The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1345: Poor girl who was replaced with grades (107)

  Chapter 1345 The poor girl who was replaced with grades (107)

   After Zhao Lili was humiliated by the classmates in the liberal arts college, when she saw Su Qinghuan and Ning Yunshen talking and laughing, she suddenly threw her luggage over in a fit of anger!

  "Dog men and women! Kill you all--"

  In Zhao Lili's view, all of her misfortunes were brought about by Su Qinghuan!

  If it wasn't because her brother likes Su Qinghuan, how could she faint and come up with a plan to let her brother buy medicine to overthrow Su Qinghuan?

  If it weren’t because that second-rate boy likes female college students, how could she be bullied by those people again because of fraudulent use?

  And now, if it wasn't for Ning Yunshen to carry the luggage to Su Qinghuan, how could these students in the College of Arts look down on themselves? !


  These unreasonable and unfounded words have been circling in Zhao Lili's mind.

  Zhao Lili has been crazy since the rainy day was indescribable.

  Since she has a hard time, she wants to make the whole world hard!

  Holding this belief, Zhao Lili almost threw her luggage over without even thinking about it!


   "Sister! Brother Ning! Be careful—"

  Su Qinghuan and Ning Yunshen are talking, the two have not noticed the noise behind them, and Su Erya is a step slower.

  She likes her sister very much, and she also thinks that Ning Yunshen is a good person, so at a young age she wanted to match her sister and Ning Yunshen, deliberately putting them behind them, creating a two-person world for them.

  Unexpectedly, she actually saw the crazy woman Zhao Lili rushing over!


  Su Erya didn't even think about it, so she rushed forward and wanted to stop Zhao Lili.

  Ning Yunshen was carrying luggage in both hands and wanted to throw these cumbersome things at the moment, so he took a long time.

It was Su Qinghuan. Because of the blessing of the soul and the fact that she had been in Anning Village during this period of time to train herself and Surya's stamina, the little fox suddenly stopped with an incredible speed after hearing the warning. Zhao Lili's arm!

  Zhao Lili was originally not a Lianjiazi, her shoulder blades were contained, and the luggage in her hand fell off and hit her own foot directly!

   "Oh, my feet! Su Qinghuan, you shameless bitch!"

  The hatred in Zhao Lili's eyes burst into flames.

  Especially the little fox is so agile in his hands and feet, almost as shown in the TV series, she was captured by three times.

  Zhao Lili was embarrassed and was pressed to the ground by the little fox.


Ning Yunshen also reacted very quickly. He had a certain knowledge of the little fox's skill. When his pocket watch was stolen, the little fox helped him retrieve it at an unimaginable speed. Pocket watch.

  The man immediately said to the little fox and Surya.

   "You are optimistic about this crazy woman. I will go to the train station of the Imperial Capital to find a security guard. It is best to send her directly to the police station."


  Zhao Lili heard Ning Yunshen being so cruel, her eyes protruded in shock.

  "Don't! Don't you go!"

  Today is the time for her to go to school to report. I knew that Ning Yunshen was such a ruthless person. Zhao Lili really didn't dare to provoke Su Qinghuan, at least she couldn't vent her anger in public.


   "Now know that you are afraid?"

  The little fox gave Zhao Lili a sneer.

  She was thinking about when she wanted to let Zhao Lili know the feeling of despair. This time, it was a good opportunity.

  If you guessed correctly, Zhao Lili should have not only her own ID card, but also a forged ID card and the admission letter named Zhao Wan'er.

  All these three things are complete. If Zhao Lili waits to enter the station, the police officers of the police station are not eating rice, and they don’t need any tips from the little fox, and they should guess that this woman has violated the red line of the law.


  Zhao Lili’s worries were not as far-reaching as the little fox thought. What she was most afraid of now was that she missed the school report time, so her head was dizzy and she could only plead with the little fox.

   "Su Qinghuan, we are in the same village anyway, and we also went to school in Anning Village together. We are high school classmates. Can't you let me go?"

   "Just now...I really didn't mean to smash you and that classmate Ning just now, I just want to reminisce with you!"


  The little fox raised his eyebrows with a smile.

   "Your Zhao family's way of retelling the old is really unique."


  When Zhao Lili heard this, she felt ashamed.


  On the other side, Ning Yunshen’s work efficiency is very fast. It may be because of the beauty of the gods. It happened that there were police officers guarding the order in the security department. Hearing Ning Yunshen's words right now, he quickly rushed to this side.

  The police officer was taken aback when he saw the little fox professionally grabbing gestures.

   "Little girl, have you practiced, right?"

   "Ah, it's just some superficial fistwork."

  In fact, the little fox wants to teach Surya some more professional military-physical boxing, but Surya's physique is not that good, so the little fox still tries to use simple self-defense techniques as much as possible.

  But Surya quickly recognized the appreciation of the little fox in the eyes of the badged police officer, and she raised her head proudly.

   "My sister knows everything!"

   Facing this world's number one sister, Rao, a teenager like Ning Yunshen who has always been cold-faced, couldn't help but smile.

   "Qinghuan, your sister, is your first lover."

   "Yes, I think so too."


  The neglected Zhao Lili over there is so angry that her eyes are red!

  She is still being pressed by Su Qinghuan here!

  Seeing that the police officers were coming, Zhao Lili felt a little scared in her majestic uniform facing the other party, and she immediately wanted to give it a go.

  "Comrades, don’t believe what they say! You have also seen it. It was Su Qinghuan who pressed me here. She was picking things on purpose! I didn’t do anything to them at all!"

"you are lying!"

  Su Erya was the most restless, and immediately gave Zhao Lili angrily.

  She has been with her sister for so long, and she has also learned to be clever and smart, and she soon pulls an aunt next to her who has been watching the excitement.

  Su Erya obediently bowed to the police officer and the aunt.

  "Auntie, please tell this comrade-in-chief about the specific situation. Is this Zhao Lili in red wronging my sister?"

  That aunt is also a wonderful person. Earlier, she saw Zhao Lili tearing apart with the classmates of the liberal arts college, so she kept talking.

  After talking about the causes and consequences, the aunt immediately said to the police officer with righteous indignation.

  "Brother, take this little girl in red quickly, she really needs to be educated, otherwise it will affect the appearance of the city!"

   Faced with the corrections of passers-by, Zhao Lili couldn't hold herself any longer, screaming with anger.

  "You are talking nonsense! You are talking nonsense! You are an accomplice hired by Su Qinghuan and the others!"

  (End of this chapter)

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