The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1324: Poor girl who was replaced with grades (86)

  Chapter 1324 The poor girl who was replaced by grades (86)

  The day of the college entrance examination was not as clear as everyone had hoped. Whether it was in Jiangcheng City or Anning Village, it was full of pouring rain.

  Little fox is wearing rain boots and holding a **** umbrella, but the clothes are still inevitably drenched, and the condition of other students is not much better than that of Su Qinghuan.

  However, Su Qinghuan came with preparations. Although her dormitory did not have TV and radio and could not listen to the weather forecast, the little fox judged that it would rain today based on the weather last night.

  In addition to carrying an umbrella like other classmates, she also brought a small towel and some pancakes. Before entering the examination room, she could wipe the water droplets on her body a little, and the pancakes were used to fill up her belly.

  If you are hungry and growl halfway through the test, it will be troublesome.


  The only thing that little fox is fortunate is that his aunt has always been normal, and as usual, she did not send a monthly letter in advance during the college entrance examination.

  With the current sanitary conditions, the aunt’s towels are not popular in big cities, not to mention the corners of Anning Village. If you encounter the aunt period during the college entrance examination, it will be really painful.

  On the one hand, the exam status will inevitably be less handy than usual, and on the other hand, given the current conditions, it is difficult to clean up and hygienic alone.


  Because of this, the little fox feels more and more that after arriving in the imperial capital, it is best to find a capable merchant as soon as possible and cooperate with her to sell the aunt’s towel.

  Furthermore, according to the trajectory of the current world, two years after the resumption of the college entrance examination, there were advertisements in some big cities that could afford to watch TV.

  She plans to publicize the role and convenience of the aunt’s towel.

  It is definitely beneficial to women’s living standards.


  Thinking like this, the little fox thought, and the bell in the examination room has already rang. This is a preparation bell, not an official test bell, which means that you can enter the examination room now, and the test will officially start in ten minutes.

   Just as the little fox was about to put down the towel, a girl suddenly bumped her and sneered at Su Qinghuan with disdain.

   "When is it all, there is still time to wipe her face here, just a hypocritical woman like you, can still go to God’s school? Go dreaming!"

  The little fox's eyes were slightly cold, and when he looked up, he unexpectedly saw Zhao Lili's triumphant face.

  Su Qinghuan's pupils suddenly shrank.

  ——Because according to the original world line, although the original owner and Zhao Lili both took the college entrance examination, they were not in the same class.

  Now this assignment, I don’t know if it is because of the meteor that has missed its orbit, or because Zhao Lili hates herself and specially arranged it with her father Zhao Zhigang.


  Zhao Lili came into contact with Su Qinghuan’s cold and disgusting eyes, and her unhappiness became stronger.

   "What do you look at? Is it worthy to stare at this lady for a village girl like you?"

  Zhao Lili said, she swaggered into the examination room and sat down.

  She is expected to officially start the test in a few minutes, and the invigilator has already entered. It is impossible for Su Qinghuan to make trouble at this time.


  The little fox only felt that Zhao Lili was really good at acting, poisonous and stupid, and it was a good match for Zhao Lili.

  Su Qinghuan's thin lips pressed into a straight line, and then walked into the examination room with an indifferent expression.

  As she expected, she sat at the desk in front of Zhao Lili.

  Before, the little fox was still suspicious whether it was Zhao Lili’s handwriting arranged by her father. Now it seems that it is really eight to nine.


  After all, as we all know, the person sitting at the back is best to peek at the papers of the person in front.

  If the little fox sat behind Zhao Lili, there would be no such speculation.


  Su Qinghuan is also calm. Of course she knows that Zhao Lili's eyesight is very good. There are few nearsighted people in this era.

   Unfortunately, Zhao Lili's wishful thinking is about to fail, and she does not intend to let Zhao Lili copy her own papers.


  The little fox was prepared, and soon, the official test bell rang.

  The invigilator quickly distributed the papers, but the little fox did not rush to fill in his name and admission ticket number, but carefully scanned the rough questions of the first test paper, especially the final big composition.

  When he saw the material on the composition topic, the little fox's eyes lit up.

——This is also a coincidence. The original text of this material is an official document I have seen in the newspaper before, and the little fox has the ability to remember the original author's central idea verbatim. .

  The little fox was originally worried about the composition, because the college entrance examination composition of this era is not the same as the later generations. There are a lot of great-person quotations and great-person thoughts.

  Little Fox originally worried about whether he would be off-topic or not closely integrated with current affairs. Now, when I look at the topic of the composition, it is really no different from sending sub-topics.

  And related quotations from great people, the little fox has also memorized it, so it won’t even be useless to quote them.


  Zhao Lili filled in her name and admission ticket number, and when she looked up and saw that Su Qinghuan was still reading the content of the test paper in an orderly manner, she immediately began to beat her heart.

  She thought to herself.

  ——Could it be that Su Qinghuan couldn’t even do the first language test paper, right? Headache like this?

  Zhao Lili started to beat the drums in her heart. She has always been jealous of Su Qinghuan’s good studies, and never thought of sending Su Qinghuan to the imperial capital, but her idea was to use Su Qinghuan’s college entrance examination results!

  If Su Qinghuan couldn’t do this test paper, wouldn’t his dream of going to university in the imperial capital be frustrated?


  Zhao Lili felt dissatisfied in her heart, and began to resent Su Qinghuan's big talk. She hurriedly scanned the language question, and could only write the answer hastily.

Little Fox didn't know that Zhao Lili had so many inner dramas. After reading the complete test paper, she also started answering the questions. She was very careful when doing the questions. She used her body to cover the eyes of the people behind, and her arm was also pressed on her own answer sheet. .

  The most important thing is that she put the answer sheet backwards as soon as she finishes it, completely preventing others from prying or plagiarizing.


  When there was more than half an hour before the exam, Little Fox had written all the test papers. This was because she deliberately wanted the writing to be neat and beautiful, and full of speed.

  Otherwise, she only needs half the time to finish the exam.


  After checking it twice, the little fox simply slept in the examination room and slept for a while, pressing the entire paper under his head.

  And Zhao Lili, who was sitting behind her, felt even more anger in her heart!

  This Su Qinghuan!

  How could there be such a stingy woman as Su Qinghuan in this world, defending her like a thief!

  Never mind the first language, she can write it in a blind manner, but what about the math behind it!

  She hates dealing with things like mathematics the most. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are just like the heavenly book!

  (End of this chapter)

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