The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1231: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (79)

  Chapter 1231 Phoenix man’s miserable original match (79)

  Su Qinghuan raised her head in surprise, and followed the bunch of perfume lilies still carrying dewdrops, and saw He Zhizhou’s face.

  The man's height is 1.88 meters tall. With wide shoulders and narrow hips, his body proportions are excellent. At the moment, he is wearing a white shirt and black trousers to maximize this advantage.

  Even if Su Qinghuan is used to seeing beautiful men, she can’t help being surprised by the drowsy breeze and warm sun at this moment.

   "Inspector He, why are you here?"

   "I heard that today is the day when your divorce lawsuit is decided, so I specially asked for leave in advance to congratulate you."

  Su Qinghuan took the perfume lily in He Zhizhou's hand and grinned at him.

   "What you said is wrong. It is not a divorce lawsuit, but a marriage invalidation lawsuit. There is still a difference here."

"And how do you know that I can successfully appeal? You are working as a errand in the office, and you will never know that most of the marriage lawsuits in the country will not be sentenced to divorce for the first time. You have to wait a year or a half for the second time. The probability of success is higher."

  The man saw the little fox’s casual smile, and was inexplicably dazzled.

  In fact, he rarely saw a girl who smiled so openly like Su Qinghuan, especially in front of him.

  Most of the girls, even if they are usually female men, are still squirming in front of him, like a beautiful lady, smiling without teeth, looking back with affection.

  The man pressed the palm of his hand once, and he suddenly recovered, and slightly nodded at Su Qinghuan.

  "Didn’t you say that Ji people have their own natural phenomena? After the last time you taught in the hospital, I believed it."

   "Before, you kept telling me not to feudal-establishment-superstitious-belief. I didn't expect you to begin to believe in this kind of thing now."

  The little fox shrugged indifferently.

   And when He Zhizhou saw her looking down and sniffing the perfume lily, his heart speeded up uncontrollably.

  In fact, it is also very strange. Before he met Su Qinghuan, he had never cared so much for a girl.

   But maybe because the little fox's encounter is too bizarre, or she has a mysterious temperament in her, men will be attracted to her subconsciously.


He Zhizhou didn't understand what he thought at first, but when he thought that the little fox is now single in the legal sense, even if it is a piece of wood that has never been contaminated with the relationship between men and women, at this moment, he is ignorantly aware of what he is thinking. Shocked.

  He Zhizhou shook his head stubbornly.

  "Not superstition, but a beautiful vision."

   "By the way, Miss Su, now that you have successfully returned to singleness, why not as an apologetic for my insults last time, shall I invite you to dinner?"

  "...I said, Inspector He, you will be courteous without incident, and you will steal if you commit crimes. Didn't you still think about finding out where I broke the law? Why do you want to invite me to dinner?"

  The little fox looked at He Zhizhou with a smile, and saw the man’s cold jade face stained with a light crimson, so he couldn’t help but began to arrange with System 233.

   "Help, this boy is too simple, I just teased him, and his face turned red!"

  Help, thought it was a big wolf dog, but turned out to be a little milk dog.

  This contrast is cute, really.

  唔... However, the prisoners who have been handled by He Zhizhou will certainly not think He Zhizhou is cute and cute, but I am afraid that this is a veritable living king.

  System 233 saw that the little fox was still in the mood for joking, and immediately slandered her.

   "Host, if you continue to tease the Inspector like this, people will be scared off by you, thinking you hate him, but now you are regaining freedom in the legal sense. It's okay to fall in love."

   "I'm just careful, I'm just upset, you see how I scare him."


  Seeing that the little fox has such a serious evil taste, the system 233 immediately lit a candle to He Zhizhou.

  But who called He Zhizhou a straight steel man, did he offend Su Qinghuan so much at the beginning?


   Seeing the little fox staring at him almost without blinking, He Zhizhou never felt such an uncomfortable feeling. Even his hands did not know where to put them for a while.

   "I... I'm really sorry. I thought about the previous things. If you still think I'm too much, you can scold me and I will accept it."

   "Why should I scold you? Maybe what you said is true, but I am such a vicious and deep-minded woman?"

  Su Qing looked at He Zhizhou with a smile but a smile. The careless smile in his eyes seemed to be the Manzhu Shahua driving on the other side, with a dazzling red color, and a strange legend that people dare not approach.



  How can a woman say that about herself?

  He Zhizhou was startled.

   Suddenly didn’t know how to answer.

  He naturally felt that it was a matter of course to maintain justice, but because of the little fox, the man suddenly discovered that some things could not be viewed across the board.

  He Zhizhou suddenly solemnly looked towards Su Qinghuan.

   "I don't know how much you know about Shen Zhiyuan before, but he is an inexcusable scum. If you really want to fight back, I know that you are just to protect yourself."

   "You never hurt anyone."

  An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Although this kind of thing is not fully supported by law, people like Shen Zhiyuan are too concealed. After He Zhizhou thought carefully, he didn't feel that Su Qinghuan was wrong.

   "Then you don't want to track me down, report me?"


  The dust has settled, and Su Qinghuan makes this kind of joke again, but He Zhizhou feels a little uncomfortable.

  He narrowed his eyes, shook his head at Su Qinghuan very seriously, and nodded again.

  "It's also limited to this matter. Shen Zhiyuan is more than guilty, but if you trample and ignore the lives and power of other people, I still think that the law should make a ruling."

  He Zhizhou is a man who has always been upright. He is not the kind of madman who is crooked in the mind of a little girl. For her alone, he will kill the world at all costs.


   "Inspector He Da, if you have been able to stick to this innocent heart, I believe it will be the blessing of the people of Jiangcheng."

  The little fox smiled at him, and then walked forward holding the perfume lily.

  He Zhizhou stunned when the woman said so, and then quickly chased it out, asking with red ear tips.

   "Then can I invite you to dinner?"

   "Yes, you treat, you pay the bill."



  When the little fox saw that he agreed, the man's brows suddenly spread out, and he couldn't help but chuckle again.

  This is such a fool.

  Still a little cute.

  It just so happened that she also admired this kind of idiot more than the kind of madman who gave up all the principles for the one she loved, and she was not dumb for nothing.

  The ideal and you are in your heart, so it is the best choice.

  (End of this chapter)

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