The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1401: The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (31)

  Chapter 1401 The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (31)

   Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao furiously want to summon weapons to confront him, Su Qinghuan smiled coldly.

   "I didn't do anything, it broke on its own, maybe, this Fengqiwu Daoqin doesn't want to recognize an unbearable person like you as the master."


As soon as Su Qinghuan said this, the audience couldn't stop laughing.

  Bai Xiaoxiao finally couldn't control it anymore, just as she was about to move the strings of the white jade pipa, a wind shook her back suddenly.

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked up in disbelief, and saw a man in a plain robe standing in front of Su Qinghuan, staring at herself with cold eyes.

  "You Daoist Su is just stating the facts, why should you take the trouble? Now that Daoist Su is injured in his spiritual root, he is just building a foundation, how can he shatter the Fengqiwu Daoqin?"

  "Daoqin is alive, so I disdain to be with you."

  Jun Jiuchen’s voice was indifferent and far away, like a quiet green bamboo blown by the wind on a high mountain, but such a soothing tone, but the anger on Bai Xiaoxiao’s face turned into fright in an instant.

  Jun Jiuchen is Yuan Ying Xianzun. Of course she knew that if Jun Jiuchen wanted to kill herself, she was afraid that she would not be able to take half the move, and even the whole body would not be able to save.

   But even if he knew that the other party was not intent on murder, and was looked at by the young man in white, Bai Xiaoxiao's beautiful face was lost every inch of it.

  Unwillingly, she glanced at the shattered Fengqiwu Daoqin, and then finally clenched her fist, and bowed her head in despair.

  "Xianzun taught that Xiaoxiao must be cautious in her words and deeds in the future, and be a person of light and wind."

  Jun Jiuchen gave Bai Xiaoxiao a cold and indifferent look, without nodding or denying it, but the man's cold eyes still made Bai Xiaoxiao tighten her mind, and she was frightened.

What made Bai Xiaoxiao unable to accept was that Jun Jiuchen, who was still not close to other people before, suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Qinghuan. Although there was no expression on that face that had always been lonely, it had dark eyes. But there may be concerns that he didn't even notice.

   "Friend Su, you have cut off your connection with the magic weapon of your fate before, and you are afraid that your spirit will be damaged. You can return the pill with these nine turns, you can eat it first."

   "Thank you Jun Xiao, Master Uncle."

  Su Qinghuan was astonished in her heart. She glanced at Jun Jiuchen in a daze, but she never thought that Jun Jiuchen would still care about her injury.

  Before, Jun Jiuchen would come to Zixiao Peak alone to punish Chu Yufeng, and it may not be because he wanted to stand out for himself. It is also possible that Jun Jiuchen, as an elder of the Discipline Hall, could not tolerate sand in his own eyes.

   But right now Jun Jiuchen's Nine-turn-Returning Pill is a rare high-level pill, and he didn't expect the other party to give it to himself so lightly.

   is just a fate, the other party is so kind...


  The two are now very different in status and status. She is also injured. Su Qinghuan does not think that there is anything in her body that is worthy of being conspired by Jun Jiuchen.

  Little fox is not the hypocritical person, she really needs to make up for it now. Now that Jun Jiuchen is willing to give her something, the little fox nodded, and will pay back the favor after the big deal.


  The other monks present saw the little fox take the Nine Turns Huandan without hesitation, and they were all envy and envy.

  Be aware that it’s the Nine Turns for Dan!

  Looking at the porcelain pill bottle faintly surrounded by purple gas, it can be seen that it is still the top grade among the nine-turn pill, even if it is a Yuan Ying monk, I am afraid that there is no stock in his hands.

  Only people like Jun Jiuchen, who are highly qualified first, and have a master of transformation, so many big sects are interested in private possession.

  This class of first-class elixir can be given to others, such as Chu Yufeng. Anyway, this fellow is still a Celestial Spiritual Root monk. Now the damage is repaired, and it will still be a craftable material in the future.

  But what's the use of giving it to Su Qinghuan besides healing the wound at her spiritual root?

  A five-spiritual monk, even if his soul is stabilized and his trauma has disappeared, will there be no great fortune on the road of spiritual practice in the future? !


  Everyone was in pain for a while.

  However, the little fox did not hesitate to open the bottle and swallow the Nine Turns Huan Pill in one bite. The so-called guilty guilty, in her current situation, if she does not eat the pill, she is afraid that she will be killed.

  Those who were apprehensive about Su Qinghuan's possession of Nine Ranks Huan Pill, at first they were still thinking about whether they could get something to make a deal from Su Qinghuan, but now that the pill is gone, they finally stopped thinking about it.

  And these Nine Ranks Huandan Fruits are really useful. Previously, Su Qing's pretty face turned pale, but after just eating, now his cheeks are a little bloody, and his breath fluctuations are much calmer than before.


  Zi Xiao Peak Peak Master Zi Xiao saw this scene, he couldn't help coughing immediately, and looked at Jun Jiuchen with hope.

   "Junior Brother, now things are settled, you can take the Nine Turns Huandan out to the female doll, why don't you give me a disciple who is not a good tool?"

   "Yufeng is a leader among the new generation of Taiqing Sect. He is second only to you in terms of aptitude. Even if it is for the sake of caring for the newcomer, he should give Yufeng a share!"

  Princess Zixiao has long known that Jun Jiuchen's private possession is very extensive, and even the current head of Taiqing Sect, I am afraid that there are not as many good things in his treasure house as this Jun Jiuchen.

   And Jun Jiuchen only met Su Qinghuan by the water. At the first meeting, he was able to “send” Nine Turns to return a pill to a female cultivator who just met. Then he hurt his disciple, so why not give me some compensation?


   Hearing Master Zi Xiao’s proposal, even though Chu Yufeng always hated himself being crushed by Jun Jiuchen, but with the spirit pill in front, he could not help but give birth to greed and delusion, and subconsciously looked at Jun Jiuchen.

   "Jun Xiao Shi Shu, Yu Feng had been too aggressive in his words before, and he was quite offensive. Now that Yu Feng knows that he is wrong, I hope Jun Xiao Shi Shu can open up the Internet."

As Yuan Ying Xianzun, Jun Jiuchen should have been called Jun Jiuchen as his uncle in the new generation of Taiqingzong, but he is too young. Many of his disciples are older than him, and their cultivation level is even higher than him. Low, so the term "Little Master Uncle" has also been inherited.


   Seeing Chu Yufeng's covetous look, Jun Jiuchen snorted suddenly.

  "Since you are a disciple of Zixiaofeng, what do you do with me?"

  Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

   And Chu Yufeng was even more unwilling to say angrily.

   "So what does Su Qinghuan have to do with Wugou Peak where you are!"


  The nameless ancient sword in Jun Jiuchen's hand suddenly trembled, his mind was thoughtful, and his dark eyes looked at Su Qinghuan.

   "Friend Su, I met you for the first time in the mountains, and my spirit sword likes you very much. Now that the sound attack has been abandoned, how about changing to swordsmanship?"

   "You are pure in nature, and perhaps you have a destiny with kendo."

  Everyone was in an uproar upon hearing this!

   Jun Jiuchen is planning to accept disciples? !

  How could the great good things of this day fall on Su Qinghuan, a person who has lost his spiritual roots!

  (End of this chapter)

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