The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1336: Poor girl who was replaced with grades (98)

  Chapter 1336 Poor girl who was replaced with grades (98)

  When they saw the little fox standing in the living room in good condition, the village chief Zhao Zhigang and the village chief’s wife were dumbfounded.

  It’s impossible for your own son to be unable to hold on for a few minutes, right?

  Can this little girl wash up and get dressed and go downstairs to watch TV?

  The most important thing is that the little fox has a calm face and a proper demeanor. He doesn't seem to have any problems. If it is really indescribable by his son, how can he stand here with good intentions?


  Zhao Zhigang felt absurd in his heart, but for a while he didn’t know what went wrong.

  Until there was a scream like a pig from upstairs.

   "Ah, ah——!!!"

  Although the voice is broken, Zhao Zhigang is very familiar with it. This is clearly the cry of his daughter Zhao Lili!

   "What's the matter?! What happened to my daughter? Su Qinghuan, did you do something to her?"

  Zhao Zhigang panicked. He hadn't thought of the most terrible aspect. After all, ordinary people's imagination couldn't think of what Zhao Tianlong would do to his aunt's sister.

  Zhao Zhigang looked at Su Qinghuan sternly with his eyes, and the scrutiny and questioning in his eyes were beyond words.

  If the original owner is standing here instead, I’m afraid I’ll be frightened by the terrifying eyes of the village chief.

  But what kind of person is the little fox, she stood upright, and even looked at Zhao Zhigang suspiciously.

"The village chief, what do you think? I'm here today to ask about Lili's admission notice, but who knows that Lili seems to be caught in the rain and cold, and soon said that she was uncomfortable and she would go upstairs to rest. "

"And your son Zhao Tianlong also helped her up. I am a guest after all, so I stayed in the living room peacefully and never went anywhere. After all, guests can’t go to your second-floor bedroom at will, you say is not it?"

  It’s okay for the little fox not to explain. With this explanation, Zhao Zhigang, the village chief who is an old fried dough stick, felt a little bit in his heart, only to think that some terrifying to horrible thought passed through his mind.

  No, it's definitely not what I thought.

  Perhaps Tianlong was also caught in the rain, and temporarily lost that idea, so I let Su Qinghuan go and let her watch TV here?


  Village Chief Zhao Zhigang thought of his sons and daughters who are not climate-friendly, he was worried and nervous, and he almost staggered for a while and failed to stand firm.

  The village chief’s wife obviously didn’t turn her mind as fast as Zhao Zhigang. Seeing her husband panting, she asked Zhao Zhigang suspiciously.

   "Zhigang, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

  Zhao Zhigang took a deep breath, and suddenly realized that the matter today is very serious, if the situation really gets out of control to the direction he wants.


  In any case, he at least has to keep his Zhao family's reputation!

  Yes, it is the reputation of the Zhao family, not Zhao Lili or Zhao Tianlong or even his Zhao Zhigang's reputation!

Zhao Zhigang used to see his son bullying men and women in the village, but at most he could only say a few words. He never thought of really taking care of Zhao Tianlong, but what might happen today made Zhao Zhigang regret it abruptly. NS!

  Why should he be so gentle with this evil barrier!

  If...if really...

  Zhao Zhigang didn't dare to think about it anymore. Seeing the screams upstairs getting louder and louder, his hands trembled, and he quickly ordered Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei.

   "Weidong! Chunmei! Excuse me for not being able to entertain me well today. Something may have happened to my two children. Please take Su Qinghuan out first and don't let her in!"

  Zhao Zhigang realized that the little fox probably didn’t know what was happening upstairs, otherwise she, a seventeen-year-old girl, could not stand here so calmly.

   But in any case, today’s things are family ugliness and should never be publicized.

  Especially Su Qinghuan and Zhao Lili can’t match Zhao Tianlong. If Su Qinghuan knows about this, I’m afraid the whole Anning Village will know about it the next day!

  Not to mention the villagers like Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei, who are the ones who love gossip and gossip. Zhao Zhigang didn’t want his fame, so he ruined it all here!


   Seeing that Zhao Zhigang promptly asked Su's father and Su's mother to invite himself out, the little fox raised his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help but sigh at System 233.

   "It seems that this village chief is not a idiot! But his son and daughter really haven't inherited any of his own cleverness..."

  System 233 also nodded.

   "Yes, host, do you think that Zhao Zhigang has been the mayor of Anning Village for so many years, why has he stayed in this position until now? It is not enough just to give him benefits."

  It's like Zhao Zhigang sold the little fox's admission notice to Mr. Wu in Jiangcheng. Some people like Mr. Wu, below are people who want to give him gifts and favors, but most people don't have this opportunity at all!

  Even if you have money, you can’t set foot on Wu Lao’s boat.

  From this perspective, Zhao Zhigang still has a good set of things in this kind of human society.


  Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei were immediately anxious when they saw Zhao Zhigang saying that they would coax the little fox out.

   "Village Chief, this is different from what we said!"

  The little fox hasn't been handled by Zhao Tianlong yet, so does the village chief promised the benefits of their couple?

  Zhao Zhigang knew that Su's father and Su's mother were light-eyed goods, but time could not be delayed, he said immediately.

   "All the benefits that should be given! Hurry up and coax Su Qinghuan away!"


  As soon as Su Qinghuan had not been taken down, but the benefits could still be paid, Su's father and Su's mother immediately got excited!

  Then they can sell their daughter again in the future, how great!

  Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei immediately picked up the feather duster and slapped Su Qinghuan!

   "Let your shameless thing slosh everywhere! Don't get out of here!"

  Before the feather duster hit the little fox's leg, the little fox trot out.

  She was about to come out.

  The only thing she disliked was that the trouble was not big enough.

  Don’t blame the Zhao family for being too ruthless, blame them for being unworthy of being a human being!


  Now that the rain has stopped and someone is preparing to make dinner, the little fox hurriedly shouted at the highest volume.

   "It's going to die! It's going to die! The village chief abetted parents to beat people!"

  "Everyone, go to the village chief’s house! The village chief is crazy today! He did such a thing!"

  The sound of the little fox is a bit penetrating, and now it’s time for dinner, it’s easier to attract people to come out to watch the excitement.

  Some even began to accuse Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei.

   "Why are you still hitting this female doll, she has cut off relations with you!"

   "Dear uncles, uncles, aunts and sisters-in-law! The village chief is really crazy today! It's useless for you to persuade me my parents here, go to the village chief's house and call the village chief!"

  The little fox looked pitiful, and his eyes were red. Immediately, a bunch of villagers who watched the excitement were not too troublesome and ran to Zhao's house!

  (End of this chapter)

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