The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1357: Poor girl who was replaced with grades (119)

  Chapter 1357 The poor girl who was replaced with grades (119)

  Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Lili had just been arrested on the front foot, and Zhao Zhigang was quickly found to have had a lot of non-compliant "favorable income" during his tenure in the village.

  Ning Yun deliberately promoted the investigation of this matter. Because of the meticulous investigation, the impact was also very far-reaching, and he dug up one cancer after another from Anning Village to the entire Jiangcheng.

  Able to clean up the atmosphere, the people in Jiangcheng are naturally happy, and they want to tell each other.

   And the beautiful multi-storey small western-style building of Zhao Zhigang's house was directly overthrown.

  Without a place to stay, Zhao Tianlong was instantly dumbfounded.

   What made Zhao Tianlong unacceptable was that he was taken away by the police station before he had time to worry about the accommodation for too long!

  The reason is very simple, because he was indescribable to Zhao Lili at the beginning!

  Ning Yunshen wanted to investigate one thing, so naturally he worked extremely hard.

  Maybe Zhao Tianlong himself had forgotten, where he bought the powder, but Ning Yunshen meticulously investigated it.

  From the time to the seller, as well as the group of villagers who were onlookers in Anning Village, the evidence is available.

  All of the Zhao family were detained in prison except the village chief’s wife.

  Of course, now she is no longer the village chief’s wife. Her husband, son and daughter are in jail, almost reduced to a joke for the entire Anning Village.

  But no one in the village sympathizes with this middle-aged aunt.

  At the beginning, the other party relied on that she was the village chief’s wife, so he used to dominate the village and cultivated his son and daughter into this virtue. The villagers hated and poisoned their family.

  Now everyone just laughs, the way of heaven is reincarnation.


  Wu Lao and Wu Yufeng are naturally not immune from this trial.

  There are more people who want to find favor with Mr. Wu. Judging from Mr. Wu’s acceptance of Zhao Zhigang’s letter of admission, he knows how terrible what the family is doing behind the scenes.

  At the beginning, the Wu family was standing on a high place, it can be said to be full of scenery and self-confidence.

  Wu’s family can only feel the taste of tears from behind bars.


  The villagers in Anning Village first knew that Zhao Zhigang had stolen the admission letter of the provincial champion, but they didn’t know who the champion was sacred.

  Until the court’s trial came down, when everyone saw the Jiangcheng Evening News summarizing the matter, they sorted out the general context.

  At this time, the little foxes have been studying at Imperial Capital University for almost two months.

  Those who have good things specifically find Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei.

   "Oh, Weidong, Chunmei, it turns out that your eldest daughter is so good, she sent the people from the Zhao family to the bureau!"

   "That's not it. No wonder that little girl wanted to sever the parental relationship with the two of you at the beginning, but now her wings are so strong that she has passed the exam for God's university!"

  Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei were picking vegetables in the yard at the moment. When they heard the words of these good villagers, they both couldn't help but stare out.

   "You said that the disobedient eldest daughter Su Daya in my family was the one who sent Zhao Zhigang and his family to the prison?"

   "Oh, don't believe me, there is a newspaper here. Although you two only have elementary school education, you will always know these simple words!"

  Dong Chunmei stared at what was written in black and white in the newspaper, her lips trembled subconsciously.

   "There is no such thing as Su Daya! Our white-eyed wolf daughter has a good grade, but it sounds impossible to get the provincial champion as soon as it sounds!"

   "Why don't you believe it so far? Didn't you see the six words Su Qinghuan in Anning Village clearly written on it?"

   "Su Qinghuan?"

  Dong Chunmei and Su Weidong couldn't help but stunned for a while. For a while, they felt that the name was a little familiar, but they couldn't tell why it came out, as if they had heard it somewhere.

   Su Xiaobao, who just came back from school, heard the comments from the villagers and smashed his schoolbag on the ground angrily.

   "Dad, Mom, why do you have such a bad memory? The two white-eyed wolves, the eldest sister and the second sister, soon changed their names after severing ties with you!"

   "I heard from classmates in our class, it seems that the eldest sister has changed to Su Qinghuan, and the second sister has changed to Su Erya."

   "Obviously they are two little girls from the countryside. They are so slick, who is rare!"

  Su Xiaobao's thoughts became more and more angry. When the original owner and Su Erya were there, they were two living air bags.

  Although the sisters are not much older than Su Xiaobao, they have always been in Su's house, and only Su Xiaobao has the right to reach out for food and open his mouth.

  And the original owner and Surya started cooking when they were five or six years old!

  Speaking sadly, the two of them were not as high as the stove for burning at the time, and they had to lay bricks when burning!


  Since the little fox ran away with Su Erya, the Su family didn’t have that fragrant food when they got home, and no one would wash their clothes. They had to do everything by themselves.

  Even Su Xiaobao, who was from the Emperor Su’s family, was downgraded. After all, Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei had just returned from work in the fields, and they were full of anger in their hearts. Wherever there is time to serve Su Xiaobao so diligently and thoughtfully.

  Furthermore, Su Xiaobao is a bully and fearful of hardship. He used to dared to beat his two sisters with stones and fire sticks at a young age, just like Su and his mother. But Su Xiaobao is currently not daring to blow his anger at his parents.

  Of course, if Su Xiaobao grows up someday, the situation may be different.


  Su Xiaobao looked down on his sister's two village girls in his heart, but the contempt of these words was heard by the good people in the same village, but they all thought it was a joke.

  "Xiaobao, you can't say that. People are now a sparrow and become a phoenix! They can be admitted to the university of God, and they are also the provincial champion. It is said that the school can attach great importance to it."

  "Isn’t it! Think about it! Think about the Zhao family’s domineering work in Anning Village for so many years. Isn’t it true that no one wants to bring them down, but those who used to speak cruelly at the beginning didn’t all run away in despair!"

   "Who knows, Su Qinghuan turned out to be such a stubborn stubborn stubbornness, not only brought down the Zhao family, but even the Wu family did not let it go. It was amazing!"

  Everyone heard this with grief, and they all felt that this sentence made sense.

  At the same time, everyone also saw the jokes between Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei somewhat.

  There is a neighbor who is familiar with Su Weidong and likes to compare, so he couldn't help but patted Su Weidong on the shoulder.

   "Wei Dong, Chunmei, it wasn't me who said you two, why did you agree to sever the parent-child relationship with Su Qinghuan and Su Erya?!"

  "Surya will not talk about it. Now look at how good your eldest daughter is. If you can help her, then Xiaobao will marry a wife in the future, can you choose whatever you want in the whole village?"

  (End of this chapter)

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