The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1416: The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (46)

  Chapter 1416 The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (46)

  Because of the spirit power of the white-clothed youth, a gust of wind suddenly appeared, causing the flowers that bloomed like a fire on the branches to fall with the wind.

  The girl's waist was not full, but it was also held in the palm by Jun Jiuchen.


  The little fox saw that he fell into the man’s arms because of the spell, and his ears were not consciously stained with light scarlet.

  "Brother, why did you fail to learn?"

   While the man’s eyes were drooping, he looked at her for an instant, his lips showed a meaningful smile.

  "Junior sister, didn’t you say that the brother is as cautious as a woman? In that case, should I study hard with my junior sister, how can I give my heart to my sweetheart?"


   Is this really what Jun Jiuchen would say? !

  Beng Ren set up, right? !

  The little fox thought that this seemingly clean brother would agree to be a Taoist companion so quickly, she felt incredible in her heart, and at this moment, she was at a loss when she heard what the man said.


  No matter how gentle a man is, in front of his sweetheart, he will inevitably want to show his masculinity.

  It’s just that the little fox couldn’t think of it. Jun Jiuchen stared at her scorchingly, and suddenly grabbed the back of the girl’s head. The two of them faced each other, and the thin lips of the young man came over without hesitation—

  Sweet and fragrant as he imagined, like the scent of cold plum, which is obviously not strong, but it is fascinating.

  The little fox's breathing was stagnant, and he didn't expect that Jun Jiuchen would still want to pry open her teeth.

  This script is wrong!


  The little fox subconsciously wanted to push Jun Jiuchen away, but unexpectedly, Jun Jiuchen directly bound her hands and pressed her under the unknown flower tree.

  The falling English is colorful, flying like rain.

  The little fox subconsciously took a breath when he saw the handsome face magnified infinitely in front of him.

  The closer you look at Jun Jiuchen's face, the more you feel ashamed, as if you can't even find a pore.

   is really a man carved from beautiful jade.


   is just this jade-like beautiful man, but now she is in front of her, making her unable to move, constrained in this small space, a cheeky person like a little fox, can't help but flushed.

  However, Jun Jiuchen stared at the woman's blushing face in time.

   "It turned out to be as bold as a younger sister, and I also know how to write these words, sorry?"


  Is this making fun of her? !

  Little Fox's eyes widened, she felt a little unconvinced in her heart. She never thought that she would be ridden by a man who looked like a handsome and immortal man, and was teased by the other party!

  The previous situation seems to be completely reversed.

  "You would be embarrassed, I..."

When the little fox was about to refute, what he didn't expect was that Jun Jiuchen looked at her with a smile. Those dark eyes seemed to be stained with thicker and darker eyes, which was inexplicably frightening. people.

"Is it?"

Without waiting for the little fox to speak, Jun Jiuchen actually kissed him again.

   Sealed with lips.

  The hand of the white-clothed youth bound the slender palm of the little fox and pressed her under the flower tree.

  Flowers and trees seem to be overwhelmed by the annoyance of the young couple, and they drift down more and more.

  One piece fell on the tip of the girl’s nose.

  Jun Jiuchen stared at the flower, and suddenly he passed the flower and crossed over with his lips.



  Gao Leng Xianjun’s persona is completely broken here!


  The little fox looked at Jun Jiuchen in disbelief, and didn't understand what it was that made his cheeks hot.

  Her beautiful eyes flowed, and she glared at Jun Jiuchen with embarrassment.


  Let her go!

   is just under the control of others, but can't say much, only can overflow some broken whispers.


   But Jun Jiuchen's possessiveness spread deeper, his throat slid, he stared at the watery apricot eyes of the little fox, and couldn't help but completely swept the flower through the little fox's mouth.

  When all this was over, the little fox didn't know how to look at Jun Jiuchen, and she angrily hammered the man on the shoulder.

  "Who asked you to feed me such weird flowers..."

  However, although the flower cannot be named, it has a special sweet taste.

   is just the scene where Jun Jiuchen feeds her, which is really hard to describe.

  Just thinking about it, the little fox's scalp tightened for a while, and even his fingertips could not help but gently curl up.

  Sure enough, people can't look at all.

  Such an immortal beauty is actually a wolf in sheep's clothing.


  Unexpectedly, the man stared at him with his eyes straight, and when his thin lips opened slightly, his cold voice became a bit dumb because of what had just happened.

   "The flower is called Yuyan Flower. It is said that it is very helpful to the monks' cultivation, so I was curious for a while, is it true?"


  Even if you want to experiment, you don’t have to use such a peculiar way!

  The more the little fox thought about it, the more embarrassed it became. In order to cover up his embarrassment, he could only grab his head.

   "Huh, you can't do this in the future. This is definitely a lie. I didn't feel any spiritual fluctuations at all."

   "Really? Why do I think it tastes good."


  When the man said the word taste, he subconsciously aggravated it a bit, and he didn't know whether he was commenting on the flowers or talking about the little fox itself.


  Su Qinghuan’s eyes widened, and he couldn't help but glared at Jun Jiuchen in embarrassment.

  Unexpectedly, the man said with a smile to Yan Yan, and with the movement of his distinct fingers, the fingertips clearly flicked across a petal.

   "Junior sister still want to try again? Maybe this time, Junior sister can feel it."

  I'm afraid I'm scared, I can't afford it.

  The little fox looked at Jun Jiuchen's handsome face, his heart began to accelerate suddenly.

  The distance between the two has a tendency to get closer.

  Jun Jiuchen couldn't help but stretch out his hand, trying to clasp his fingers with the little fox.

  Even if he doesn’t do anything, as long as the two of them clasp their fingers together, he feels as if he owns the world.

   Seeing that the temperature in the air seemed to be constantly rising, suddenly, a sharp female voice that couldn't believe it interrupted the dreamlike atmosphere.

  "Uncle Jun Xiao, Fairy Su, what are you doing!"


  Jun Jiuchen's pupils narrowed slightly, he turned around, and saw two obstructive figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

   is Bai Xiaoxiao, and the Taoist boy who led Bai Xiaoxiao here.


   Dao Tong Fourteen saw that Jun Jiuchen had just returned with a faint smile on the corner of his lips, but at this moment, the whole person was like frost, which made people look daunting.

   Dao Tong Fourteen had never seen Jun Jiuchen look like this, his face turned pale, and he knelt down tremblingly.

  "Xianjun Rongzi, it was the white fairy begging the young man to take her up the mountain. She said that she was here to pay Fairy Su to apologize..."

  God, shouldn't they be a good thing that broke Xianjun? !

  (End of this chapter)

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