The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1365: Poor girl who was replaced with grades (127)

  Chapter 1365 The poor girl who was replaced with grades (127)

  Although Dong Chunmei and Su Weidong have not read a few sentences, there is always a bit of fear for such uniformed police officers.

  Especially the little fox is so powerful that even the former village chief Zhao Zhigang and his family can get into jail. Dong Chunmei wonders if the little fox has any special relationship.

  After all, in Dong Chunmei's view, many people in the village hated Zhao Zhigang, but the only one who can really bring Zhao Zhigang to justice is the little fox.


  Dong Chunmei was frightened, and yelled angrily.

  "Comrade Constable, things are not what you think. I am Su Daya’s mother, this one is Su Daya’s father next to me, and this little one is Su Daya’s younger brother."

   "Our family came to find our daughter, so why do we say that we are provoking and making trouble?"

   "On the contrary, this Su Daya, who doesn't know what to do, hooks up with so many boys, and does not recognize her parents, this kind of girl should be caught in the bureau and go to take care of it!"


  When everyone heard Dong Chunmei's words, they were suddenly furious.

  They couldn’t imagine how they would face such a shrew-like mother if they were Su Qinghuan.

   On the other hand, the little fox smiled calmly.

  "Comrade Constable, you have to go all the way here to patrol the order. Don't listen to her nonsense. Normal people can see who is making trouble."

  Said the little fox, he took out the book on the severance of parent-child relationship he had hidden in his pocket again, and briefly recounted the relationship with Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei as before.

  Ning Yunshen had heard about this from his aunt, but this was the first time he saw this parent-child relationship cut off.

  When seeing the little fox casually unfolding his sleeves, revealing the tired old scars, in the boy's eyes, layers of dark clouds are accumulating rapidly.

  Ning Yun's deep and narrow phoenix eyes suddenly looked at Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei.

  The young man was very handsome, but at this moment, his eyes looked like frozen ice, and it was like a layer of ice water splashed in the nine-cold sky, pouring Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei directly into the heart.


  Why is this boy's eyes so permeating?

  Dong Chunmei was still yelling before, but now she shivered subconsciously.

  Dong Chunmei even felt that even Zhao Zhigang did not have such majestic eyes.

  The people she knows in this life are limited, so she subconsciously took out the most majestic person in her mind for comparison.

  Although this person is now in jail.


  Dong Chunmei subconsciously avoided Ning Yunshen’s eyes, not daring to look into the boy’s eyes.

  She defended the police officer very unconvinced.

  "Comrade, don’t listen to this little girl. She is talking nonsense. I didn’t hit her at all. Maybe she brushed out the scars and framed me and the child’s father."


  The little fox gave Dong Chunmei a meaningful look.

  "The police station has professional inspectors. There are both welt marks and traces from the pole smashed in my wounds, and there are even burns from a fire stick."

  "I remember that cruel treatment of children can also be sentenced to prison, right? Even if the person who does it is his biological parents, he can still deprive him of guardianship and custody."

  Little Fox has long wanted to do this. The parent-child relationship severance letter that was obtained in the village before is more useful if there is no legal document.

  It’s just that for people like Dong Chunmei and Su Weidong, even if they are legally deprived of their guardianship, they are afraid that they will still want to **** the blood of the little fox and Surya in the future.

  For this kind of people who can save their own face, crying, making troubles, hanging themselves, making trouble in their children’s work units and schools, and distracting their children’s marriage is their best skill.

  If you don’t choose to go abroad, in this kind of domestic society, it may be difficult for ordinary people to overcome this obstacle to face.

  There are even some Virgins who don’t understand and point to you.

  They opened their mouths and closed their mouths. At least they gave birth to you and gave you life, as if because of this, they would unconditionally obey these evil people.


   Police station personnel have actually conducted similar cases, but few of them are as good as the little fox, and can even pass the Imperial Capital University.

  The leading police officer glanced sympathetically at the little fox, and he took the book of severance of parent-child relationship in the little fox's hands.

  "Little girl, you are right. Even parents can sue, but can you really get it?

  "I have long since regarded them as my parents. Even if I have to go to court, I don't mind."

   "And I also have a younger sister who is a few years younger than me. Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei didn't even pay for my sister's tuition and living expenses, but now they are embarrassed to come to my school to ask for money. I will never agree."

  Said the little fox, Yan Yan glanced at Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei with a smile.

   These two people were originally bullying and fearful of hardship. At this moment, hearing that the little fox would rather fight with them than give them a penny, they almost couldn't breathe in anger.

   "Why don't you give us money? We gave birth to you and you were raised. You haven't thrown you into the river to drown. You should be grateful!"

  Others saw the appearance of Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei, and thought to themselves that these two shameless people are not worthy of being called parents.

  The little fox can do such a ruthless step, which can be considered excusable.


  The police station personnel had already understood the general circumstances of the case. At this moment, seeing that Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei almost wanted to punch someone with a fist, they immediately detained them.

   "Want to hit someone in front of a police officer, isn't it too ridiculous?"

   "Take it back to the detention center!"

  Su Xiaobao saw that Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei were arrested, and he was so frightened that he cried.

   "How can you take my parents away like this?"

   "Oh, you are a bad sister! You are a bad guy!"

  Su Xiaobao’s face was full of tears and nose. He was originally a bear kid. Because of his young age, he wanted to follow Dong Chunmei’s previous actions and hit the little fox.

  As a result, before touching the arm of the little fox, Su Xiaobao's hand was grabbed by Ning Yunshen.

  The boy looked at Su Xiaobao with cold eyes.

   "If you still want to have your own parents, get out!"


  Su Xiaobao was stunned when he heard the words, but when he saw Ning Yunshen's black-eyed buddha's yin bird look like eating people, he suddenly cried louder.

   "Woo, I don't want to be a child without parents!"

  Su Xiaobao said, he stumbled and chased the cars of the police officers, and fell a dog on the ground.

  And the little fox saw Su Xiaobao's appearance, and couldn't help but joked at Ning Yun.

   "Can't tell, the male **** of our chemistry department will bully children?"

  (End of this chapter)

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