The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1314: Poor girl who was replaced by grades (76)

  Chapter 1314 The poor girl who was replaced with grades (76)

Ye Wanqiu watched Ning Yunshen grow up since she was a child. Although she and Ning Yunshen hadn’t seen each other for a long time because of so many years of ups and downs, but at the moment she saw that handsome face, Ye Wanqiu recognized it at first glance. other side.

  Ye Wanqiu is an easy-to-sentimental personality. At this moment, seeing her cousin hugging her husband, she burst into tears before not knowing it.

   "Yun Shen...It's really you... Am I dreaming?"

   Ye Wanqiu staggered forward, hugging Ning Yunshen and Shen Zhenhua, and suddenly wept bitterly.


  Su Qinghuan has the memory of the original owner. She has never seen Ye Wanqiu collapse like this.

  In the original owner’s impression, even if he was misunderstood and pushed into the quagmire, Yelaoshr’s eyes would only have faint tears at best, but he would not cry like he is now.

  It is obvious that Shen Zhenhua and Ye Wanqiu have been struggling with each other in life.

  Obviously he is only in his thirties, but he has already experienced things that others may not encounter in this life.

  Shen Zhenhua and Ye Wanqiu were supposed to be the pride of heaven, with good looks, good family background, and excellent education, but in these years of wandering, they gradually drifted away from their former selves.

   And seeing Ning Yunshen this time obviously touched the string in the heart of the original master's two mentors.


  The little fox couldn't help but feel a little moved, and the little girl Su Erya was holding the arm of the little fox, she shed tears, and said with emotion.

  "’s the first time I saw Yelaoshr and they were so excited, crying and laughing. It should be because of happiness?"

   "Yes, it’s always happy to meet again after a long time. If one day, our sisters are separated from each other and we haven’t seen each other for a long time, you might be like this too."

  Su Erya stared at Su Qinghuan in a daze, suddenly shaking her head as if she had made some determination.

   "Sister, I don't want to be separated from you. I will go wherever my sister goes."

"Silly girl……"

  Su Qinghuan suddenly laughed, she stretched out her hand and rubbed Surya's hair.

   "In the future, your sister will have your own family, and you will also have your own family. What's more, even if you don't meet the person in your heart, you must learn to be independent. Your sister can't stay with you forever."

  Su Er, suddenly, he thought of the neighbor’s neighbors recruiting sisters, and they seemed to be quite strange after they got married.

   "Sister, then I won't marry someone..."


   Su Qinghuan heard the words, making it even more funny, and subconsciously stretched out his hand and flicked Surya's forehead.

   "I'm talking stupid again, even if you don't plan to marry, I don't plan to die alone."

"Of course, my sister doesn't mean to ignore you completely in the future. If you are still willing to grow up in the future, we can choose to live in the same city. The two sisters have half an hour to an hour's distance in the car, and each other Support is good."

  In fact, the little fox regards Surya as his sister and as a child.

  After all, the eldest sister is like a mother, she is equivalent to Su Erya's maiden family, half a mother, half a sister.

The little fox has had daughters in many planes. She does not approve of her daughter marrying away. If the gambling wins, it is okay. If the gambling loses, it is easy to put hope on the reliability of a man. Imbalance and annihilation of the entire army.

  Of course, everyone is responsible for their own lives. It is better to be safe within the limitless options.

  If the little fox thinks his parents are reliable, getting married and having children is really not just a matter of two young couples, but also a matter of two families.

  Don’t be too in love with your brain in everything, and think calmly. Under the worst plan, the other half abandons you, or under natural disasters and man-made disasters, can you have the ability to be willing to bet and give up and start over.

It is a pity that when most people are immersed in the sweetness of love, they often can’t remember the chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea in life, and they don’t take into account the real problems of money and native families. They always feel that these are intolerable. If you have wind, flowers, snow and moon, you can drink enough water.

  And when a person is beaten up by life, he may be able to see the most simple things.

From an idealistic point of view, it’s never too late to start, but when you’re in your twenties, you make the right choice. It’s completely different from the sunk cost when you’re in your twenties and suddenly find out that you’ve gone the wrong way before. A kind of capital.

  Of course, let alone 30 or 40 years old, even if you are in your 60s or 70s, it is great to be able to stop losses in time and start again. Staying away from the people and things that consume you is the most correct.


These things Su Qinghuan wanted to teach Su Erya. She didn't want Su Erya to be too naive, and she didn't want Su Erya to be too pedantic, knowledgeable but not sophisticated, capable of self-protection, kind and sharp. It is the best background of life.

  Surya saw the affectionate look on the little fox's face, and suddenly she stopped talking.

  In fact, no one knows, she is just afraid that if she really leaves her sister in the future, she will fall into the quagmire again.

  But my sister was right. If she only wanted to rely on her sister in her life, it would have violated her original intention. She also wanted to be independent, protect herself, and protect her sister.


  Na Xiang Ning Yunshen, Ye Wanqiu and Shen Zhenhua have arranged their emotions and stood aside.

   Ye Wanqiu saw Su Erya's tearful eyes hazy, and couldn't help but push the narrow path.

   "Erya, what did you bite your ears to say to your sister? Seeing you cry like a little cat, people who don’t know think we are bullying you."


  Surya made a big red face, and Fu Bo, who had been standing next to the two sisters over there, couldn't help but joking.

   "I just heard this old bone. The little girl Erya told Miss Qinghuan that she didn't want to marry. She wanted to stay with her sister forever. Guess what Miss Qinghuan said?"

"What did you say?"

  Ning Yunshen's eyes closed slightly, and suddenly he looked at Su Qinghuan.

   "Shao Ning, Miss Qing Huan said, even if my sister doesn't want to marry, she doesn't want to be alone forever. Hahaha, do you think these two little girls are funny or not?"

   Ye Wanqiu also joked with a smile in her eyes.

   "Oh, I can't see Zhenhua's proud disciple and me, but my heart sprouts at a young age?"

   "But that's true, Qing Huan, when you go to college, you will be the legal age of marriage in two years. Would you like us to introduce you to a good boy?"

  At the moment when Ye Wanqiu was teasing Su Qinghuan, Ning Yunshen's face suddenly became cold.

  "Auntie, she has to take the college entrance examination! Where is the time to fall in love!"

  The young man uttered these words almost without thinking. When he realized that he was too emotional, the young man couldn’t help but was stunned for a moment, but the pair of phoenix eyes, but subconsciously stared at Su Qinghuan——

  (End of this chapter)

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