The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1392: The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (22)

  Chapter 1392 The nun whose spiritual root is taken away (22)

  Su Qinghuan never expected that the white-clothed youth would let go.

  Looking at the other party's Xueyi and Mofa, his face was extremely dusty, and he was a deserted temperament not to be approached by strangers. Unexpectedly, under such a cold appearance, there was a bit of enthusiasm.

  The little fox is not so narcissistic that he thinks that the other person is interested, because the young man didn't look at her at first, but later because the little fox said that he could not use the sword, he just looked at her cultivation.

  This type of man is similar to the reading madman of later generations. He only feels that there is a Yan Ruyu in the book, and ignores all the beautiful and ugly skins around him, as a pink skull.


  Thinking that there is no need to climb thousands of steps, even if the spiritual power is used on the feet, the time will never be short.

  There is a free spirit sword, and the little fox is happy, and she hastily saluted.

   "Then thank you fellow daoists."

  "Why do you have to say thank you for your effort?"

  The white-clothed youth had a faint expression, and soon summoned his natal spirit sword.

  The spirit sword was like this young man, and it was white all over, except that the hilt was inlaid with a piece of black jade.

   "Good sword."

  The little fox shuttles between different planes, and has also experienced several times in the world of comprehension. Perhaps due to fate, she usually chooses to enter the Tao with the sword.

   Therefore, seeing such a peerless spirit sword at this moment, I can't help but feel a little amazed.

  The little fox stared at the sword faintly for two seconds, then subconsciously stretched out his hand.


Seeing that the little fox was about to touch the blade, the white-clothed youth's pupils shrank slightly. I thought that this bold and curious woman would be hurt by the sword aura of her own destiny spirit sword. Unexpectedly, the blade was shining with a soft white light. It seems to be showing closeness to the little fox.


The white-clothed youth watched this scene in astonishment. He knows how unsuccessful the nameless ancient sword in his hand is. At the beginning, the master led him to select his destiny magic weapon from the forbidden land of Taiqing Sect. At that time, the white-clothed youth was only ten. At the age of seven, he caught a glimpse of this nameless ancient sword.

  At that time, in order to tame this sword's hostility, he was injured by its sword aura, and it took far more effort than ordinary people to recognize the master's destiny.

  Master Wugou also persuaded him, if it fails, just change it.

  After all, this nameless ancient sword is a fierce sword, stained with too much blood, although it was later purified by an expert with merit, it is far beyond the control of a person.

  But the white-clothed youth is a man who admits to death. He saw the nameless ancient sword at a glance. Even if the sword drained his blood, the youth would not hesitate.


   "Why do fellow Daoists look at me like this? Isn't it possible that ordinary people can't get close to you like a sword?"

  The little fox stretched out his slender fingers and gently brushed the cold white blade.

  The young man in white nodded towards the little fox.

   "You guessed it right, my sword has always been a bit arrogant, even if my master is several times stronger than me, I can't make it buckle."

  Unexpectedly, one day his nameless ancient sword will get close to a young woman who has only a foundation stage, which is really puzzling.


  Su Qinghuan didn't think it was strange, because she not only used swords to enter the Tao on many planes, but also had a very deep understanding of swordsmanship. I am afraid that there are not many people in this world who can match her.

  Although the original protagonist entered the Dao with sound and had only mediocre skills in swordsmanship, this high-level spirit sword must be able to faintly detect the difference between the little fox.

  Little fox smiles authentically.

   "Maybe I have a fate with this sword? I don't know what the name of this sword is?"

   Seeing the thin lips of a young man dressed in plain white clothes, the little fox thought that the other party would ignore him again, but the young man looked at her earnestly.

   "The name of this sword is called nameless."


  The little fox was startled, not because of this sentence, but because she was on the last plane of cultivation, and her little apprentice’s natal spirit sword was also called the nameless ancient sword.

  The little fox thought of the man, and his expression couldn't help showing a vague sense of melancholy.

"Perhaps it's because of fate. I have a very important friend, and I also have an unnamed natal spirit sword, but it is an ancient fierce sword with a strong hostility, and it is far from the clever sword of the Taoist friend. gratifying."


  The young man in white clothes was startled when he heard the words, he took a deep look at the little fox. In fact, this one in his hand was also a fierce sword, but it is said that before the previous master ascended, he used the power of merit to purify most of its hostility.


  It's just that the white-clothed youth and Su Qinghuan are just fate of meeting each other. These secrets of the sect do not need to be told to the little fox, so he said lightly.

   "If there is a chance, I would like to meet the friend of the Taoist friend."

  The little fox became more and more melancholy.

   "He... is in a very far, far away place, so there must be no chance."

  Su Qinghuan saw the deserted white-clothed immortal in front of him, and could not think of the little apprentice in his own plane.

  Although these two people are born very handsome, but her little apprentice is not as clean and elegant as the one in front of him, but a black-bellied and cunning temperament.

  He is surly and arrogant. He alone bowed his head to Su Qinghuan. Of course, at first, this black-hearted guy was not so obedient. He planned every day how to take the head of the little fox.

  Because of a similar spirit sword name, the little fox’s memory seemed to have opened the gate. Thinking of everything that happened in the past, the gloomy color in the little fox’s eyes grew thicker.


   Seeing that Su Qinghuan was in a bad mood, the white-clothed youth was not the kind of character that was good at comforting people. He guessed that the person Su Qinghuan said might be dead, so he could only sacrifice his spirit sword and put it under his foot.

   "Friend Su, come up here."

  Su Qinghuan nodded, and soon stood obediently at the end of the nameless ancient sword.

  Little Fox always knows how to measure. The distance between her and the white-clothed youth is about one meter, so that it doesn’t make people feel too abrupt.

  A gust of wind struck, and the little fox was planning to use most of his spiritual power to stabilize his figure. Unexpectedly, a body shield appeared out of thin air.

  The little fox was stunned for half a second, but saw Yu Jian's white-clothed youth's expression unchanged, as if he hadn't noticed the shaking just now.


   is really a cold-hearted person.

  The impression of the youth in the little fox's heart could not help but get better.

   "I'm going to Zixiao Peak to seek justice for myself, fellow Taoist, thank you for taking me a ride, don't pass it now!"

  The young man nodded, watching the little fox disappear into his eyes.

  Just for some reason, he thought of what the little fox said, and the young man was in a daze. It seemed that some time ago, a Taoist boy had sent him a message, saying that Zixiaofeng had a happy event and invited him to attend.

  He refused at the time.

  If I remember correctly, that day is today? !

  (End of this chapter)

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