The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1318: Poor girl who was replaced with grades (80)

  Chapter 1318 The poor girl who was replaced by grades (80)

  When the sharp female voice crossed the eardrum, the little fox almost wondered for a moment whether he was going to be deafened.

  Because of Zhao Lili’s question, the little fox and Ning Yunshen just now seemed to have a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere, and suddenly disappeared into nothing.


  Su Qinghuan turned her head unhappily, and saw Zhao Lili stepping on a pair of small leather shoes, rushing to this side angrily.

  "Su Qinghuan! You have to be shameless! I heard my brother say that he has been showing to you for so long, but you have been on the line with a little white face, are you worthy of my brother Zhao Tianlong?!"

  Zhao Lili said, while staring at Su Qinghuan and Ning Yun angrily.

  Originally, she was looking at the alley from a distance, but she only vaguely felt that the young man standing in front of Su Qinghuan was tall and thin, and his complexion was still fair when viewed from a distance, much whiter than her own girl.

  At that time, Zhao Lili sneered. Su Qinghuan's eyes on men were really not so good. A little white face like Ning Yunshen could carry anything, I'm afraid that the pole can't move it?

  It is still necessary to have a man of mighty stature like her brother Zhao Tianlong, which is her standard for choosing a spouse in the future. Of course, she must not be as diligent as Zhao Tianlong, and he should be more handsome than Zhao Tianlong.


But now Zhao Lili is getting closer. Seeing the young man beside Su Qinghuan frowning and examining herself, it is clear that the other party has an expression of disgust. All the swear words that Zhao Lili wants to confess, suddenly get stuck and can't speak. .

  What a beautiful boy this is!

  Zhao Lili has always sneered at all the boys in Anning Village, feeling that they are not worthy of her, but she has always thought about what constitutes a handsome boy who can be in her own eyes.

  However, when Zhao Lili saw Ning Yunshen’s face clearly, she suddenly felt that the world was overshadowed.

  Even Su Qinghuan, who was an eyesore, became a completely unimportant thing. Only the young man in front of him would be willing to do anything if she could win him a laugh.


  Zhao Lili obsessively and greedily glanced at Ning Yunshen's eyebrows. This boy looks about the same size as her, how can he look so good?

  She has a mediocre literary level and can't describe Ning Yunshen's grace, but she was really blinded by lard, how could she think that the boy's skin is a little white and unsightly?

  Who said Xiao Bailian must be weak?

  Obviously it is so exciting.

  Zhao Lili even thought of a piece of mutton fat white jade given to her by her father Zhao Zhigang some time ago. The complexion of the teenager looked like this, even whiter than Su Qinghuan.

  You should know that before, Zhao Lili was always jealous of Su Qinghuan in Anning Village, where the local girls ran all over the floor, but the skin was much whiter than the average girl.

  Whoever lets girls in rural areas have no concept of skin care, sunscreen is impossible, and sunshading with umbrellas is also said to be petty bourgeoisie. As for the surprise skin care products, it is good to use a balm.

  Everyone is busy doing farm work every day, doing housework for the family, where is the time to raise a skin and tender meat? !


  Zhao Lili watched, her saliva flowed down unconsciously, she couldn't take care of others on the spot, and she immediately showed her kind words to Ning Yunshen Peacock.

  "This male classmate, what is your name? I am the daughter of the head of Anning Village, Zhao Lili, would you like to sit at my house?"

   "I heard my brother say that you are the nephew of Ye Wanqiu, right? I have a good relationship with Ye Wanqiu. I respect scholars the most. Are you here to visit relatives? Do you have any objects?"

  In fact, in this era, the average girl dare not ask boys if they have a good girl. They always feel that they can’t ask. It is the trend that boys show good to girls first.

  Even a young couple may not have the courage to hold hands in the street.

  At this moment, Zhao Lili introduced herself as the daughter of the village chief and asked if Ning Yunshen was single. This coveted heart can be seen by anyone who is not blind.


  The little fox laughed immediately when he heard the words.

  Even if she has the memory of the original owner, she still saw Zhao Lili so lowly and pretentiously talking to a boy for the first time.

When Zhao Lili was in Anning Middle School, although she was dark and ugly, she couldn’t stand the village chief’s good home conditions. There were still some boys who had other thoughts to show her favor. Unfortunately, all of them were scolded triumphantly by Zhao Lili. gone back.

  The rhetoric is still ugly, not euphemistic at all, to the effect that how can a pheasant match a phoenix, this kind of poor villager who grew up in the village is not worthy of marrying a golden princess like her.


The little fox felt very ear-piercing when he heard this, and Zhao Lili often attacked indiscriminately, sarcastically that the girls in the same high school were all village girls, but she was the white lotus who came out of the mud but not stained, and was clear but not demonized. One flower.

  The little fox never felt that it was shameful to be born in the countryside, even if it was the men and women of later generations who were really spoiled into golden pimple, for several generations, who has no relatives in the countryside?

  This kind of self-proclaimed superior behavior is undoubtedly very disgusting.

  Su Qinghuan thought this way, and then smiled and said to Zhao Lili.

   "I said that classmate Zhao, Yun Shen came here for the first time, and he was not close to you, what are you doing so passionately?"

"Moreover, in terms of teacher-student friendship, I have the best relationship with Yelaoshr in our school. Why don’t I know when you have a deep friendship with Yelaoshr? Some time ago, didn’t you still want to report Yelaoshr? Is it me? misremembered?"

   Su Qinghuan suddenly dismantled the stage, Zhao Lili's face was like an overturned palette, red and white.

  She blushed with anger and her neck was thick, and said angrily towards Su Qinghuan.

   "Su Qinghuan, why are you so embarrassed? Is Yun Shen also called by you? Isn't this classmate's surname rather? You, a seventeen-year-old girl, are embarrassed to call others so close?"

   "The parties don’t mind, what do you mind doing? Yunshen, don’t you think?"

  The little fox deliberately angered Zhao Lili. While talking, he raised his eyebrows at Ning Yun, as if the relationship between the two was very shallow.


  Ning Yunshen never thought that the little fox would have such a childish side, he smiled slightly.

   "Qinghuan, what you said is always right."

   "You, you--"

   Seeing that Ning Yunshen focused all of her attention on Su Qinghuan except for the first glance at herself, Zhao Lili instantly exploded.

  She exclaimed angrily at Ning Yun.

   "Student Ning, you must not be deceived by Su Qinghuan! Do you like her? I tell you that Su Qinghuan’s reputation is notorious throughout Anning Village!"

   "Not only did she severed her relationship with her parents, she also had something to see with my brother Zhao Tianlong and Wang Ergou in the village!"

  (End of this chapter)

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