The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1394: The nun whose spiritual roots were taken away (24)

  Chapter 1394 The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (24)

   Seeing that the expression of the white-clothed youth was somewhat solemn, Dao Tong Fourteen was slightly startled, and he looked at the white-clothed youth uncertainly.

  "Xianjun, what's wrong with you? Do you know this disappointed woman?"

  Otherwise it doesn’t make sense!

  He has been serving on Wugou Peak for almost ten years, and he has never seen a young man in white clothes caring so much about anything.

   But if Jun Jiuchen knew Su Qinghuan, it would be very strange. After all, Dao Tong Fourteen had once seen the female cultivator with a startling glance. She was born beautiful, but her eyes always followed her fiancé Chu Yufeng at the time.

  Even Su Qinghuan has never been to Wugou Peak.

  If there is such a big-leg hug, then women will definitely come to Wugufeng for help, right?

  After all, Jun Jiuchen is the youngest Yuanying Fairy at the moment, and even the head of the boss wants to sell him a bit of thin face. Dao Tong Fourteen doesn't think that Chu Yufeng will gouge out a woman's spiritual roots so lightly.


   Could it be the unrequited love-sick Su Qinghuan of Fairy Nine Chen?

  This is also not right...

   Dao Tong XIV thinks that there is no such possibility, even a blind person can see that Jun Jiuchen's talent crushes other people, and his appearance is more handsome and arrogant than Chu Yufeng. Normal female cultivators would choose Jun Jiuchen, right?

  Xiang from Dao Tong XIV, who understands gossip very well, was suddenly stunned.

  The young man in white did not expect that the relationship between himself and Su Qinghuan had been filled by the human brain to the point where he could write a **** novel. He glanced at Dao Tong Fourteen indifferently.

  "My lord went to Zixiao Peak. If you stole Houshan Lingjiu, I won't care about you. If you have this kind of thing in the future, please take the punishment yourself."

  "Thank you Daojun for his impunity!"

   Dao Tong Fourteen was still holding Jun Jiuchen's thoughts that he didn't know. At this moment, seeing the man glance at himself lightly, he quickly buried his head in fright.

   And when she looked up again, there was still that cold and alienated figure in front of her.

  "Does it really go out for the female sister surnamed Su? This is really strange...The thousand-year-old iron tree can also bloom?"

  Dao Tong XIV is speechless.

  He was still speculating on the relationship between the white-clothed youth and Su Qinghuan, but in the end he could not make an answer, so he angrily took out the spirit wine he had stolen and drank it in one fell swoop.

   "There will be no more to drink in the future, now this last altar, don't drink white or drink!"


  In that room, Su Qinghuan had already arrived at the main hall of Zixiao Peak.

  The red silk hangs high in the hall, and the wine is full during the banquet, as if a happy event is about to come.

   "Mr. Zixiao, your lover and the newly-acquired White Fairy from Miao Yin Zhenjun are really good match!"

   "Yes, one is the body of pure Yang and the other is the body of Xuanyin. I really am a priest appointed by heaven!"

   "In the future, with the help of such a Taoist companion, it is certain that the young Taoist friend of Chu will be able to break through the golden core threshold in the future, and may be promoted to the Nascent Soul in a few decades!"

   "Now that Wugou Peak's queen is less than a hundred years old, he is already the true monarch of Yuan Ying, I think, Chu Xiao Daoist may be able to catch up with the other party's pace!"

"Hey, speaking of this, Wugou Peak did not come today. Relying on his master is the elder of the **** of transformation, and he has the unique talents, he has been rejected almost every peak gathering, so why mention him? That's awesome."


  Hearing the conversations of those people, Chu Yufeng and Bai Xiaoxiao, who were sitting on both sides of the real person Zixiao, looked at each other, both of them saw the self-satisfied spring breeze in each other's eyes.

  Chu Yufeng quickly stood up pretending to be humble.

