The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1413: The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (43)

  Chapter 1413 The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (43)

   "Junior Sister, do you want to be my Taoist companion?"


  The little fox just happened to be smiling and preparing to watch Jun Jiuchen embarrassed. Unexpectedly, Jun Jiuchen would kick the ball back without thinking.


  This is the unique way of thinking of straight men? !

  The little fox was embarrassed.

  She has never been a hypocritical person. After having the idea of ​​taking down Jun Jiuchen, she nodded generously.

   "That's right, not right."

   "...Why do you say that?"

   Jun Jiuchen frowned.

  Although the white-clothed youth had never thought about finding a Daoist companion before, but he did not cultivate the tactics of being too unhappy.

  It’s just that Jun Jiuchen thinks that he is withdrawn by nature, and he is not easy to get along with others. The only familiarity may be the Master Wushu who teaches him kendo.

   Both the master and the apprentice were born geniuses, and True Monarch Wu Gu never knew how to care for children, so after Jun Jiuchen entered Taiqing Sect, he learned to cook very early and became independent on his own.

  It’s not necessary to do laundry. After all, there is a dust cleaning technique, so he can learn everything easily.

  In addition to Zhujizao, after Jun Jiuchen bigu, he quickly gave up his appetite.

  It can be said that in this world, kendo is the only way to win his heart.

  After knowing that his master was going to close the dead and strive to break through the transformation of God, although Jun Jiuchen was a little melancholy at first, he had been alone all the year round, and he quickly accepted this fact.

If it weren’t for the head of the Taiqing sect to see that Wugou Peak was too deserted, he would send a few handyman disciples and Dao Tong to sweep it. I’m afraid this Wugou Peak will really be invisible all year round, only Jun Jiuchen and an unnamed ancient sword. , Long tea stands alone, hanging each other in shape and shadow.


On days like this, Jun Jiuchen didn't feel lonely.

  Naturally, I don’t understand why there are so many people in this world who are eager to read the word “love”. Some Taoists even fought for love, fighting for their lives, moths rushing to the fire, and even the Longevity Avenue has been forgotten.

   But after Su Qinghuan appeared, Jun Jiuchen was not so exaggerated to love the girl at first sight. He just thought that Su Qinghuan had a relationship with kendo and his talent was also superb, which made him quite admired.

  After hearing the little fox put forward the words "don't marry He Li", Jun Jiuchen felt that if Su Qinghuan needed a Taoist companion and that person was him, the youth would not be repelled by accident.

   After all, it is not repulsive, for this genius sword repairman, it is already very rare.

  Even the real master Wugou before him, apart from talking about kendo, the two of them almost never cared about other daily trivial matters.


  The little fox saw Jun Jiuchen's eyes looking at him in confusion. At this moment, the dark ink pupils, under the shining of Chaoyang gold thread, showed a bit of inorganic coldness.

  Like the person in front of you, unintentional and unconscious, as clear as a pool of clear springs under the cliffs of the world.

  No one has ever visited this beauty, this beauty naturally cannot respond to this worldly.


  People who plan to spend their entire lives together will be a few years older than the original owner next year, but they seem to have no love, which is really a headache.

  The little fox thought about it carefully, and then said seriously to Jun Jiuchen.

  "Brother, I'll give you some popular science. Treat a girl like you did before. You may not think that there is a difference between men and women. People who cultivate immortals don't need to be hypocritical, but this is definitely beyond the scope of general familiarity."

  What is the meaning of popular science?

Jun Jiuchen looked at Su Qinghuan steadily, and saw that the little fox repeatedly appeared some words that he didn't understand. He wanted to ask, but when the little fox said that he was happy, he didn't interrupt her, and the man was quick to pay attention. I will be here to explain what the little fox is actually explaining.

   "So, do you want me to be responsible for you?"


  The little fox gave Jun Jiuchen a weird look.

   "We haven't happened to anything that can't be described, but it's not so exaggerated that you have to be responsible."

   "Let me just say that. If you are so close to other girls, even if I accept you in my heart, you will end up resenting it."

   "But I have never been so close to the girl next to me..."

  Jun Jiuchen stared at the little fox inexplicably, even unconsciously aggrieved in words.

  Maybe even Jun Jiuchen himself hadn’t noticed that this immortal monarch who looked lonely and cold to outsiders, staring at people seriously at this moment and slightly ignorant, became more and more clear and beautiful.

  Little foxes have an illusion that they are abducting large over-aged “children”.


   Under such close observation, the little fox looked at Jun Jiuchen's eyelashes, thinking with jealousy that her cheap brother had too long eyelashes, and the eyelashes fluttered while speaking, just like a butterfly fluttering.

  唔, not only the eyelashes, but Jun Jiuchen's sword eyebrows are also thick, and his hair is denser.

  Is this probably a benefit brought by the cultivation of immortals?

  After all, washing the essence and cutting the marrow can expel all the impurities in the body. The little fox has hardly seen a few bald cultivators, and almost all of them are handsome men and beauties.

   is still the handsome man in front of me, who is especially charming.

  Little fox realized that she really had the urge to reach out and touch the man’s eyebrows, she quickly coughed, and lowered her hand to prevent herself from turning into a "weird".

  "Nothing before, worthy of praise, but afterwards it doesn’t mean there is no, just like you are so close to me, it will inevitably make me think more."

   "If I have a good impression of you, you will get very close to the girl next to you."

   Realizing that there is a loophole in his statement, the little fox quickly added with a smile.

   "Of course, if I have a sweetheart, my sweetheart will not say that it is close to the girl next to me. If I get close to other men like this, I will get angry and don't want him."

  Since the original owner of a certain plane suffered a lifelong tragedy because of marrying a man who likes men, the little fox feels that he has seen this aspect more clearly.

  Betrayal is betrayal, there is no need to pull a fig leaf of gender.


  Jun Jiuchen heard that the little fox was "popularizing science" with himself stubbornly. He looked at Su Qinghuan ignorantly, and his dark eyes suddenly seemed to have an enlightenment.

  The white-clothed young man stared at Su Qinghuan earnestly, and suddenly took Su Qinghuan's hand, saying every word.

  "Well, if you don’t like it, then I will keep a distance from anyone except you in the future."


  When the little fox was held by Jun Jiuchen, he had goose bumps subconsciously. Unexpectedly, he could hear what Jun Jiuchen said.

  Her brain went down directly.

  Why do you always feel that this progress bar is not right?

  Jun Jiuchen, this is the part of the lover's self-cultivation that has passed the mutual confession of two people directly? !


  The little fox looked at the white-clothed young man's hands clasped with his fingers, his voice stumbled unconsciously.

   "Then we...what is the relationship now?"

  (End of this chapter)

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