The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1351: Poor girls who were replaced by grades (113)

  Chapter 1351 The poor girl who was replaced with grades (113)

  Principal Sun and Ning Yunshen’s mother are old friends, so they naturally know that the Ning family came from Jiangcheng, so that’s why, principal Sun recommended the counterfeit to participate in the impromptu foreign language speech contest with Ning Yunshen at the beginning of the school.

  At the time, Principal Sun felt that the little girl named Su Qinghuan had such excellent grades, she added a special English course if she did not apply for a foreign language major, which shows that she was extremely confident in her own level.

  And the two young people are both from Jiangcheng. Ning Yunshen has always had a cold personality. Perhaps for a genius girl from the same place, the cooperation will be smoother.

  It's just a pity that the performance of that counterfeit made Principal Sun deeply disappointed.

  At the very least, I’m sorry for Su Qinghuan’s college entrance examination results.


  Now I see the little fox, and I know that the little fox is also called Su Qinghuan.

  The meaning of Ning Yun's recommendation of the little fox today is worth studying!

Principal Sun stared at Su Qinghuan for an instant. He is a person who cherishes his talents. Although he has not tested the depth of the little fox's cultural literacy, but seeing her words and deeds are humorous and elegant, there is an indescribable wind-flow of talent. .

   And out of the principle of sympathy, Principal Sun knew how arrogant this person Ning Yunshen was. Even though the little fox looks good, it is not as exaggerated as Pi Xiangqing. Ning Yunshen has always been more talented than color.

  It can be seen that the little fox is by no means ordinary people.


  Su Qinghuan was not surprised that President Sun was so surprised when she heard her own name, because from the other's expression, she had guessed that President Sun was also questioning the identity of the counterfeit.

  The little fox nodded generously.

"Yes, I am also from Jiangcheng. In fact, I am also a candidate for the college entrance examination this year. Although I come from a small village that is not well-known, I cannot know my college entrance examination results. I was surprised."

"After all, I used to be the number one in our school, year after year. My mentor is also Yunshen’s aunt and uncle. The two teachers are also college students, and the teaching level is not inferior to some good schools in the city. ."

  All this information made Principal Sun’s pupils shrink quickly.

  He slapped the table furiously!

   "I remember! You were studying at Anning Middle School in Anning Village, right?"

  Principal Sun thinks about it more and more.

   "Because you were the first place in the province, and the volume is really beautiful, our Imperial Capital University thought about sending two teachers to Anning Middle School to interview you. By the way, I would like to ask if there is a need for financial assistance."

   "Who knows, your village chief intercepted me!"

   "You are the real Su Qinghuan!"

  The little fox felt sad, and she sighed.

"Actually, Yun Shen and I have already had this guess, but I took the liberty to ask, I have heard about the level of that counterfeit from Yun Shen, but I don't know if her usual handwriting is also imitating me? "

  There are many homework submitted by the original owner in Anning Middle School. The pen is not like the thin gold body or cursive that the little fox has always liked, nor is it like the little fox’s small letters for exams. These can't be learned overnight.

  The original master's handwriting is more leaning toward the neat and graceful fonts. The little fox suddenly crossed to this plane. After thinking about it, it is natural to imitate the original master's pen in the usual exams.


  The original master’s handwriting is relatively easy to learn, and there are a lot of original master’s homework in the school, presumably that is why the counterfeit can imitate well.

The other party’s family has money and rights, and should have good grades. It’s just not enough to reach a top-notch school like Imperial University. If you copy the original master’s pen style carefully one month before admission to the college entrance examination, let’s not learn 10%. But roughly it can be similar in six to seven points.

  At that time, even if others see it, they won't study it carefully.


  From this perspective, it is no wonder that in the original world trajectory, no one has discovered that my original owner was replaced by an imposter.

  After all, electronic identity entry was not developed at that time, and the original owner was so ruined by Zhao Lili’s brother Zhao Tianlong, and finally married in dismay, and never took the second college entrance examination.

  Time and fate.

  How cruel.

  If you change to future generations, I dare not say that there is no imposter, but at least, it will not be like the original owner, it will be almost seamlessly covered, and the degree of difficulty of committing crimes has also soared.


  Principal Sun sighed, still holding back his anger. If he hadn't just patted the table and saw that the little fox and Ning Yunshen were still in front of him, he was afraid that Principal Sun would go to the teaching area to get people.

"That counterfeit can be considered a little capable, and the handwriting is indeed different from the college entrance examination papers, but it is not too far off the mark. At that time, your Chinese composition and the entire volume of English were treated as full scores. I and several colleagues have both. I've browsed it and I am amazed."

  "Later, the Imperial Capital University also had an opening test. The girl who pretended to be you lost that kind of aura in handwriting and answers, but she couldn't tell what was strange."

   "After all, she wouldn't be able to get to the end of the crane. It's just mediocre. In the Imperial College, she ranks in the middle or lower. Several of our teachers thought that the college entrance examination is your extraordinary performance. This is not impossible."

  The more Principal Sun thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved. He was so mediocre because of the counterfeit at the time. He felt it was a pity. Who knows, that person is not the righteous at all!

  What a ridiculous thing!

  Principal Sun used to think that even if this kind of thing were to happen, it would be quite normal in that kind of ordinary school, and it was really impossible for their Imperial University!

  After all, ordinary people face such top-tier schools. If they come to a few exams at the beginning of school, they are afraid that ordinary people will not be able to pass. And this girl is obviously stuck above the bottom line and is extremely confusing.


  The little fox listened to Principal Sun’s words, and was more sure of his guess.

  "Okay, then let’s go, Principal Sun, you invite that girl over and ask her to do a few papers with me and have a competition. How about verifying the authenticity?"

   "This method is good!"

  Principal Sun nodded quickly. He was afraid that he could not restrain his anger and would get rid of him, so he asked Ning Yunshen to find someone.


  The real name of the counterfeit was Wu Yufeng. At this moment, seeing Ning Yunshen coming to find herself, and seeing the long-looking young man outside the classroom, Wu Yufeng felt a little longing, but he did not dare to show it.

  Because she knew that she was too slack in the foreign language impromptu speech contest last time.

  Wu Yufeng asked carefully.

   "Student Ning, the principal let us over? Will it be another competition this time? I'm not feeling well recently, and it may not be suitable for this kind of occasion."

  Ning Yun's expression was indifferent.

   "It's okay, it's just a simple quiz. The school wants to find two girls this time."

  Wu Yufeng immediately breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, but when she walked to the principal’s office and saw the little fox, she suddenly slammed her heart!

  (End of this chapter)

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