  "Senior uncles, don’t make fun of Yufeng. Yufeng knows his aptitude is humble, so how dare you compare it with Jun Xiaoshishu."

   Thinking of Wugou Peak, Chu Yufeng felt a bit of hatred in his heart.

  In fact, before, Chu Yufeng wanted to visit the gate of Wugou Peak. After all, no one knows that Wugou Peak Master Wugou is the only elder of the Taiqing Sect who has not yet closed the dead.

  Unexpectedly, because of Jun Jiuchen, the mountain that was always on his head, Chu Yufeng had missed this opportunity to apprentice.

  If Chu Yufeng is a pearl praised by everyone, then Jun Jiuchen, who is born with a sword body, is like the Haoyue above his head.

  Pearl and bright moon, how do they compare their brilliance?

  In the past, Chu Yufeng couldn't even accept the name Wu Gufeng or Jun Jiuchen being mentioned by others.

  Until now, he is about to marry Bai Xiaoxiao as a Taoist couple.

  Bai Xiaoxiao is the body of Xuanyin born when the year is overcast, the moon is overcast, and the sun is overcast. With such a beautiful woman's help, Chu Yufeng feels that it is only a matter of time before he catches up with or even surpasses Jun Jiuchen.

   When other people mentioned their own Chu Yufeng, they no longer have to deliberately say a word, except for the young master of Wugou Peak, he is the first person in the younger generation of Taiqing Sect.

  Why do you want to get rid of Jun Jiuchen?

   Isn't he Chu Yufeng better than such a lonely person?


  Chu Yufeng is angry, and his complacency at the moment is also true.

   Just when Chu Yufeng thought that everyone would understand his mind and began to cater to how humble he was, a cold and ridiculous female voice suddenly resounded through the entire hall.

   "Chu Yufeng, you really can't compare with Jun Xiao and Shi Shu. People at your age are already Yuan Ying Xianjun, but you are still in the middle of the golden core. How can you compare with others?"

   "Of course, even if you put aside the cultivation base and talk about your character alone, you, a rebellious person who cheats the world and steals the spiritual roots of your fiancee, is not worthy of being compared with others!"


  Today is a great day for Zixiao Peak. Who dares to speak such arrogant words in the court?

  Since Chu Yufeng brought Bai Xiaoxiao with a single water spirit root to Taiqingzong a few days ago, all kinds of rumors and rumors under Taiqingzong have been flying all over the sky.

  Because of Bai Xiaoxiao’s spiritual root wounds that have not healed yet, at her age, with such qualifications, she is also the body of Xuanyin, and she has only just built the foundation every two months. Who doesn’t think the wounds of this spiritual root come strangely?

  In addition, Su Qinghuan, who was originally a single Linggen of the water system, suddenly stayed in the Chu Mansion and was also annulled from the marriage contract. So everyone knew by the way that Bai Xiaoxiao’s spiritual root was dug from Su Qinghuan.

  The most outrageous thing is that this incident was confirmed from Su Qinghuan’s younger brother Su Zirui!

Because some people speculated whether Bai Xiaoxiao robbed her fiance and stole the spiritual roots, Su Zirui stood up for Bai Xiaoxiao outragedly, saying that the spiritual roots were digging by him and Chu Yufeng, not Bai Xiaoxiao’s. matter.

  Good fellow, this time the Taiqingzong talked more privately.

  There are countless people who sympathize with Su Qinghuan, but no one stands up for a sister who is not familiar with him.

  After all, my brothers agree that Bai Xiaoxiao is a pitiful white lotus flower. Why should they be outsiders asking themselves to be boring?


  Everyone raised their heads in shock when someone dared to expose Chu Yufeng’s hypocritical paintings in public.

   saw outside the hall of the main hall, a slender and straight figure stood impressively.

  The opponent has a clear face and mockery.

  It’s not Su Qinghuan and who is it?

  (End of this chapter)

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