The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1409: The nun whose spiritual roots were taken away (39)

  Chapter 1409 The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (39)

  Bai Xiaoxiao did not avoid hitting someone, she was dissatisfied in her heart, but when she raised her head, she suddenly saw a beautiful female face in her eyes.

  Objectively speaking, Su Zirui was a naughty man, but like his sister Su Qinghuan, he was born with a good skin.

  The muscles are like white porcelain, the eyes are like lacquer, and Su Zirui's thin stature, wearing the light blue robes of the inner disciple of the Zixiao Peak of the Taiqing Sect, really has the taste of a secular and graceful master.

  In fact, Su Zirui and Su Qinghuan are roughly six or seven points similar in appearance, but I don't know how the creator painted them. Su Zirui, a young man, has a bit of cowardly femininity in his bones.

  But Su Qinghuan was open and frank, with a fascinating and heroic spirit.


  Bai Xiaoxiao felt unhappy when she saw Su Zirui. The wedding banquet held for her and Chu Yufeng at Zixiaofeng was destroyed by Su Qinghuan.

  Mingming Su Zirui can stand up and say a few words for her.

   But this cowardly admires himself with all his heart, but because he is afraid of Su Qinghuan, he dare not say a word!

   really annoyed Bai Xiaoxiao.


  Bai Xiaoxiao was worried, but because of her gentle and considerate personality, she raised her head pitifully and said to Su Zirui.

   "Brother Su, why are you here? Don't you go to Wujianping with other inner disciples to practice sword?"

  Su Zirui saw her sweetheart looking at her affectionately, her heart was so cramped.

  It’s just because Bai Xiaoxiao came out in a hurry, and the clothes were not fully dressed. Su Zirui suddenly noticed countless eye-catching red bruises on the button-opened skirt.

  Even though he has never eaten pork and seen pigs running, Su Zirui only felt that his heart was stabbed by something.

  Even if he knew that his sweetheart had already married Chu Yufeng, and sooner or later he would become a Daoist spiritual practitioner, but the facts before him still made Su Zirui's spare baby painful.


  Su Zirui stretched out his hands almost uncontrollably, and firmly grasped Bai Xiaoxiao's shoulders.

   "Did Brother Chu bully you?!"

  As soon as this sentence was finished, Su Zirui regretted it.

  Even if people have not joined Bai Xiaoxiao to visit the world, but at least Chu Yufeng has already booked a kiss with Bai Xiaoxiao, what is his position to ask Bai Xiaoxiao? !

  For a while, Su Zirui's heart was down and down. He was a cowardly temper, because the spiritual anger of the sweetheart and others was suppressed in a short time.

  Thinking about this, Su Zirui instantly released Bai Xiaoxiao's hand, his eyes bleak.

  "Xiao Xiao, I can't deceive myself and others like this anymore. You and Brother Chu are a perfect match. I will never disturb you in private like this again."


  Bai Xiaoxiao had noticed Su Zirui’s dark eyes a long time ago, but Bai Xiaoxiao did not expect that, seeing this posture, Su Zirui actually didn’t plan to use her as a spare tire in the future!

  How can this be!

In the past, Su Zirui was very obedient to her, and his attitude was much better than that of Chu Yufeng’s machismo, and don’t think Su Zirui was just an inner disciple, but no matter how small a mosquito was, it was meat. He was taken care of by Su Qinghuan for so many years, and he had good things in his storage bag. But it's a lot!

In particular, Su Zirui and Pill Formation were no match for the door. At the beginning, Su Qinghuan specially found a Suxin Pill for his brother to help form the pill. Although it was not as good as the tiny flowers that Su Qinghuan gave to Chu Yufeng at the beginning, it was quite a bit of a flower. For a rare good thing.

  This Suxin Pill can help people to reduce the breeding of heart demon and increase the probability of pill formation when they break through from the foundation building to the golden pill stage.

  Bai Xiaoxiao only did a spiritual practice with Chu Yufeng this time, breaking through from the early stage of foundation construction to the middle stage of foundation construction.

Bai Xiaoxiao has realized that with her Xuan Yin body, coupled with the water spirit root she stolen from Su Qinghuan now, to assist Huanxi Zong's spiritual practice to absorb the spiritual power of others, she is away from the late stage of foundation building. It's just around the corner.

  At that time, what she has to worry about is not these trivial things now, but how to plan how to form a golden pill.

  Su Zirui is a foolish species, although he has the aptitude of Shuimu Shuanglinggen, but he doesn't care much about cultivation. In this case, it is better to make yourself cheaper than to give Su Xin Pill to him!

  Didn’t Su Ziru always say that he is the sweetheart he couldn’t ask for? !

  It is the best to give Su Xin Dan to yourself!

  Bai Xiaoxiao even made plans, and now her body of yin has been given to Chu Yufeng, since this is the case, I believe that Chu Yufeng will have less and less suspicion of her infidelity.

  For that Su Xin Dan, Bai Xiaoxiao even planned to have a spring breeze with Su Zirui.

  A little sweetness to the spare tire, and she is also happy to let the other party devote everything to herself.

After all, there are some daily trivial matters, which is definitely not easy for Chu Yufeng to deal with. Chu Yufeng is not as silly and sweet as Su Zirui. With Su Zirui doing her best by her side, her life in Taiqingzong will be much easier. .


Thinking like this, Bai Xiaoxiao immediately reached out and shook Su Zirui's hand.

   "Brother Su, don't leave!"

   Realizing that she might have been too proactive in this way, Bai Xiaoxiao finally timidly slipped her fingertips down, and instead grabbed Su Zirui's sleeves.

   Give them a buffer.

   Seeing the sweetheart who was born with Liu Meiqiong nose and Huarong Yue look looking at him like this, Su Zirui was stunned for a while, and the thoughts that had been born to stay away from Bai Xiaoxiao in the future were directly suppressed.

  "Brother Su, you don’t know what Brother Chu did to me last night...oooooo...he...he just bullied me, but he kept calling your sister's name in his mouth."

   "Brother Su, I feel so uncomfortable... If you don't believe me, listen to my heartbeat..."

  Bai Xiaoxiao said like this, then grabbed Su Zirui's hand and placed it on his own heart.

   Feeling the soft and graceful curves of the woman, which is quite different from that of the man, Su Zirui's face suddenly blushed.

  All of a sudden, Su Zirui's heart was full of Bai Xiaoxiao, and she could not care about anything else, so she hugged Bai Xiaoxiao directly into her arms.

  He seemed to have made some determination, filled with outrage.

   "Xiao Xiao, I didn't expect Brother Chu to have you, and he still misses my sister. He is not a thing."

   "Xiao Xiao, if you are willing to follow me, although I am not as good as Brother Chu, I promise that I will take care of you in this Taiqing Sect in the future."

   "Brother Su, you are so kind, and you are still in tears, and I hate to meet you when you are not married."

  When Bai Xiaoxiao said this, Su Zirui became anxious immediately.

   "But you haven't married Big Brother Chu yet!"

  He still has a chance, right? !

  Just as Su Zirui was upset, Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly raised her toes and kissed his lips...

  (End of this chapter)

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