The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1212: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (60)

  Chapter 1212 Phoenix man’s miserable original match (60)

  Su Qinghuan still has an empty outfit in front of Shen Zhiyuan. After all, Shen Zhiyuan has to worry about his image as a "good husband".

  But in the face of a shrew like Zhao Chunhong, the more you show weakness, the more bullied you will be.


  Su Qinghuan gave Zhao Chunhong a cold look.

"Have you had enough trouble? The Qing Dynasty has been dead for many years. If you are interested in guarding women's way, I can report to you a female Durban. It just so happens that you have no husband, and you have been widowed for so many years. Clean the archway."

  As the little fox spoke, he pulled the feather duster in Zhao Chunhong's hand without hesitation.

Zhao Chunhong didn't expect Su Qinghuan to have such a great energy. The feather duster in her hand was pulled away at once, and because of the unbalanced center of gravity, she immediately fell back two steps. If she didn't hold the door frame in time, she would fall On the ground!

  At this moment, Su Qinghuan's cold eyes swept over, and Zhao Chunhong subconsciously shrank her legs when she could not stand still.

"you you……"

  Zhao Chunhong has always been a bully and fearful of hardships. She couldn't help but remember the scene when she went to Su Qinghuan's company to find faults. At that time, Su Qinghuan also didn't talk about it at all.

  The woman in front of her looks like the little daughter-in-law when she was just married to Shen Zhiyuan. She was originally weak and deceiving, and it seems that she has completely changed in the past few months!


  Zhao Chun flushed with anger-with a thick neck, she angrily sipped at Su Qinghuan, but the little fox dodged in time and was not touched by Zhao Chunhong's saliva.

   "Fortunately, you still told Zhiyuan on the phone that you must be filial to me! I can tell that you, a woman who is not obedient to women, is so filial to your mother-in-law!"

  "You slandered me like that in front of my neighbors, and you still want me to behave on you? Do you think too much?"

  Su Qinghuan gave Zhao Chunhong a cold look, and then said to Zhao Chunhong coolly.

   "If you feel uncomfortable living in the city, and it's okay, I will directly ask the security to drive you out. The owner of this house is me, not your son. Look at who was thrown out with luggage."

  "...Su Qinghuan! You are going to be wrong, right? I will call Zhiyuan now and see if he wants you as a wife!"

   Zhao Chunhong heard Su Qinghuan’s threat, and subconsciously remembered her last encounter in Su Qinghuan’s company. She was dragged out of the office area by the security guard in front of everyone.

  Zhao Chunhong, even if he wanted to slap and beat him, he couldn't match the strength of the two big men, and on the contrary, he had all sorts of blindfolded eyes.


  At this moment, Zhao Chunhong became more and more angry, and immediately took out his mobile phone and started calling Shen Zhiyuan.

  It’s just that she hadn’t dialed her phone, and she saw that Su Qinghuan had already taken a step ahead of her and seized her mobile phone.

   "You grabbed my phone?!"

  Zhao Chunhong's eyes widened. She didn't expect Su Qinghuan to be so sturdy, she immediately wanted to copy a feather duster to beat the little fox, but when Su Qinghuan's indifferent eyes swept over, Zhao Chunhong's heart suddenly palpitated.

  She hasn't forgotten how strong Su Qinghuan is.

  I heard that my precious son said that when he visited a house in an unfinished building last time, if it hadn’t been for Su Qinghuan to pull him a big man of one hundred and thirty kilograms, I’m afraid he would fall downstairs.

  Where does this woman come from such a brute force?

  If it is the soil, fat and round sample that Su Qinghuan used to, Zhao Chunhong can still understand a little bit.

  At this moment, seeing the little fox getting more and more slender and slender, Zhao Chunhong felt incredible.

  The women who work in farming in the countryside are not necessarily as fierce as Su Qinghuan!


   Just as Zhao Chunhong was puzzled, the little fox was holding Zhao Chunhong's mobile phone, and Shen Zhiyuan's impatient voice was heard from the other end of the phone.

   "Mom, what are you calling me at this time? I'm going to sleep."

  Shen Zhiyuan's voice has not yet finished, Su Qinghuan has already pinched out the crying cavity, crying and crying to Shen Zhiyuan.

  "Zhi Yuan! Zhi Yuan, you have to call the shots for me! Your mother is holding a feather duster and wants to beat me to death. She also said that I don't guard women's way! Uuuuu..."


  Suddenly heard Su Qinghuan’s cry from the phone, Shen Zhiyuan’s forehead jumped suddenly.

  If you say what annoying men are most annoying during this period, it is nothing more than all kinds of harassment from this cheap wife.

Su Qinghuan is so ignorant.

  Does he really call her the shots?

  Do you feel sorry for her?


  The man's heart was full of snow and frost. He just thought of his own plan to eat the best, but on the surface he still had to patiently ask Su Qinghuan.

   "What happened to my mother? Why did she beat you?"

"Woo, I'll be back later, but my mother-in-law misunderstood the ulterior secrets I had with my neighbor who is a lawyer. You know that the neighbor who is a lawyer often works overtime. Today, it just happened to be off work. The time is similar."

   "But my mother-in-law said that I didn't obey women's way, and she wanted me to dip my neighbor in a pig cage."


  Shen Zhiyuan was dumbfounded when he heard this.

  Subconsciously, he felt that Zhao Chunhong was really going to get into trouble.

  Never mind the others, their lawyer neighbor is not an annoying master.

  The other party is completely a workaholic, and he doesn't talk about any emotions. Before the property annoyed him, the average owner swallowed his anger, and the lawyer directly took the other party to court.

  Now their properties have changed to a new team, and their attitude towards the neighbors next door is kind of polite.

   "Qinghuan, are you okay with the lawyer Zhang next door?"

"Woo, the lawyer next door's name is Zhang? I don't remember it, but your mother wronged me and his affair. How could I have trouble with Lawyer Zhang? Someone else is an elite with an annual income of 700,000 or 800,000 yuan. , How can you see a married woman like me."


  Shen Zhiyuan did not think that Su Qinghuan and that lawyer would have any relationship beyond their neighbors.

  He breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Then Lawyer Zhang is not angry right now? My mother is such a savage person, you remember to apologize to Lawyer Zhang for me."

  "Lawyer Zhang is angry! He also said that he would sue his mother-in-law for slander! Zhiyuan, or let her mother-in-law stay at home, I really can't live with her all day long."

   "...Qinghuan, I'm wronged you, don't do this, but take care of Attorney Zhang's emotions. Either let my mother answer the phone and I will ask her to apologize to you, okay?"

  Su Qinghuan was playing outside, and Zhao Chunhong naturally heard Shen Zhiyuan's words throughout.

  Zhao Chunhong was immediately angry and annoyed.

   "Son, how do you grow up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige! I'm helping you avoid cuckolding!"

   "Why do you make me apologize to that bitch, I won't apologize!"


   Just as Zhao Chunhong was about to play his temper, Shen Zhiyuan's angry voice came from there.

   "Okay, don't you apologize? Then where are you from and where are you going back!"

  (End of this chapter)

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