The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1423: The nun whose spiritual roots were taken away (53)

  Chapter 1423 The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (53)

  The little fox’s eyes flickered, and his slender eyelashes resembled a swallowtail butterfly fluttering, and he was about to bump into the hearts of others at any time.

   Jun Jiuchen was wrapped around Su Qinghuan's arms, the man’s ears were slightly red, and he quickly retreated a spell.

  "Hugh is so foolish, Junior Sister, it’s not that I want to control you, but you don’t want to waste time all the time, stay in this foundation-building period for a long time, right?"

"In fact, when I was reading ancient books before, I saw that the five spirit roots are not the despised broken spirit roots. It is just that ordinary people use the five spirit roots to cultivate and absorb the five spiritual powers at the same time. Time and energy are much higher."

   "I have brought you to this cold jade vein all the way, also to enable you to practice faster, do you understand?"


  How can the little fox not understand?

  She looked at Jun Jiuchen's serious expression, and suddenly chuckled.

  "Brother, you are such a fool. Okay, who said I don’t want to work hard to cultivate immortals?"

  Blindly relying on others is not a long-term solution after all.

  Even if that person is his lover.

  She has never been a dodder flower, nor has she ever thought about letting Jun Jiuchen shelter her from the wind and rain, but wants to be a tall arbor, to cherish each other with Jun Jiuchen and rely on each other.


  Said the little fox, he sat cross-legged and began to practice concentration seriously.

  Jun Jiuchen was relieved when he saw the little fox, but he was a little bit inexplicably stunned when he saw that the girl didn't bother him to make trouble.

  Of course he believed in the genius of the little fox. From the fox's superb comprehension of kendo, Jun Jiuchen understood that others felt that Su Qinghuan's path of cultivation was difficult to advance, and it was just short-sighted.

  What is rare to live with a cultivator who has perseverance and super insight?

  Thinking about this, Jun Jiuchen quickly set up several body protection circles on the little fox, and closed up with her.


  In that room, the little fox heard System 233 rebroadcast that Chu Yufeng came to Wugufeng to look for her.

"Tsk tusk tusk, host, you didn't see that scene. After Chu Yufeng was disgusted by Dao Tong XIV, he almost wanted to smash the Wugou Peak. What a pity, just his little cultivation base, even Wugou No one is sitting on the peak, and he can't make waves."

   Seeing System 233 ridiculing Chu Yufeng there, the little fox also nodded.

  "This Chu Yufeng deserves it. His previous path of cultivation was too smooth, which caused his mood to be too arrogant. Now he has been stumbled continuously. I am afraid that no matter how much medicine he takes, he will not be able to restrain his demons."

  Who made Chu Yufeng not know how to reflect on his own faults?


  Thinking of the "good deeds" that his cheap brother Su Zirui did with Bai Xiaoxiao, the little fox gloats even more.

  "Tong'er, you said that when I return from this remote Beihai, will Chu Yufeng have discovered that Bai Xiaoxiao and Su Zirui have cuckold him?"

  "Are we able to watch a good show then?"

  "It’s hard to say. Although Chu Yufeng is always shrewd, Bai Xiaoxiao is not a vegetarian. She should try to hide her affairs with Su Zirui."

  "Hey, the dog bites the dog and has a hairy mouth. Then I will wait for a good show."


  The little fox had finished speaking, and then left these people behind, earnestly absorbing the aura around him.

She could feel that since she learned the Wushou sword technique to the third level, the auras around her seemed to be more friendly to her than before. As she worked on her exercises, the five auras of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth all rushed to compete. Drill into her body.

  If Jun Jiuchen was exploring the little fox's spiritual veins at this moment, I am afraid that he would be surprised by the speed of the little fox's cultivation.

  If it is an ordinary person, according to this rapid absorption of aura speed, in fact, it is easy to explode and die.

  But little fox does not.

  Because the little fox's spiritual consciousness is stronger than others, let alone Jun Jiuchen, even Jun Jiuchen and her nominal Master Wugou Zhenjun can't compare with the little fox's knowledge of the sea.

  In addition, the last time Jun Jiuchen gave the little fox a nine-turn pill, not only helped the little fox smooth the scars of the original master’s spiritual root transplantation, but also further broadened the little fox’s spiritual veins.

  The little fox has only been running for a few weeks, and she feels that under the pure aura fluctuations of this place, it will be sooner or later for her to break through.

  The little fox was secretly happy in his heart, and then he hugged Moto Shouichi more seriously, got rid of distracting thoughts, and concentrated on practicing.


  A blink of an eye, eight months later,

The little fox felt a state of extreme mystery. As soon as she opened her eyes, she noticed that the aura of her limbs and a hundred skeletons gathered towards her dantian, and slowly, a brilliant gold was condensed in her dantian. Dan.

   "Hey, don't I actually need to endure the calamity of the pill formation?"

"Stupid, the original owner has already experienced the thunder tribulation of forming a pill. You are not seizing the house. You have inherited her identity and memory mana according to the original owner's will. Of course, heaven will default you to the same person, so you will not have thunder tribulation. ."

   "Of course, if you want to break the pill knot, the thunder robbery that should come will still come."

  System 233 just slapped the little fox. Before the little fox choked with it, he suddenly noticed that Jun Jiuchen was looking at him with a smile in his eyes.

   "Junior sister, have you reshaped the golden core?"

   "Senior brother is also aware of it?"

   "I have been here to protect you, of course, I noticed it earlier than others."

  Jun Jiuchen, wearing a white robe, looked up and down at the little fox with pleasure.

   "I originally thought that if you re-consolidate the pill, even if there is no thunder, there should be an intrusion of the demons. Unexpectedly, the younger sister, your mood is far more stable than the older brother thought."

   "That's, who told me to be a direct disciple of Wugufeng, brother, you are so good, I can't lose the face of our Wugufeng."

   "Little ghosts and spirits."

Jun Jiuchen shook his head and laughed, but he also felt very proud of Su Qinghuan.

  Although he didn't doubt that the little fox could regenerate his pill, after all, one year was too short. Even if he could bring her to the bitter cold land of the North Sea, he was afraid that the little fox would not be able to hold on, or the time would take too long.

  Who would have expected that the little fox could fulfill Master’s request ahead of time.

  Sure enough, the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward, and the potential of the little fox was far more than he had imagined.


  Because of fulfilling the requirements of the real Wugou, the little fox quickly returned to Taiqingzong with Jun Jiuchen Yujian.

  To the little fox's surprise, the Taiqing Sect was decorated with lights and festoons. It seemed that there was a happy event to be done.

  Su Qinghuan and Jun Jiuchen fell to the ground from the spirit sword and asked a doorman at random.

  "This fellow Taoist, is there any happy event in this school?"

  "Don’t you know that Senior Brother Chu of Zixiaofeng and Fairy Bai Miaoyinfeng are going to hold a ceremony for Taoist couples today?"

  The teenager who was questioned was thinking about where the dumplings came from. He didn't even know this kind of event. Unexpectedly, when he turned his head, he saw a beautiful face that was so beautiful and dusty. The man was dumbfounded for an instant.

  (End of this chapter)

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