and he sighed at System 233.

"Tong'er, although the recording will not be recognized by the court in many cases, this is enough to arouse the interest of the police station to investigate. Shen Zhiyuan has left so many clues, the police station people are not eating rice, let him take good care of him. In jail."

   "Yeah, Shen Zhiyuan is too impatient to wait, host, I have only now discovered that this guy is so superstitious, and he can actually attribute his recent unfortunate experience to your Koff."

   "Well, his selfish madman is too normal. Anyway, everything that happens is someone else's pot, and I can't blame myself for strange things."

   "It makes sense."

  Su Qinghuan saved the recording to his cloud disk, then put down the tablet, and carefully deleted all browsing records.


  The next day, Zhao Chunhong took the high-speed train from her hometown to Jiangcheng.

  It happened to be six o'clock in the afternoon when the old witch came, and Shen Zhiyuan wanted Su Qinghuan to pick up people at the high-speed rail station, but the little fox said with a guilty expression on his face when he received the call.

"Zhiyuan, I didn’t expect my boss to suddenly let me work overtime, and it’s almost the end of the month. If I don’t go, I won’t be able to get the award for this month. That’s a lot of money, or I’ll call my mother-in-law a car Bar?"


  Su Qinghuan's attitude of admitting mistakes is very good, but Shen Zhiyuan is very upset.

   "Qinghuan, how do I feel that it is fake that you said that you should honor my mother well. My mother came from the country all the way back. Shouldn't you push to work?"

"But that award is also very important to me. It is not only as simple as money, but also related to my career. Our leaders have recently valued me and might want to promote me and raise my salary. If this time I I'm running off, I'm afraid I won't be in a turn."

   While talking, the little fox also moved Shen Zhiyuan with affection and reason.

   "And the last time my mother-in-law came to Jiangcheng, she took an ordinary train. The train station was far away from our home than the high-speed rail station. She didn't get lost at that time, and she will never get lost now."

   "Then how can my mother go back to the community?"

  Shen Zhiyuan, of course, knew that the little fox was right, but seeing that the little fox had always used various reasons to prevaricate himself recently, and all of them were legitimate. Shen Zhiyuan vomited blood in his heart.

  He does not regard Su Qinghuan as a human being, but it does not mean that Su Qinghuan can live by himself like this every day.

  In Shen Zhiyuan's view, even if Su Qinghuan is a widow, he should fulfill his duty as a good daughter-in-law and serve her husband and mother-in-law.

   But this woman, she said she would correct it in the future, how could she do things that are so unpleasant?


  Hearing that Shen Zhiyuan on the other end of the phone was holding back the anger that was about to burst out, the little fox said aggrieved.

  "This is simple. Don't be angry at Zhiyuan. I can ask the property to help open the unit door. Anyway, you can use a code lock when you get home. It's simpler. The mother-in-law can make phone calls. How can I not enter a few digits?"


  Said by Su Qinghuan like this, Shen Zhiyuan knew that he couldn't lose his temper even if he wanted to lose his temper, he could only hate it.

   "Qinghuan, I don't want to blame you, but think about it, if your parents come from afar but I won't pick them up, what do you think?"

  "If there is a valid reason, my parents and I will definitely understand you. If you don’t believe me, should I call and ask my parents now?"


  Being gagged by Su Qinghuan’s parents, Shen Zhiyuan was so angry that he almost wanted to throw something, but he was lying in the ward now, most of which were public property, he couldn’t smash his cell phone, right?

  After all, this fruit machine is not cheap at all, and Shen Zhiyuan still owes a lot of debts. He just lifted his hand and suddenly stopped.


  Shen Zhiyuan could only say in annoyance.

   "Forget it, I don't bother to care about you, if my mother is unhappy then, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Zhiyuan, it's okay. My mother-in-law is an elder. I will definitely listen carefully to a few words from her. By the way, I really didn't lie to you before. I have been working a lot of overtime recently. I may not even be able to go to the gym. You Don't get me wrong, okay?"


Although Shen Zhiyuan didn't expect Su Qinghuan to take care of herself, after all, this Tu Feiyuan has always lived a life like a daughter, who can't carry it on her shoulders, and she even suspected that she would forget to turn off the switch.

  Just like her, of course it was Zhao Chunhong who came to take care of it.


  I just heard that Su Qinghuan worked overtime one by one, or the boss valued her. The man felt sour when he thought of Su Qinghuan’s recent salary and bonus increase.

   "Your boss didn't really intend to let you be the supervisor, right? I remember your supervisor is a man in his forties. He hasn't retired from the rapids yet, right?"

  "Well, the director of our department is in his prime, but it is said that he may be transferred to another department. After all, he got married late and his wife is also working on a career. It seems that his wife has just been pregnant."

  "His wife is in her thirties, so we are afraid that there will be variables in this birth, so our supervisor wants to find a more leisurely position for a while. Then, won't I have a chance?"

  "Your company has a lot of competitors, right? Why is it your turn?"

  Shen Zhiyuan became jealous as she listened. How could Su Qinghuan, a young girl in her twenties, have such a good opportunity?

  He can remember that the supervisor of Su Qinghuan’s department is a fat man, and there are often various customers from outside departments to please him, and he is indispensable.

  "I am confident anyway. My foreign trade order was done well. Otherwise, where would I get the 50,000 yuan bonus."


  Shen Zhiyuan became more sour as he listened, and at the same time he had a strong sense of jealousy. He almost wanted to grab Su Qinghuan’s bonus, but now the woman’s salary card is not in his charge!

  Shen Zhiyuan gave a few perfunctory sentences, and finally hung up the phone unbearably.


   Over there, Su Qinghuan did not stay in the office to work overtime as the man thought, but prepared to go to the gym to check in.

  She wants to be promoted and raise her salary, but she is not in exchange for 996. With her own business ability, the boss begged her to be too late, so she didn’t dare to squeeze her.

  As for how Shen Zhiyuan will make up for it, it doesn’t matter, she doesn’t want to serve Shen Zhiyuan’s mother and son anyway.


  At nine o'clock in the evening, the little fox prepared to go home unhurriedly.

  As soon as she got home, she saw Zhao Chunhong rushing over with a feather duster with a fierce look on her face.

  "You stinky lady, you still know to come back? If you don’t go home at night or pick me up at the high-speed rail station, do you still want to be our Shen family’s daughter-in-law?!"

  Because of Zhao Chunhong's loud voice, the neighbors next door opened the door in shock.

  (End of this chapter)

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