The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1381: The nun whose spiritual root was taken (11)

  Chapter 1381 The nun whose spiritual root is taken away (11)

   Seeing that Su Zirui was still struggling, Chu Yufeng deliberately wanted to add to the flames, so he sighed again.

  "Zirui, do you think I am particularly unkind? Qinghuan is my fiancée. No one in this world cherishes her more than I do."

  "It’s just that Xiaoxiao is almost missing now. I really can’t think of a better way...If it is possible, I really hope I can exchange my own life for Xiaoxiao’s life."

Chu Yufeng looked at Bai Xiaoxiao with pity in his eyes, and Bai Xiaoxiao was already full of tears. She really didn't want to die. No one knew better than her that the vitality in the body at this moment was caused by the previous contemplation formation. Wound swallowed.

   "Brother Chu, Brother Su...Even if Xiao Xiao died, Xiao Xiao won't regret...Um..."

  Bai Xiaoxiao said, a mouthful of blushing blood was spit out, and the beauty's face was like a rose flower that had been beaten by wind and rain. Su Zirui became more and more distressed.

  Su Zirui quickly shook Xiang Bai Xiaoxiao's hand, the original hesitation was finally completely cut off.

  "Xiaoxiao, Brother Su will never let you die. Trust me!"

  He gritted his teeth, it is true that he does not want to hurt Su Qinghuan, but it is true that he does not want to hurt Su Qinghuan.

   Seeing that the sweetheart might be dying now, Su Zirui's already crooked balance instantly fell to Bai Xiaoxiao's side.

  I just want my sister’s heavenly roots, and my sister will not die.

  Perhaps they can still find the spirit fruit for Su Qinghuan to cleanse the essence?


  At this time, Su Zirui completely deceived herself and forgot that the original owner did not owe Bai Xiaoxiao anything at all. If Su Zirui and Chu Yufeng had been saved by Bai Xiaoxiao anyway.

  But what about the original owner?

  I didn’t know Bai Xiaoxiaosu before, but I knew it because this woman was digging the corner of her fiance.

  If Bai Xiaoxiao is seriously injured, the original owner would be magnanimous if he didn't fall into trouble, and he still wants the original owner to sacrifice himself to become Bai Xiaoxiao, is it something that can only be done by lard?

  For monks, the spiritual root is their fate!

  From a genius of single Linggen to a waste of five Linggen, I’m afraid that I don’t know how many people claim that they have a strong belief, and they will collapse once and become ashamed.


  But Su Zirui and Chu Yufeng obviously didn't care so much about the original owner's wishes. They discussed it, and finally decided that Su Zirui, the younger brother, would give the original owner a thousand days drunk, making the original owner faint.

  The subsequent operation of exchanging spiritual roots between the original owner and Bai Xiaoxiao was done by Chu Yufeng, who was already in the middle stage of the Golden Core.


  The original owner did not expect that one was his favorite fiancé and the other was his closest brother, but the two of them joined hands to cheat themselves so much.

  When Chu Yufeng and his party came out of the Tianhua Secret Realm, the original owner who had been suffering in Chu Mansion during this period immediately came out to greet them.

  The original owner, a monk in the early stage of the golden core, was surprised to see his fiancé and younger brother's eyebrows sinking.

  She stepped forward anxiously.

   "Brother Chu, Zi Rui, are you all right?"

   "We are fine, but Xiao Xiao she..."

Now they are asking for the original owner. Although Chu Yufeng and Su Zirui did not intend to inform the original owner of their plans, but were prepared to be a strong action hand, after all, they had to dig out the original owner’s spiritual roots. These two ungrateful men finally rose up. Kind of guilt.

  When Chu Yufeng left some time ago, in order to take the opportunity to retreat from the marriage with the original owner, his attitude towards the original owner can be described as a cold eyebrow, all kinds of cold eyes.

   But now it has softened a lot, even more gentle than before.

  The original owner was surprised and delighted by Chu Yufeng's transformation for a while, but seeing the depression of several people, she naturally did not dare to show it, and quickly looked at Bai Xiaoxiao.

   "What happened to this white girl?"

The original owner's previous attention was on Chu Yufeng and Su Zirui. At this moment, he looked at Bai Xiaoxiao, only to find that Bai Xiaoxiao was out of air with less air intake. If it weren't for Chu Yufeng's use of Life Extension Pill and Requiem Pill for a short time Hanging on the ground, I'm afraid my life will not be guaranteed.

  Chu Yufeng suddenly smiled bitterly when seeing the original owner's surprised eyes.

   "Qinghuan, you have seen it too. To save me and your brother, Xiao Xiao received a fatal blow. Right now, both the soul and the spiritual root have been severely damaged, I am afraid my life is at stake."

Although the original owner hates Bai Xiaoxiao's green tea, she is a kind-hearted girl after all. She is dying when she sees her rival in love. Even if she survives, she is afraid that she will become a waste person in the future.


  The original owner even felt a little compassionate towards Bai Xiaoxiao. She thought that Bai Xiaoxiao was like this. She would definitely have no chance of competing with her. Chu Yufeng would no longer be able to compete with herself. She let go of her heart and said to Chu Yufeng sincerely.

"Brother Chu, I took the Fengxiwu Daoqin you gave me. In addition to some elixir that can cure internal injuries, I can also play some tunes for the white girl to soothe the soul, which may slow the white girl a little bit at this moment. Pain."

  Bai Xiaoxiao's face was pale because of the fact that her spiritual roots were almost lost. But at this moment, seeing the arrogant and beautiful face of the original owner show her goodness, she still couldn't stop a burst of jealousy.

  But Bai Xiaoxiao already knew about the plans of Chu Yufeng and Su Zirui, this Su Qinghuan was just a victim, and crystal tears appeared in the corner of her eyes, as if she was grateful and pitifully said to the original master.

  "Fairy Su, you are such a good person, Xiaoxiao, for the things that offended you before, Dao Qian, I hope Fairy Su forgive me."


As the saying goes, people are about to die. Although Bai Xiaoxiao is still hanging on his breath, in the eyes of the original owner, the situation is really terrible. .

"Miss Bai, maybe I should apologize to you. Now that you are in trouble, I can do little to help. If Brother Chu can take you to Taiqing Sect to find Master Zixiao for help, it can extend your life. The number is still unknown."


  Under the arrangement of Chu Yufeng, the original owner took out his natal magic treasure, Qiwuqin, and began to play Requiem for Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Su Zirui gave her a spirit wine during the period. The original owner drank a little, but the original owner suddenly fell into a coma.

  After she fell asleep, Chu Yufeng appeared out of thin air, and the man and Bai Xiaoxiao looked at each other and prepared to do it.

  At this time, Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes were still red, and the girl's beautiful face was extremely pale because of the weakness of the soul, and it was heartbreaking to see it.

   "Brother Chu, do you really want to do this? Su Xianzi is so good to me. If she knows that we are calculating her like this, Xiao Xiao is really afraid that Su Xianzi will kill me in the future..."

   "Let's carry it together, Xiaoxiao, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

  Chu Yufeng took Bai Xiaoxiao into his arms, again with a soft voice of comfort.

   Soon, Chu Yufeng stepped forward and cruelly went to the original owner’s spiritual root...

  (End of this chapter)

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