The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1306: Poor girl who was replaced by grades (68)

  Chapter 1306 The poor girl who was replaced with grades (68)

   Suddenly heard Fu Bo's call, the boy turned his head back.

  He squeezed the pocket watch in his hand, and the cold, handsome face finally reduced the faint smile just now.

   "No need, let's go tomorrow, anyway, we are all coming from the imperial capital to Jiangcheng, we can go back to the old house first."

  Fu Bo saw the joyful look in the young man's eyes just now, and he couldn't help but stare for a moment.

  It seems that he rarely sees Ning Yun's deeply happy appearance, but now the boy is cold and cold again, Fu Bo can't help but wonder if he was dazzled before.

  The old man could not help coughing.

"It's just that the old house hasn't lived in for many years. It may be dusty. By the way, Shao Ning, this is very close to Anning Village. Would you like to visit your aunt? When I came back, my wife kept talking about letting you go. take a look."

  Ning Yun's aunt Ye Wanqiu's beautiful face quickly emerged in his mind. Since the Ning family moved to the imperial capital to escape the disaster of the year, he has not seen Ye Wanqiu for a long time.

  But in the impression, aunt Ye Wanqiu is a very gentle woman, somewhat similar to his mother, but under the gentle appearance, there is a hint of stubbornness.

   is an admirable woman.


  Ning Yun's deep eyes revealed a touch of deep thought.

"Wait until we finish dealing with Su Guan Heding's affairs. My mother asked me to send a letter to my aunt and uncle. Now I am interested in investigating Ye's affairs and grieving Ye Jia Zhaoxue. At that time, my aunt and uncle should have been very much too. I'll be back from the country soon."

   "That's right, now this matter is finally over, I am also happy for Yelaoshr."

  Fu Bo was also very pleased to hear this.

  In the past, Fu Bo’s children were pointed out by Ye Wanqiu. Ye Wanqiu is a very unassuming teacher and never treats students differently because of their rich or poor.

Fu Bo admired Ye Wanqiu and Shen Zhenhua very much. Unfortunately, the Ye family suffered a crime in the disasters of the past few years. The Ye family was devastated, and Ye Wanqiu had to go to the countryside with her husband Shen Zhenhua to make a stand.


  Ten years passed by in a blink of an eye, I'm afraid that Yelaoshr, who made people feel gentle and respectable at the beginning, didn't know what it was like after being polished.

  Fu Bo scanned Ning Yunshen, who is now a talented person, and couldn't help sighing.

  "Shao Ning, your mother is only a few years older than Yelaoshr, but I heard that Yelaoshr and they have no children until now. Hey... I don’t know what to do in the future even if I return to Jiangcheng."

  In the minds of the older generations, the inheritance of offspring is still very important. It can be said that there are three ways to lose filial piety.

  Although the original meaning of this old saying does not mean that it is a sin to have no offspring, but looking at it, who is influenced by the concept of clan would not think that having no children is unfilial?


  Ning Yunshen frowned upon hearing this.

  He looked at Fu Bo with a serious face.

   "Fu Bo, if we leave Jiangcheng to visit my aunts and them, you must not talk about children. Aunts and them are also young, only in their thirties, maybe there will be some?"

   "Even if it doesn't, it will be a big deal in the future that I will do more of my support responsibilities."

  Although Ning Yunshen's family rarely came to Jiangcheng because of evacuation in recent years, when he was young, Ning Yunshen was still very impressed with Ye Wanqiu and Shen Zhenhua.

  My mother always sighed and said that my aunt was a hard-failed person. Fortunately, my uncle had a deep affection for her, and she would rather leave everything behind to marry her and come to the countryside.

  Perhaps, this is a rare comfort in my aunt’s life.

  After all, aunts and their elders have passed away in the turbulent past few years. There are only a few sporadic juniors left in the Ye family. The work of grievance Zhaoxue is still the Ning Yunshen family running in the dark.

The situation in the first few years was not so good, and the Ning family did not dare to do more. Now the momentum is good, and domestic public opinion is much looser than before. Ning Yun deeply believes that Ye Wanqiu and Shen Zhenhua will not stay long in the countryside. Time is up.


  Su Qinghuan still didn’t know that the handsome boy she met today was actually Yelaoshr’s cousin. The fate is so wonderful.

   Knowing Ning Yunshen’s name, she didn’t panic. Soon she hummed a small song and ran to the alley where ordinary people like to trade privately, and began to sell her own mountain products.

   "The best iron yam, uncle, do you want it?"

  A middle-aged uncle sneaked past Su Qinghuan. The little fox knew that the other party was a purchaser when he saw it. He quickly opened his rag bag and gave him a look.

   "There is also this wild mountain mushroom, which is very fresh, and it is delicious when it is fried with other dishes!"


  The middle-aged uncle took a look at Su Qinghuan’s rag bag. Like Aunt Wang, he is a person with extremely sharp eyes, so he can take a bite.

   Seeing Su Qinghuan’s top-grade iron rod yam, the middle-aged uncle’s eyes brightened.

  "Little girl, how do you sell this yam?"

"Uncle, I will tell you the truth. I am anxious to go home. If you are willing to pack these yams and wild mushrooms away, I only need this number. In terms of this quality, I don’t know how much better than the supply and marketing cooperatives. It's half sold and half free, what do you think?"

  Su Qinghuan said, comparing to the middle-aged uncle.

  The middle-aged uncle understood that the little fox meant to pack and take away a total of ten yuan. With so many iron yam and wild mushrooms, he was indeed given a discount.

   And he just took a closer look, and the quality of the yam and wild mushrooms was excellent.

  But ten yuan is not a small number, and I don’t usually buy so many things. Thinking about it this way, the middle-aged uncle couldn’t help but feel pain.

  "Little girl, the unit price you sell is not expensive, but you can’t hold back you want to sell all the goods. Or else, eight yuan, I’ll take it all, what do you think?"


  I said earlier that it was half-selling and half-free, and the little fox felt a little reluctant. If it was eight yuan, she would inevitably lose too much.

  Su Qinghuan frowned suddenly.

   "Uncle, this is not a trivial matter, I am embarrassed."

  Su Qinghuan wondered, not everyone is as rich and generous as Aunt Wang’s family.

   "Why don't we take a step back, nine yuan?"

  "If you can't finish it, you can also consider transferring some to your relatives. It is also a pleasurable one. Such a good wild iron yam will definitely be liked by many people."

   "Okay, deal!"


The little fox took the money, and she was happy in her heart. She quickly went to buy some rock sugar and fresh meat, and planned to make a braised pork for Surya. Then she thought about buying two more beautiful headbands, which she prepared to give to Surya. Ya tied her hair.

   Just as the little fox was about to leave the black market, suddenly, a panting female voice called her.

   "Xiaosu! Xiaosu! My dad said that Su Guan Heding has found a buyer!"

  (End of this chapter)

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