The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1385: The nun whose spiritual roots were taken away (15)

  Chapter 1385 The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (15)

Actually, Chu Yufeng didn’t like to fly kites, just because Bai Xiaoxiao had just replaced her spiritual roots, her bones had not yet healed, and she was bored, so she asked Chu Yufeng to accompany herself to do this kind of things that children in the mortal world like to do. .

  When they heard the maids say that Su Qinghuan had taken the pill that she had prepared, and that she had not cried out this time, the kite string in Chu Yufeng's hand was instantly cut by spiritual power.

  Bai Xiaoxiao was sitting in the pavilion eating Lingguo uncomfortably. At the moment, seeing Chu Yufeng's loss of state, she suddenly panicked, and quickly pulled La Chu Yufeng's sleeves timidly.

   "Brother Chu, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as Chu Yufeng lowered his head, Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes were dependent and admired. The girl's appearance was so weak, as if trusting herself wholeheartedly. Unexpectedly, Chu Yufeng thought of Su Qinghuan's recent appearance. .

   was crying and making noise, and she was not as pitiful as Bai Xiaoxiao, between her words and deeds, she was a shrew.

   totally unlike the tough and stubborn girl Chu Yufeng used to see.


Chu Yufeng pursed his thin lips. He thought that Su Qinghuan had now replaced Bai Xiaoxiao’s five spirit roots. Although he was dissatisfied with Su Qinghuan’s attitude, seeing the little fox accepting his medicine at the moment, the girl must have gone through her recent coldness and finally Ready to serve soft.

  There have been so many things during this period. They hadn't told Su Qinghuan of their plans before. It is normal for Su Qinghuan to be a little angry.

  Thinking about it, Chu Yufeng's original impatience with the little fox suddenly dropped by 30 to 40%, and even a faint sense of guilt emerged in his mind.

  So, Chu Yufeng said to Bai Xiaoxiao in a good voice.

"Xiao Xiao, now Qing Huan may not be as angry as before. If you like to fly kites, it's the same with the four maids of Mei Lan Zhu Ju to play with you. I'm going to find Zi Rui and see Qing Huan. "


Seeing that Chu Yufeng no longer referred to Su Qinghuan as "that woman" in his words, his attitude became a lot more gentle, and even threatened to find Su Zirui to visit each other, Bai Xiaoxiao panicked instantly.

  Bai Xiaoxiao subconsciously grabbed Chu Yufeng.

"do not go!"

   Realizing that her attitude was too agitated, Bai Xiaoxiao quickly lowered her eyes, looking sad and helpless towards Chu Yufeng.

   "Brother Chu, it's not that I want to prevent you and Brother Su from seeing Sister Huan, but I think she hasn't had time to think about her situation in such a short time recently."

   "In fact, Sister Qinghuan angered you and Brother Su because she wanted to change my spiritual roots. It was all my fault. If you want to see Sister Qinghuan, I should take the lead."

  Speaking, Bai Xiaoxiao subconsciously wanted to stand up.

  Because she was wounded in the soul-catching formation, although she had transplanted the original owner's water spirit roots and various high-grade pill that Chu Yufeng found to assist in the treatment, Bai Xiaoxiao did not recover very quickly.

  Because Bai Xiaoxiao wanted to spend more time at Chu Yufeng's miserable sales, she pretended to be soft and fell straight into Chu Yufeng's arms.

   "Ah... Brother Chu, my heart hurts..."

  The girl's cheeks are flushed, and at this moment, a shy look in her eyes is a bit of a glamorous smell.


  After returning from that Hua Secret Realm, Bai Xiaoxiao also knew that she was a very yin body, and Chu Yufeng was the pure yang body that matched her best. There was a magnet-like attraction when two people approached each other.

   Now Bai Xiaoxiao deliberately fell into the arms of the man, and pretending to be innocent and weakly rubbing and rubbing in front of Chu Yufeng, Chu Yufeng's face suddenly stiffened.

  It's not unpleasant.

  It was because Chu Yufeng realized that he had suppressed the spiritual power of the fire, and it seemed that because Bai Xiaoxiao approached, he clamored even more.


  Chu Yufeng's mind fluctuated a little for a while, if it weren't for the four maids of Meilan Zhuju who were still here, I'm afraid he could not help but do something to Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Since Bai Xiaoxiao revealed her identity, coupled with the transplant of Su Qinghuan's spiritual roots, Chu Yufeng has regarded Bai Xiaoxiao as his future destiny companion.

   even wrote a letter with Lingniao and sent it to his master.

  For the lover to find such a celestial yin body as a future Taoist companion, the peak owner of Zixiao Peak is naturally overjoyed, saying that he is willing to marry Chu Yufeng and Bai Xiaoxiao.

  In order to make Bai Xiaoxiao the identity of Chu Yufeng, Venerable Zixiao also plans to introduce Bai Xiaoxiao to the master of Miaoyinfeng, so that Bai Xiaoxiao will become a direct disciple of Miaoyinfeng.

  The pair of masters and disciples seems to have completely forgotten. Su Qinghuan is Chu Yufeng’s righteous fiancee for decades, and even Bai Xiaoxiao’s spiritual roots were stolen from others shamelessly!


  "You, you should take care of it now, and you shouldn’t come out to blow the air. If you hadn’t been begging me to fly the kite with you, why would you start to feel heartache again?"

  Chu Yufeng was reprimanding Bai Xiaoxiao on the surface, but his hand was always on Bai Xiaoxiao's waist.

  Looking at the man’s posture, I’m afraid I’m reluctant to let go of Bai Xiaoxiao for a while.

  If it weren’t because Bai Xiaoxiao was still a monk in the foundation-building stage, and the spiritual root wounds had not healed completely, I’m afraid that the two of them would get along with each other in their usual honey, and they might cross the line someday!

   However, even if Chu Yufeng can restrain his fire spiritual power now and cultivate spiritually with Bai Xiaoxiao, this is just a matter of time.


   Seeing her young master’s eyes fixed on Bai Xiaoxiao's face, she couldn't move away, and the maids who came to pass the pass were suddenly embarrassed.

In the past, when Fairy Su and Chu Yufeng got along, they obviously had a marriage contract with Chu Yufeng since they were young, and she would never be like Bai Xiaoxiao. In the presence of these people like them, she has been lying weak and boneless in the arms of a man. .

   Is this fair?

  I don’t know, but I thought that Bai Xiaoxiao’s style was learned from some women in the lower bounds of Xianglou!


The maid Alan headed by    only felt very hot eyes, she could not be the master of the master, so she knew that she could cough lightly, and whispered to remind Chu Yufeng not to forget the business.

  "Young Master, are you still going to Beiyuan to visit Fairy Su?"


  Because of Alan's cough, Bai Xiaoxiao only felt that the maid was very disappointed, and immediately stared at Alan coldly in a place where Chu Yufeng couldn't see it.

  Not only Alan, but the other three maids also saw Bai Xiaoxiao's fierce eyes.


  The maids trembled in their hearts. They dared not express their dissatisfaction, so they could only hang their heads and silently doubt Chu Yufeng's taste in their hearts.

  And after Chu Yufeng was reminded by Alan, he suddenly hesitated.

  "Finally, why not visit Qinghuan again another day."

   Just as Chu Yufeng was about to stay warm with Bai Xiaoxiao for a while, Bai Xiaoxiao took Chu Yufeng's hand timidly.

   "Brother Chu, you haven't been to see Sister Qinghuan for a long time. It's better to hit the sun if you choose another day. Let's call Shang Zirui together, how about?"

  (End of this chapter)

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