The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1367: Poor girl who was replaced with grades (129)

  Chapter 1367 The poor girl who was replaced with grades (129)

  The little girl was at a sentimental age, not to mention that she thought that her most respected sister might have been wronged in that way, and her tears kept falling.

   "Sister, blame me for not coming here earlier, otherwise I will be able to speak for you."

  Surya attends the Imperial High School which is very close to the Imperial Capital University.

  If the average person is not a teacher's child of Imperial Capital University, or owns a room in a nearby school district, he does not have the qualifications to study in this middle school.

  But because of the excellent grades of Little Fox, coupled with her rejection of the scholarship subsidy from Imperial College, and Ning Yunshen’s help, President Sun of Imperial College specially allowed Su Erya to be transferred to this school.

  When she first went to the Imperial Capital High School, Su Erya was still very inferior. She felt that the students inside were too good, often proficient in foreign languages, had countless talents, and each of them was also bright and beautiful.

  Faced with this situation, the little fox tells Surya that there is no need to feel inferior, and that a person’s path is his own. When you envy others, you can set a goal and move closer to this direction first.

  When you turn envy into motivation, maybe one day you will find that you have also become a brilliant existence in the eyes of others.


  Surya was just in the first year of high school, and the classmates in the class didn't know each other, so there was no such situation that Surya imagined to isolate children from the countryside.

  Maybe they will look down on Surya in their hearts, but at least they haven’t done so outrageously.

  What the little fox told Surya is that she can make herself better without worrying about the eyes of others.


  Under the guidance of the little fox, Surya's original foreign language was stunned, and she gradually learned well, so that she would not fail in English.

   And once in the military training of the first year of high school, a classmate fainted due to heatstroke. Su Erya promptly pressed the acupuncture points for that classmate based on the knowledge of Professor Little Fox, so that he would wake up quickly.

  Because of this incident, Su Erya's popularity in the class is even better without knowing it, and there are a few more classmates who can eat together at noon.


  Afterwards, everyone knew that Suerya had a sister who passed the provincial champion. It is no wonder that Suerya was among the best in the class except for English.

  In the school years, people who study well always bring their own aura of learning God, and more people are willing to talk to Surya.


  Surya also gradually faded away from the original fear, and began to make friends with classmates.

  It’s just that Su Erya still can’t imagine. If Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei bring Su Xiaobao to the High School attached to the Imperial Capital to find themselves, I’m afraid she will be easily defeated by the three people, right?

  The little fox saw Surjana’s worried eyes, and his heart warmed.

  The little fox stretched out his hand and silently hugged the little girl in his arms.

  "Don’t think about it, don’t you think my sister is doing well now? There is neither missing arms nor legs."

   "And it doesn't help if you come. You know what kind of people Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei are. Fortunately, you don't see that scene, and you are quiet."

  Hearing the little fox teasing herself, Surya burst into laughter, and looked at the little fox with embarrassment.

   "Sister, you know you are laughing at me."

   "While you are still young, of course you have to joke more, otherwise you may not be so obedient in the future."

  Su Qing gave Su Erya a happy glance, and pinched Su Erya's face with a bit of baby fat with his hands.

  Before, Su Erya was not so thin. She looked like a thin black bamboo pole. Now her height is finally a little bit sloppy. During this period, she has a lot of flesh, and the girl's face does not look so thin.

  The little fox feels very good in the hand, and even hopes that Surya can be a little bit fatter.


   Seeing the two sisters laughing and making noises, Ning Yunshen didn't know why, but was a little jealous that Su Erya could be held by the little fox so naturally.

  The young man even thought sourly in his heart.

  —Even when he was with the little fox, he didn't seem to see the little fox smiling so happily, and he was able to accept others acting like a baby in her arms so naturally.

  The boy's eyes deepened and he coughed twice subconsciously.

   "Erya, you are a big girl, don't always pester your sister like this."

  Su Erya is very satisfied with this brother-in-law. The little girl is ghostly and has been coldly treated by Su's father and Su's mother since she was a child, so her character is relatively precocious, and her mind is more sensitive and slender.

   "Oh, why do I think Brother Ning is jealous? You are not jealous that I can hold my sister, so let me down here, right?"

  Surya made a face at Ning Yunshen and Su Qinghuan while talking.

   "I know that you two will always be together in the future. Why should I occupy my sister for two more seconds while you are not married?"

   "People are small and big."

  The little fox smiled at Su Erya. The moment she raised her head, she unexpectedly met Ning Yun's deep and deep gaze.

  The thin lips of the young man were pressed into a straight line. It seemed that he had a thousand words to say, but he was helpless, because all his thoughts were broken by Surya.

  At this moment, the boy looked like a grieving wolf dog.

  Because of this association, the little fox couldn't help laughing out loud.

  The girl let go of Su Erya and walked to Ning Yunshen, holding the boy's hand with a hint of kindness.

   "You even want to eat my sister's jealousy? No wonder Erya said you are a jealous jar."

"…is it not OK?"

  The little fox originally thought that Ning Yunshen would deny it, but who would have thought that the boy would pop out these four words unhappily, but it was a little twisted and cute.

   "Well, all depends on you, can't all depend on you?"


  The three laughed and made a fuss for a while, so they quickly found a place to start eating.

During the dinner, Surya suddenly remembered one thing.

   "Sister, I heard those classmates in your laboratory say, are you going to the court to sue your parents for giving birth and not raising and treating their children harshly?"

   After all, Su Erya didn't think so much like the little fox, even if Su Erya didn't plan to regard Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei as her parents, but she still couldn't call each other directly.

  The little fox nodded faintly when he heard this.

   "It is possible to do this. After all, the severance of parent-child relationship has no legal meaning. Domestic laws do not support the severance of parent-child relationship, but it is still possible to deprive guardianship and custody."

  "You are not an adult yet, maybe Su Weidong and Dong Chunmei will want to send you back. Erya, what do you think?"

  Surya was stunned when she heard the words. In fact, she never thought about going to court with her parents.

  But now the girl nodded resolutely.

   "Sister, I support you, let me accompany you in the lawsuit."

  (End of this chapter)

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