The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1322: Poor girl who was replaced with grades (84)

  Chapter 1322 The poor girl who was replaced with grades (84)

  In the past ten years when Ye Wanqiu went to the countryside to Anning Village, she was really used to seeing the warm and cold feelings of the people, and the world was overwhelming.

  If it were not for her husband, Shen Zhenhua, she would have long been unable to sustain it.

  As for the student of Little Fox, Ye Wanqiu also loves it very much. He used to be loving and pitying, but now in addition to these emotions, there is a trace of respect and gratitude.

  She never thought that she could really conceive a child, and she was pregnant so smoothly, without spending much money, and not suffering too much.

  Ye Wanqiu is actually very afraid of taking medicine, but the Chinese medicine that the little fox made for her also put some honey in it, and it doesn’t taste so bitter.

  As for acupuncture and foot warming, the former is a bit painful, but it is still tolerable. Needless to say, the latter relies on self-discipline and persistence. Ye Wanqiu found that it is not that difficult.


  Now there are children in her belly. Whether twins, boys or girls, Ye Wanqiu has already thought about the best things for her children.

  And all this is what Su Qinghuan bestowed on him.

  Although the little fox has always said that he will do everything he wants to do, Ye Wanqiu’s luck accounts for the vast majority. After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to get pregnant so quickly. Rehabilitation is actually a very laborious task.

  Look at the future generations of science and technology that are much more advanced than they are now. It still cost hundreds of thousands, took countless medicines, used tens of thousands of methods, tried how many test tubes, and then succeeded in having a child.

  So Ye Wanqiu is now pregnant, and the little fox dare not claim to be the first. It is hard work and luck that gave Ye Wanqiu a chance.


  The more Ye Wanqiu thinks about it, the more she feels that she really wants to be better to the little fox. She is sour and happy. Now that her cousin likes Su Qinghuan, she can’t help but say something more.

"Yun Shen, your aunt grew up when you were young. I know that you are a good boy. It's just a matter of a man and a woman. It doesn't necessarily mean that two people are qualified to have a predestined relationship. Even if you start to fall in love, it may not be true. Can blossom and bear fruit."

"I didn't say this to discourage you, nor to persuade you to give up your good feelings for Qinghuan. But in any case, I only hope you understand that the world has many demands on women. As a man, since you have a heart People, the lowest bottom line is not to hurt the other party."

   "Even if you really can't be together in the end, you can stop resenting each other. That's what my aunt asked for you."

   Ye Wanqiu persuaded Ning Yunshen in a persuasive manner, and Ning Yun knew what Ye Wanqiu meant. He solemnly nodded his head, and the narrow and long phoenix eyes were full of firm expressions.

  "Auntie, you believe me, I am not that kind of frivolous prodigal son, I know, you want me to be a good man like my uncle."

  People say that Bai Fumei and Gao Fushuai are actually "public assets" in a certain sense.

  According to this theory, in fact, Ning Yunshen has too much capital to become a scum, and there are even countless unclear little girls who welcome him to be such a person. As long as Ning Yunshen can cover the rain and dew and divide them a little bit.

  Ning Yunshen never thought of using his appearance or family background to reduce the dimension of others.

  "Aunt, you understand me. My mother's teaching to me has always been to find a good daughter to live a simple life. And I myself yearn for the kind of romance of one person for a lifetime."

  Hearing what Ning Yunshen said, Ye Wanqiu was relieved at the beginning, but after thinking about it, he felt hesitated again.

   "Yun Shen, you said that your mother wanted you to find a good girl. Auntie told you earlier that Su Qinghuan and the others are in a mess, and it is for this reason that she took her sister to sever the relationship with her parents."

"I know, for ordinary people, if you want to talk about the other half, would you mind if this is really a rebellious behavior? Your mother's side I can persuade, but your father has always been stodgy, I'm really afraid... "

  Ye Wanqiu really treats Su Qinghuan as half a daughter.

  In a sense, she even thinks that Su Qinghuan and Su Erya are better than their parents.

  Ye Wanqiu can almost think of it. In the future, I am afraid that Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei will inevitably have to entangle Su Qinghuan and Su Erya.

  Abusive people like Su's father and Su's mother, even if they temporarily signed the parent-child relationship severance letter, they definitely wanted to make a fortune from their two daughters.


  Ning Yun knew what Ye Wanqiu was worried about, so he smiled faintly.

  "Auntie, you don't have to care about those, I know best why Qinghuan is so decisive."

  "As for my parents, I will persuade myself that I am a maverick. The person I like is that I want to marry, but not my parents. I will not sway like that."

"Moreover, I believe that someone with temperament like Qinghuan, even if others don’t understand and misunderstand her, when you get along in depth, you will definitely like her. My parents are also knowledgeable people and will never be too pedantic. of."

   Seeing the young man’s such serious explanation, Ye Wanqiu couldn’t help feeling very satisfied and relieved as she listened.

   "That's good, Auntie, don't worry now."

Ning Yun thought deeply, then suddenly said to Ye Wanqiu.

"One more thing, aunt, I want to invite you and your uncle to the Imperial Capital to recuperate. You are now pregnant. The medical conditions, food, clothing, housing and transportation in Anning Village are a bit poor. Uncle I asked about it and it was the main reason for consent. It depends on your opinion, so what do you think?"


  Ye Wanqiu’s biggest fear is not to trouble Ning Yunshen and the others. Given her relationship with the Ning family, it’s okay to stay for a while.

  The woman hesitated.

   "How about not waiting for the college entrance examination to be over? I am afraid that Qinghuan will be distracted, and it will be less than a month."

"Aunt, don’t think like this. Qinghuan actively suggested that I persuade you to go to the imperial capital. If you are here, a pregnant woman, she will want to take care of you more, such as eating, drinking and nutrition. She is sure It will take a lot of trouble."


   Ye Wanqiu heard this, and she was taken aback for a moment. She thought of Su Qinghuan’s usual cooking at her own house, and she also understood what Ning Yunshen meant.

  The woman sighed.

   "Never mind, just listen to you."


  Two days later, Ning Yunshen took the documents stamped by the imperial capital, and took Ye Wanqiu and Shen Zhenhua to the imperial capital.

  The entire Anning Middle School was shocked upon hearing this news!

  Many students sighed.

   "Teacher Ye and Teacher Shen are too conscientious. They are going to take the college entrance examination, but they ran away..."

  Su Qinghuan heard this kind of rumor, she only felt chilly, and she looked around everyone coldly.

   "Teacher Ye and Teacher Shen have been dedicated to Anning Village for ten years. They had their first child at the age of 30, and she and Teacher Shen were legally moved. What qualifications do you have to say about them?"

  (End of this chapter)

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