The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1310: Poor girl who was replaced with grades (72)

  Chapter 1310 Poor girl who was replaced with grades (72)

  A cold teenage voice sounded, in this hot afternoon, like a sudden cold rain, people subconsciously want to look at it.

  I saw that the person who came was Ning Yunshen wearing a white shirt and black trousers, and standing behind him was Fu Bo.

  Surya stared at this handsome little brother walking in the picturesque scene.

  Su Erya immediately poked Su Qinghuan in the arm.

   "Sister, who is this young man who fell from the sky? Is this the buyer in your mouth?"

  Su Erya didn't want Zhao Tianlong to know about Su Guan Heding, so she spoke with Su Qinghuan's ears, and no one else could hear her.

  But even if you don’t have to tell what the two sisters are talking about, you can clearly tell that they are in a good mood at the moment.

   Especially Su Qinghuan, she nodded with a smile, acquiescing to Surya's words.


  And Zhao Tianlong, who was caught by the wrist, was not as happy as their sisters.

  The man was directly furious, and only felt that a monstrous resentment surged into his heart. Zhao Tianlong had grown up so big that he had never been embarrassed one after another in front of others!

  Zhao Tianlong turned his head bitterly, almost wanting to punch Ning Yunshen.

   "Who is your kid?! Your grandfather Zhao's good deeds dare to spoil?! You really think you are a hero, do you think you can save the world?!"

  Ning Yun snorted when he heard the words, and Zhao Tianlong's eyes were instantly locked in by the young man's eagle-like eyes.

   "I don't care if you are surnamed Zhao or Li, you are a man of dignity. What kind of skill is it to work with women."

  Zhao Tianlong saw the handsome skin of the young man, subconsciously startled for a moment.

  But the next second is intense jealousy.

   When Zhao Tianlong turned his head and saw the obvious joy in Su Qinghuan's eyes, and Su Erya's eyes were almost uncontrollable astonishment for this young man, Zhao Tianlong was suddenly even more upset.

  ——Where did this little white face come from?

  Couldn't it be the dog man Zhao Lili said, let Su Qinghuan live a good life, right? !

  It was only at that time that Zhao Lili bit by bit and concluded that Su Qinghuan must be for petty gain, and sold herself to an old and ugly widower, but the Ning Yunshen in front of him was a little too handsome.

  Even a narcissistic man like Zhao Tianlong has to admit that Ning Yunshen’s skin bag, from the age of eight to eighty, is almost a big killer against women.


  Zhao Tianlong thought of this, and only felt that there was a feeling of jealousy that the woman he liked was robbed by others. This was the first time he encountered this. He hadn't gotten a target yet, and as a result, other men were cut off!

  It's still such a little white face with thin arms and legs!

  How can Zhao Tianlong convince him!

  Zhao Tianlong cursed at the little fox instantly.

  "Su Qinghuan, I really don’t see that you are such a superficial woman who worships money! Fortunately, you and your sister Su Erya wanted to avoid suspicion with the opposite sex. I was not allowed to come to the dormitory of Anning Middle School to find you, but what about you!?"

   "I just approached such a little white face, seeing his posture, can really satisfy your two sisters?! I'm afraid this kid hasn't grown all the hair yet, right?!"

   "Looking at this little white face really looks like a rich man in dress, it's no wonder that you dare to sever the parent-child relationship with Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei, because you have such a relationship with this little white face! I feel deeply disgusted for you!"

  Zhao Tianlong had spoken without scruples, Su Erya still didn't understand the meaning, but Su Qinghuan was instantly angry.

   Almost without thinking, she picked up a water hyacinth she had placed in the courtyard, poured a large spoonful of water directly, and poured it on Zhao Tianlong without even thinking about it.

"Zhao Tianlong, you are a dog that can’t spit out ivory! Our two sisters are not like you. They dare to touch anything dirty and smelly. You dare to contaminate a woman with a husband. You think we all Are people like you with a low moral bottom line?"

   "I advise you to get out of the way! Otherwise, we will find Shangmura and sue you!"

"I'm not afraid that you will slander our sisters. This young man named Ning is obviously the cousin of Teacher Ye Wanqiu. He just came to visit relatives. He took the wrong path for a while, thinking that he could find Teacher Ye in the dormitory of this school, but what do you think in your heart? ,shameless."

  "You have the same virtue as your sister Zhao Lili. With children like yours, I think Village Chief Zhao Zhigang wants to continue to be re-elected. That is a dream!"


  Ning Yunshen did not expect that Su Qinghuan would be able to tell the kinship between him and Teacher Ye Wanqiu in one word.

  The young man was slightly startled.

   But what was even more embarrassing in my heart was Su Qinghuan’s other identity.

  That is Su Qinghuan is the owner of the Su Guan Heding.

  At first, I had a glimpse on the street, and then when Su Qinghuan retrieved his pocket watch, Ning Yunshen did not guess that he would meet Su Qinghuan in Anning Village.

  And this girl is not only the seller who is looking for orchids by herself, but also the proud pupil of her aunt.

  The fate of the world is so ingenious that it is really amazing.


   And Zhao Tianlong, who was splashed with a spoonful of cold water by Su Qinghuan, had no intention of paying attention to Ning Yunshen's feelings.

  He always thought that Ning Yunshen was just a rich little white face, who would have thought that he was still a relative with Ye Wanqiu!

   Seeing Su Qinghuan threatening herself with his father’s election for the next village chief, even if Zhao Tianlong was unwilling to do so, at this moment he could only suppress the evil thoughts in his heart, and hypocritically dealt with Su Qinghuan and Su Erya.

"Student Su, don’t you and your sister have such big opinions on me. I thought you had any special relationship with this young man named Ning. Now that you have made it clear, why are you still taking my father’s affairs? Frighten people?"

  "You also said that you want to avoid suspicion with boys. Now I think too much and can't blame me, right?"

   "Since you are going to take this young man named Ning to visit Teacher Ye Wanqiu, then I won't bother you. I think I admired Ye Teacher very much at the beginning. Hey, next time I want to visit it myself."

  After pressing down these few words, Zhao Tianlong walked away with his tail sandwiched between them.


   "Good to go or not to send!"

  Su Qinghuan watched Zhao Tianlong's water-drenched figure with cold eyes, and the coldness and hostility in his eyes made Ning Yunshen look at him.

   "The one just now is the son of the village chief of Anning Village Zhao? Looking at this person's look, I'm afraid it is a villain who will be reported."

   "Yes, my sister and I have known this a long time ago."

  Su Qinghuan didn’t want to introduce Zhao Tianlong to Ning Yunshen. The college entrance examination was about to begin, and her revenge plan was about to begin.

   And Ning Yunshen saw Su Qinghuan’s tight lips, obviously he didn’t want to talk to himself, Ning Yunshen felt uncomfortable subconsciously.

  Except for his relatives, he never cared about the feelings of others, but at this moment, Ning Yunshen did not want to be authentic.

"I can help you!"

  (End of this chapter)

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