The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1440: I am killing the Quartet by the rich (11)

  Chapter 1440 I am killing the Quartet in the rich (11)

  The original owner did not expect that the situation would develop in such an uncontrollable direction.

  Although the original owner was shocked with Mu Hanting, she was not really stupid. If she hadn’t been calculated, what could be the situation in her own time?

  It’s just that the original owner didn’t understand, why did Mu Hanting set up a hole for himself, and why did he have to marry himself?


The original owner is now infamous, and no matter how Mu Hanting is, he, as the future head of the Mu family and the actual power holder now, how many people even laugh at Mu Hanting’s background behind it, really meet him, it’s still not enough. Bow down.

  Mu Hanting has too many choices.

  The original owner only thinks this is a conspiracy, of course she will not agree.

   But Father Su said a request that made it difficult for the original owner to refuse.

  That is to restore the relics of the main mother.

  The original owner’s mother was able to marry Su’s father back then. Naturally, her background is not bad. There are some shops and houses in the north of City A. There are also many Su’s relics and jewelry for the original owner to see things and think about people.


  These things, if the original owner does not get married, Su's father will never give it to the original owner now.

  The original owner hesitated for a while, perhaps because of giving up on Li Moyao in revenge, or perhaps because the longing for her mother shook her mind, the original owner finally agreed to Su's father's proposal.

Both the Mu family and the Li family are the families that most people look up to in City A, and Mu Hanting is Li Moyao's cousin. She has become Li Moyao's cousin, and naturally cannot lack the intersection with the Li family.

  In the future, that indifferent man, will he make a little disturbance in his heart because of the change in his identity?


  Holding such a silly hope that can no longer be stupid, the original owner married.

  What the original owner did not expect was that Mu Hanting was even more terrifying than the rumors.

  The original owner's wedding, due to the absence of Su's father and others, and Mu Hanting's cold treatment, made the original owner a joke.

  On the wedding night, the original owner kept the vacant room alone.

  Every day in the future, the original owner saw how his nominal husband could not ask for his stepsister, Su Xier, and how harsh he was.

  Even, because the original owner was desperately trying to expose Su Xier's hypocrisy at a banquet, the man took a knife and placed it on the original owner's slender neck, and the bloodstained blood snaked down.

  The original owner was frightened and fainted.

  She never knew that in this world, there is still such a terrifying person as Mu Hanting.

  It’s no wonder those people call him the King of Darkness. In Mu Hanting’s eyes, I’m afraid she can’t even count as an ant.

  At that time, the original owner only knew that the reason why Mu Hanting would marry her was because Su Xier wanted Mu Hanting to abuse the original owner, and because Su Xier had rescued him in the early years, the man agreed very indifferently.

  Mu Hanting also didn't put marriage in his eyes. He liked Su Xier, but Su Xier didn't like him, and was even afraid and fearful. Although the man regretted in his heart, he was not willing to force his sweetheart.

  The man took all these pains and retaliated against the original owner.

He would not touch the original owner, but the original owner and Su Xier still have a two- to three-point similarity, which can be used for Mu Hanting to "see things and think about people", but from the five senses, the original owner looks more bright and magnificent, Su Xi'er is a little bit younger than Jiabiyu.

  Mu Hanting looked at the original owner's face and regarded the original owner as a stand-in, while humiliating the original owner with all kinds of chilling words, and even mocked the original owner's hypocrisy, and brought the original owner to the place where he grew up.

  In his lifetime, where did the original owner have seen such a gloomy world?

  The seemingly magnificent clubhouse is full of scenes that make the original owner uncomfortable.

Whether it's the little girl who wears heavy makeup but has no light in her eyes and is younger than the original owner, or the old man who has a big belly and hugs several beauties, or the screams that come from the box from time to time .

  Even without having to rush inside, the original owner can imagine what a tragic scene was.

  Even, the original owner was also taken by Mu Hanting to the Poor Tongzi Tower across the street to see how the children there were asking for life.


  Mu Hanting threatened her. If the original owner did something to Su Xier again, he would let the original owner know what it means to be unable to survive or to die.

  The original owner understood that Mu Hanting really did it.

  Even if she is his nominal wife.

  Why is it in name? Since the wedding of the two people, not only did they not get the room, but they also did not get the certificate.

   Legally speaking, she and Mu Hanting are both single.

  The original owner has become a joke for the entire upper class. How about marrying the youngest and most beautiful dignitaries in City A, or the loser who has kept the vacant room and has no children all his life.

  Even every time at the family banquet between the Li family and the Mu family, the two brothers of the Li family can still scream "good cousin" to the original owner. There is nothing else.

It seems that the fact that she married Mu Hanting, a snake-like disease, did not cause any mental fluctuations to Li Moyao. Li Zihao was also laughing and joking, sometimes even laughing and joking to the original owner, as if he had done everything he did before. Have a clear conscience.

  Although Su Xier still failed to be promoted to the grandmother of the Li family, there are still many men around her who admire her. Compared with the original owner, Su Xier does not live too chic, it is simply high-spirited.


  In such a repressive life, it didn’t take long for the original owner to go crazy.

  She embarked on her mother's path, and jumped into the sea on a steamer.

  The cold water flooded her eyes, ears, nose and throat.

  Obviously, she should feel very painful, but at that moment, the original owner couldn't help but smile. She seemed to understand in a daze what is the real relief.

  This is her ridiculous and boring life, as if she is just a dispensable existence in this life.

  The saddest thing is that after the death of the original owner, no one cared about the original owner’s departure. Father Su disliked the daughter's bad luck, and hastily picked up the original owner's body, without even having a serious funeral.


After the death of the original owner, he was still surrounded by strong resentment, so that his emotions were infinitely expanded, and his thought power was invested in System 233.

  When the little fox read all the memory of the original owner, he almost went away.

  "Tong'er, do you think that in this plane, except for the original owner, all members are evil people."

  Mu Hanting is nothing more than that, with such a dark background, it is not surprising that he has become a snake disease.

   But the brother of the Li family is too outrageous, right?

   Li Moyao and Li Zihao's copy-like looks were deeply imprinted in the little fox's mind. The former is graceful and handsome, and the latter is passionate. As a result, the two people are the same in their bones, and there is no good thing.

  System 233 feels sorrowful after hearing this.

   "That's right, the host, I will give you a piece of cold knowledge for free, these three men are still unmanned, can't you think of it?"

   "Puff...I can understand the other two. So is that **** Li Zihao?"

  The little fox felt it was outrageous.

   Judging by the plot, not only Li Moyao, but also Li Zihao and Mu Hanting can see that Su Xier is a white lotus.

  But one of them is for the so-called life-saving grace of childhood, while the other obviously adopts the attitude of playing life and tramples on the original owner.

  I'm afraid that in the eyes of these arrogant people, the original owner really exists like a mustard.


  At this moment, the little fox suddenly heard a beep from the door, and the door was opened from the inside to the outside.

  The little fox is like a small animal with exploded fur, all over his body sounded a warning bell.

  She raised her eyes and saw Mu Hanting in a gorgeous groom suit—

  (End of this chapter)

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