The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1449: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (19)

   Chapter 1449 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (19)

   Reincarnation so many planes, without modesty, the little fox's cooking skills are already standing on the top of the pyramid.

But there are very few people who have the honor to eat her cooking. Even in the 1970s and 1980s when the last plane was as poor as the last, the little fox just started to take charge. Once taught Sister, the little fox is not willing to do it himself.

  After he had money, the little fox directly started to ask a special chef to be responsible for three meals a day. Compared with the company of fireworks in the kitchen, the little fox would rather be a rich and idle person, and be an old eater who can eat and love.


   Of course, in order to attack Li Zihao, the little fox deliberately wanted to show his hand in front of the young man, and she spat at Li Zihao with a smile.

   "You look down on me? It's the first time my aunt cooks for someone. You are lucky.

  The little fox squinted at Li Zihao, looking forward to the brilliance in his expression, which made people feel ecstatic for a while.

   What she said was not a lie.

   After all, in the current plane, even with the experience of the original owner, she has never washed her hands and made soup.


  Li Zihao looked at the girl's beautiful face, he stared blankly for a moment, as if every second he stared into the little fox's eyes, his heartbeat would accelerate involuntarily.

   In order to hide his embarrassment, the man quickly touched his nose,

   "Yeah, my fault, even if it's dark food, I'll definitely finish it!"

   The handsome and slutty young man raised his hands as he spoke, as if begging for mercy.

   Seeing the man's desire to survive, the little fox let it go.

   "Don't worry, it won't kill you."

   As for whether Li Zihao is addicted or not, it is not her responsibility.


   "Come on, don't stare there. Although I said that I invited you to dinner, it's not too much to trouble you, your noble son, to choose a dish?"

   "Not too much, not too much!"

  Li Zihao followed the little fox in a flash.

  The man can see that the little fox is used to calling people, even if she is not familiar with him at all, the little fox's attitude is familiar enough as if he has a deep friendship with her.


   But the strange thing is that he doesn't hate this feeling.

   Even, looking at the little fox with a confident look, the man couldn't help but be eager to try it.

  Li Zihao had never been in the kitchen before, but he just helped the little fox do the dishes. He didn't think it was too difficult.

   Soon, the two became tacit partners.


   The little fox also put down an apron in the delivery list in the supermarket. The little fox quickly tied it up. The apron was light-colored and looked extremely ordinary.

   But when Li Zihao was washing vegetables on the glazed table, and turned his head to see the little fox tying his hair neatly into a ponytail and walking towards the cutting board, the man's heart skipped a beat.

   It happened that the afterglow of the setting sun outside the window was pouring over, and every inch of the girl's hair seemed to be coated with a layer of warm yellow halo. She was like a delicately drawn fairy in a fine brush painting, ready to ride the wind away at any time.

   "It turns out that someone can look so good in an apron..."

  Li Zihao widened his pupils and couldn't help but whisper in amazement.

   Obviously he knew Su Qinghuan since he was a child, but why does he think this woman is extraordinarily attractive today?


   For a moment, Li Zihao almost doubted whether the little fox had bewitched him.

   But soon, Su Qinghuan suddenly broke the chaotic thoughts in his heart.

   "What are you mumbling about? Come, peel the shrimp from this pot of shrimp."


  Li Zihao opened the lid and saw the pot of fresh shrimps still dancing, and was silent in an instant.

   "This...this...I'm fine if I wash some greens and peel the shrimp, will this embarrass me too much?"

   Seeing the young man laughing shyly, the little fox raised his eyebrows.

   "Could this be difficult for our second son of the Li family? I thought you were omnipotent."

   "I'm not my brother..."

  Li Zihao muttered softly, but soon realized that someone with a deep obsession with cleanliness like his brother Li Moyao would never enter the kitchen, let alone accompany Su Qinghuan to peel shrimp.

   Thinking of this, Li Zihao inexplicably has a little more motivation.

   "Okay, how to peel? Why don't you teach me?"

   The little fox saw through Li Zihao's thoughts of wanting to suppress Li Moyao. She felt that Li Zihao was really a childish ghost. How could Li Moyao care about being compared by his younger brother in such trivial household chores?

   But the little fox did not reveal it, but smiled.

   "It's very simple, you see, pick up a shrimp, do this first, then do this, won't it be good?"


   The young man was stunned to watch the little fox show operate, and the whole person was shocked.

  Why does he find it so difficult to watch the little fox take out the shrimp meat like water?


   But the big words seem to have been spoken. Li Zihao is very embarrassed in this aspect. He took out the spirit that is a hundred times more serious than chasing beautiful women, and began to persevere in thinking about how to peel the shrimp.

   At first, the lively shrimp made Li Zihao feel uncomfortable, but when he turned his head and saw that the little fox was cutting ribs neatly on the chopping board, the man gritted his teeth and continued.


   After Li Zihao spent a lot of time peeling off the small pot of shrimp, the little fox only felt that he was killing the man.

   "Qing Huan, can I do this?"

   The little fox looked down and saw that the bowl of peeled shrimp was horrible. Some of the shrimp pieces were so small that people wondered if the river shrimp had no flesh.

  Su Qinghuan glanced at Li Zihao speechlessly, hmm... Seeing the man looking at him pitifully, the playboy-like greasy in his eyes faded away, and the little fox finally drew a helpless arc on his lips.

   "Alright, alright, I see that you are a noble son."

   "I've worked hard."

  Li Zihao felt aggrieved. He felt that he had worked so hard, but he was still rejected by Su Qinghuan, but seeing Su Qinghuan's appearance of smoothing the hair of a child, he took off the transparent gloves with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder after cleaning his hands.

   "Of course, praise still has to be praised. It's your first attempt to have such a victory. Go to the living room and rest."


  I don't know why, Li Zihao's heart seemed to be full at that moment.


  The man returned to the living room in a trance, and following the translucent frosted door, he saw Su Qinghuan busy in the kitchen.

  The sunset is quiet and the years are calm.

  Li Zihao suddenly understood why so many people wanted a home.

   At home, there will always be fireworks in the world, and there is a girl who is willing to accompany her.

  This is probably the warmest and longest-lasting warmth in the world?


   Just as Li Zihao looked at Su Qinghuan in a trance, suddenly, the door was opened from the outside to the inside.

   A slender and stern figure suddenly entered the living room.

   Mu Hanting looked gloomy, and those eagle eyes locked on Li Zihao fiercely.

"How will you be here?!"

   (end of this chapter)

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