The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1257: Poor girl who was replaced with grades (19)

  Chapter 1257 The poor girl who was replaced with grades (19)

  Erya was not hungry. Originally, when they came out of Su’s house, they didn’t eat dinner. Fortunately, on the way back, Ye Wanqiu and Shen Zhenhua stuffed the two sisters with two wowotou.

  But the little girl at this age was already in the stage of growing her body and consumed a lot of energy. In addition, today Erya went around the whole village and shouted people to watch the excitement. At night, her stomach would inevitably growl with hunger.

  At this moment, seeing the brown candy in the hands of the little fox is even more greedy.

  You need to know that in normal times, the original owner and Erya can’t eat brown candy. It’s good to **** the leftover sugar paper from your younger brother Su Xiaobao.

  Where is such a good thing that they both get caught up.


  The little fox did not expect Erya was only fourteen years old. She was obviously very hungry. Faced with the snacks she liked, she could actually resist her saliva and refuse.

  It would be incredible if it were placed in front of the children who have been spoiled in later generations.

  Su Qinghuan couldn't help but feel a bit of sorrow and grief in her heart.

   "Silly boy, who said there is only one, here, there are three."

  The little fox said, taking out all the brown candy in his pocket and showing it to Er Ya.

  "I found this when I went to the kitchen earlier. There is also a little malted milk extract. The portion is too small, so I can give it to you. For sugar, you can eat one one a day, and the remaining two will be eaten tomorrow."

  Su Erya was shocked to see her sister take out so much sugar.

   "Sister, don't you want one? Er Ya is really not hungry!"

  The funny thing is that when Er Ya said this, her stomach gurgled very honestly.

  The little fox couldn't help smiling, she stretched out her hand and stroked Erya's hair.

   "My sister is really not hungry, and I don't like eating these things at all..."

"What I like is the kind of delicately crafted desserts, such as walnut biscuits, glutinous rice dumplings, rock sugar and snow pear soup, and the sour and pleasant sauerkraut fish, the delicious sirloin pot, and the hot pot that I want to eat after eating. ..."

  The little fox was talking, and he couldn't help but also became greedy.

  It’s a pity that the current environment is too bad. It’s not bad for ordinary people to eat meat. Where is the hot pot and the delicacies of Dundun Mountain?

  She can also dream about it.


  The name of the dish reported by Su Qinghuan made Erya shocked, because she felt that she hadn’t heard of many of them in the book, but she didn’t know what was wrong. When she heard the description of the little fox, she subconsciously felt that she must be very ready to eat.

"Sister, how do you know so much? I thought the best food in the world is the winter pork stew vermicelli. And by that time, the meat will be eaten by Xiaobao and parents, and we can Soup is good."


  The little fox laughed and clicked Erya's eyebrows with his finger.

"In this world, there are so many more delicious things than stewed pork noodles. When my sister gets rich, I will take you to eat in state-owned restaurants. In fact, your sister's craftsmanship is better than that of a chef in a state-owned restaurant. convenient."

"When my legs and feet are better, I will take you to catch fish in the river. When the time comes, we will grill the fish for you. I think there are all kinds of wild vegetables and pheasants on the mountain. The teacher and Mr. Shen sent a snack."

  Erya was drooling, but the little girl was relatively naive and couldn't help but say timidly.

   "...Sister, catching fish is not allowed. You will be taken to the brigade and criticized."

  The little fox gave Erya a white look.

"Stupid, there are more villagers doing this, so why don't you go with someone else on your back? And I plan to get some of our local specialties, such as mushrooms and pheasant, to sell in the city, and give us some exchange. Money and food stamps are spent."


  Er Ya was only timid, but now her pupils are really earthquake.

  Why did my sister suddenly change like a person, with so many thoughts?

   "Sister! Isn't personal private transactions not allowed?! If you are caught by the city management by the time you buy and sell things, you will not be able to learn, and you will be classified as a speculative bad-molecular one!"


  Erya, a sincere child, the little fox couldn't help laughing more happily.

"Ah, others came to catch me, won't I run away? And Er Ya, you heard from my sister that market transactions have existed since ancient times, but now they are only a little stricter, but within a year or two, in the future Doing business will become mainstream."

   "Just like Mr. Ye said that the college entrance examination will be reopened, our country will usher in the spring of great development, and the economy will flourish..."

  No matter how beautiful the little fox describes, Er Ya is always scared. She grabs the little fox's arm with a look of unwillingness.

   "Sister, wait until you approve it. The two of us are dependent on each other now. If you are taken away, Er Ya will be worried."

   "Don't worry, when your sister's legs and feet are healed, the scorpions won't be able to catch me."

  Although the original owner has lost weight, he grew up with snacks after all, and his physical fitness is not bad. The little fox is going to take Erya to practice self-defense skills. After the two go to the imperial capital to go to university, they can rest assured.

Moreover, the original master’s grades are very good, and the little fox is also a talented and intelligent person, but the college entrance examination of this era is not the same as that of later generations. The content of the investigation also focuses on ideological review, so the little fox decided to memorize some great people in two days. Quotations.

  For essays, you should also carefully read the newspaper's current reviews and incorporate some of the characteristics of the times.


   "Sister, I suddenly discovered that you are so narcissistic these past two days. You said that you know how to cook, that you know how to medicine, and that your legs and feet can beat bad people. Are these really kidding?"

   Erya whispered, and the little fox rubbed the girl's hair uncontrollably.

   "You will know from now on, just don't adore your sister too much."

  She is an all-around player.

  The little fox thought, suddenly his expression became serious.

   "By the way, Erya, besides I have to go to the health center with Teacher Ye, I also plan to send-out-the office to change the names of both of us. Do you have any ideas?"


  The little girl looked up in shock. In fact, she didn't like her name very much, she always felt very rustic, but after all, after so many years, she changed her name at every turn, Erya was still a little undecided, so she asked the little fox for advice.

   "Sister, what are you going to change to?"

   "I want to change to Qinghuan, which is Qinghuan, and I will call it Su Qinghuan in the future. Do you think this name sounds good?"

   Erya has always liked poems the most, and at this moment she clapped her hands.

   "Okay, this name sounds nice, sister, what do you think is my better name?"

  Su Qinghuan smiled slightly, took his hand and gestured in Erya's palm.

  "How about the name Su Erya? The gentle and elegant, she is a well-knowing girl, and you match this name very well, and the name is changed from Erya to Erya, which is not abrupt and very poetic."

   Erya's eyes lit up when she heard this.

   "Okay, I will be called Surya from now on!"

  (End of this chapter)

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