The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1442: I am killing the Quartet among the rich (13)

  Chapter 1442 I am killing the Quartet in the rich (13)

  Mu Hanting lowered his head in disbelief, the woman under his palm was like a swan waiting to be killed, and a porcelain doll that could not stand the touch.

   But it is such a seemingly weak and fragile woman, but holding the Colt Falcon that he has used for self-defense all the time, she will coldly approach the man!

  How absurd this is!


If it were usually against the enemy, Mu Hanting's vigilance coefficient would definitely be much higher than it is now, but who would have thought that in his investigation, a woman who dared not even kill a chicken could actually do this kind of thing. !

   Mu Hanting's eyes suddenly sank, and the twin pupils that were soaked in hostility now showed even more terrifying hostility.

  Since he was recognized by the Mu family at the age of 18, no one has ever dared to threaten him like this!

good very good!

  "You said, such a beautiful lady like you, really understand, or dare to use this Colt Falcon?"

  "Are you quick to start, or do I choke you quickly?"

  The man relentlessly increased his grip on Su Qinghuan’s neck.

  Actually, if Mu Hanting really wanted Su Qinghuan to die, it would only take a second, and he thought he was still merciful.


  He didn't believe that Su Qinghuan could really be so calm, let alone that a weak woman who couldn't carry on her shoulders or hands would dare to take her own life.

Even, the man still has a kind of eagerness in his heart that he can't tell. He is a snake-like disease. Except for the little angel-like girl who helped him in childhood, there has been no one or something that can cause Mu Hanting for a long time. Of interest.

   And Su Qinghuan actually broke this precedent.

  He wanted to see how far Su Qinghuan could do it.

  Even at the price of his life.


  In this cramped space, handsome men and beautiful women are so close, looking from a distance, it should be a bit like an idol drama.

  Only Su Qinghuan knew that his life was really hanging by a thread.

  Mu Hanting, this lunatic!

  According to the original world line, this man didn’t even go upstairs at all. Did he provoke this snake essence?

  Little fox cursed inwardly, she couldn't take care of other things anymore. Whether this was her target or not, she was going to die, so it might as well be a backstop.

  The little fox raised his hand slightly without hesitation, avoided Mu Hanting’s heart, and slapped the trigger towards Mu Hanting’s shoulders.


  The scene of blood splashing as expected by the little fox did not appear.

  Su Qinghuan's eyes widened in amazement, without any ammunition? !

  Mu Hanting, a snake-like disease, can bring a Colt Falcon to a wedding banquet, but there is nothing in it. Is this God joking with himself? !


  Just as the little fox felt extremely frustrated, who had expected that Mu Hanting suddenly loosened her neck.

  Of course, the little fox knew that the servant was merciful, otherwise she would not survive, but the severe pain in her neck would only make Su Qinghuan stare at Mu Hanting in disgust.


  The man saw the little fox's unconcealed anger, and suddenly he pressed her to the wall of the hotel full of interest.

   "Failed to kill me? Very disappointed? Why don't you try a real guy next time?"

"You are sick!"

  Su Qinghuan took a look at Mu Hanting hatefully, wishing he could spit on Mu Hanting’s face.

   And Mu Hanting saw that she had just resumed breathing freely, panting violently while still cursing herself, suddenly felt that the little fox was very interesting.

  "As a married woman, you don’t seem to understand how to write the two words obediently, do you need to teach you for your husband?"

   Mu Hanting's eyes were gloomy, but the corners of his lips curled up with an arc of a smile.

  He looked at Su Qinghuan condescendingly, stretched out his knuckles, and grabbed the face of the little fox again.

Originally, he thought that the woman he married was as boring as a glass of boiled water. She could do nothing but cry. He didn't expect, but after a few hours of work, Mu Hanting felt that she was like a cat with teeth and claws. .

  He thinks he is very fierce, but in fact, the so-called fangs are vulnerable to a man.


  Hearing that Mu Hanting took advantage of himself in terms of appellation, the little fox gave Mu Hanting angrily.

   "I, bah, are you ashamed to call yourself my husband?! We didn't even get a marriage certificate! I'm still single in the legal sense!"

   "And in reality, you adore my sister Su Xier, and never regarded me as your wife or girlfriend. Why do you call yourself a husband?"

   "A good girl, she always talks so vulgarly, I'm afraid it's not too cute."

  At the beginning, Mu Hanting thought that Su Qinghuan’s previous appearance with her teeth and claws was a bit interesting, but at this moment, seeing the woman looking at herself with disgust, and also mentioning his sweetheart Su Xier, the man’s face suddenly became gloomy and watery.

—It’s ridiculous. How could I think that Su Qinghuan is Su Xi’er’s half-sister after all, and there is still such a similarity of two or three points. Now it seems that such a rough woman is as elegant as Su Xi’er. Decent?

   Mu Hanting's eagle eyes, as deep as night, immediately locked Su Qinghuan's face tightly.

  "Su Qinghuan, if you can't speak, should I find someone to pull your tongue out?"


  In other words, this sentence may be just a joke.

   But putting it here in Mu Hanting's place made the little fox shudder.

  Because Su Qinghuan knew that men really did it!

  What a crooked snake disease!

  Su Qinghuan cursed bitterly in her heart. A good woman did not fight with a man. Su Qinghuan finally pulled her lips reluctantly, depending on whether the people in front of her had a negative opinion of her.

"Mu Hanting, I said we don’t play that set of vain things either. I don’t care if you want to marry a wife as a mascot or Baiyueguang stand-in, but at any rate, I said it was your wife who had a banquet. Your wife was removed. If you lose your tongue, what do you think people outside will think of you?"

  "Don't you need me to be a foil for you?"

   "If I say, don't need it?"

  Mu Hanting stared at Su Qinghuan very calmly, seeing the little woman in front of him finally showing signs of weakness in his eyes. I don’t know why, the man’s anger seemed to be smoothed out invisibly for a moment.

  The delicate touch that belonged to the woman came from under him, which made Mu Hanting a little embarrassed.

  In fact, he has never seen a girl like Su Qinghuan before, let alone being so "close" to the same sex.


  Only when the man unconsciously let go of Su Qinghuan, the little fox slid into the other side of the room with a cat waist.

  The girl looked at him grinningly.

   "I said Mr. Mu, we've already fought, let's leave a three-point face to each other, it's so late, don't you leave, do you want to round the room with me, Bai Yueguang's substitute?"


  【Don’t stand against any of the three of Mu Hanting, Li Moyao, and Li Zihao. They are all scumbags and will be abused sooner or later. 】

  (End of this chapter)

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