The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1438: I am killing the Quartet (9) 2200 words

  Chapter 1438 I am killing the Quartet (9) 2200 words

  Fiancée made this kind of scandal on her own site, and when she changed to another man, she would have looked ashen-faced and wished to bring the original owner to Shentang.

   But when Li Moyao and his twin brother Li Zihao came over, Li Moyao, dressed in white and trousers, still looked as calm and calm as before, and looked much calmer and calmer than Li Zihao.

  At the very least, Li Zihao seemed to be shocked, his mouth opened into an O shape.

   "Sister-in-law, you can cause such a thing in full view of you, it's ridiculous for you!"

   "Zihao, shut up!"

  Li Moyao glanced at Li Zihao indifferently, and Li Zihao was really impressed when he saw that his eldest brother was still like a robot with no sense of coldness.

  His performance just now certainly has the element of showmaking, but after all, Li Zihao has nothing to do with himself and hangs up high. His elder brother’s disposition really makes people suspect that even if the sky falls, it will not disturb Li Moyao half a point.


  The original owner saw that Li Moyao didn't blame himself at the time, and suddenly thought that the man in his heart had the eyes of a torch, and he would surely be able to see through her as an innocent victim.

  The original owner held the quilt with teary eyes and looked at Li Moyao, like a traveler in the middle of the sea, clutching the last piece of driftwood.

   "Brother Li, do you believe me, right?! Oh, I am innocent. I was really brought to this place by a maid by mistake!"

  "I don’t even know the other man in the room, I don’t know his name, and nothing happened to him, Brother Li, please believe me, please believe me!"

  The original owner was in tears, and if she could dig out her heart to prove to Li Moyao, I'm afraid she would really be willing to use such a cruel way to prove that she was clean.


  And in that side, Li Moyao's expression was not half shaken by the original owner's gaffe. When it came to this point, Li Moyao could even calmly nod towards the housekeeper.

  "To persuade these unrelated people to leave, what they should and shouldn’t say in the future, let them have a sense of measure."

   "Okay, Master."

There are not many people left until the end of the banquet, but today’s such a big drama is really wonderful. If it weren’t for Li Moyao’s refusal to let them watch this joke, they really want to stay here, even if they are hungry until tomorrow. It's all right in the early morning.


  Su Xi'er planned this drama in order to make Su Qinghuan laugh generously, but seeing Li Moyao still "maintaining" Su Qinghuan's reputation here, the girl suddenly became unwilling to do so.

  She looked at Li Moyao, and immediately seemed filled with outrage.

  "Brother Li, as the saying goes, you don’t want to help your relatives. I know how painful you are. I really didn’t expect my sister to hurt you so much. I'm sorry for the Su family. I'm sorry for Su Xier from now on..."

   Before Su Xier confessed her inner words, she was swept by Li Moyao with a cold and indifferent look.

   "Have you said enough?"


  Swept by the sharp eyes of a man, Su Xier almost thought that all of her little tricks had been seen through by Li Moyao. Su Xier was frightened for a moment, but her inner desire to become the grandmother of the Li family still suppressed her fear.

  ——Whether Li Moyao knows whether she planned this incident, but Su Qinghuan’s face is now shameless anyway, Li Moyao is such a proud and dignified man, it is impossible for Li Moyao to bear a fiance who cuckolds him.

  Regardless of whether the original owner is active or passive.


   figured this out, Su Xier was not so scared anymore.

  She knew the truth that she couldn’t do it. Since she couldn’t attack Su Qinghuan head-on, her eyes reddened. Chuchu looked at Li Moyao pitifully, and began to brush up on the man’s favor.

   "Brother Li, people just feel sorry for you. I know you want to maintain your sister's last bit of dignity. You are so kind, and Xier has begun to envy her a little bit."

  Of course not to envy Su Qinghuan's current ugly state.

  But envious of her having a fiance like Li Moyao.

  All the clever people present, Su Xier did not believe that Li Moyao could not understand.


  However, to Su Xier's disappointment, Li Moyao did not pay attention to her gestures. Instead, Li Zihao smiled and pulled her hand.

  "It’s okay, Xier, my eldest brother is too cold-tempered, and my brother Zihao feels sorry for you. Now is the time for eldest brother to deal with personal affairs. Okay, you and your uncle should leave as well."


  Su Xi'er was ordered to evict guests like this. She never expected her. The girl looked at Su Qinghuan who was crying under the bed unwillingly, but in the end she could only bite her lip and leave.


  The other people were sent out, leaving only Li Moyao, Mu Hanting, and the original owner in the room.

  Mu Hanting was frank and open, and could even calmly attack the original owner with his eyes on Li Moyao.

   "Cousin, you unmarried fiancée, I didn't expect to be such a person, you will have to think deeply in the future."

  Li Moyao rushed to Mu Hanting and nodded lightly, without comment, then took the original owner's coat and put it on the original owner's shoulder.

   "Wipe your tears, I will tell you about it tomorrow."

  The original owner blushed with tears. She tried to tell Li Moyao with a thousand words, but the fiance refused to turn around without waiting for her to explain.


  The original master naively thought that Li Moyao was willing to dismiss those who watched the excitement for her, and he was willing to put clothes on her, which was proof that Li Moyao felt sorry for her.

  Until the next day, the original owner received a notice from the housekeeper of the house of Li.

  Li Moyao wants to retreat.

  Six simple words made the original lord almost fall off the stairs.

  The heavy rain that day was like the experience that God had pityed the original owner, and shed such tears for her.


Wearing a white dress, the girl knelt down in front of the front door of Li's house, begging Li Moyao to listen to her explanation. The original owner even kept recalling the appearance of the maid who brought her into the wrong room. Li Moyao saw himself as evidence of being wronged.

   But after receiving the portrait, Li Moyao let the original owner in, but said the most incredible words in this life.

   "I know you were wronged, but what about it?"

  "Brother Li...Are you lying to me, or are you suspecting that I have something to do with Mu Hanting, I swear, nothing happened to me..."

"that's not important."

  The original owner was soaked in rain at the time, and she shivered from the cold, but Li Moyao sat on the velvet sofa, holding a cup of hot tea, and looking at the original owner's embarrassing posture indifferently.

"Are you surprised? I might as well tell you that I have the ability to never forget. That maid is indeed not a member of the Li family, so I took a few more glances. When she took you over, I already knew that Mu Hanting was there. In the room, I didn't stop it."

   "Why... why?"

  The original owner grasped the hem of the skirt painfully and dazedly, and suddenly realized that Li Moyao's eyes were more chilling than the coldest raindrops and hurt her heart.

  Even if the original owner is not Li Moyao’s fiancée, but this is in Li Moyao’s house, and the man knows that someone has deliberately murdered an innocent girl like this, he shouldn’t watch him coldly!

  The original owner never knew that the male **** he had fallen in love with for so many years turned out to be such a cold-blooded animal.


   "Does this need to be weird?"

  Li Moyao stood up calmly, his long stature approached, and the huge shadow almost enveloped the original owner's petite body.

   "You are such a shallow woman, you can't even tell me and my brother, why should I save you?"

  "I only admire smart people, and you are too stupid."

  (End of this chapter)

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