The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1458: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (28)

   Chapter 1458 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (28)

   When Su Qinghuan heard the prompt that his favorability level had risen, his whole person was not well.

   There are still people who shake M like this, were stabbed three times in a row, blood shed all over the place, and in the end their favorability increased by 20 points? !

   The corners of Su Qinghuan's lips couldn't help twitching, and she couldn't look directly at Mu Hanting.


   On the other side, the man saw Su Qinghuan staring blankly at him, and the woman who had been fighting with him before became a little cute at this moment, which made the man couldn't help but feel agitated.

   Mu Hanting's throat slid for a while, staring at the little fox's sweet lips, and suddenly wanted to continue what he hadn't done.

  She was originally his.

   For a while, the atmosphere heated up invisibly.

   Just when Mu Hanting couldn't help but want to hold Su Qinghuan's waist and slowly lowered his head, the little fox sensed the other party's intention and immediately pushed Mu Hanting away without thinking.

   She looked at the man mockingly.

   "I said, Mr. Mu, you are so hurt that you are still thinking nonsense. Do you think it is necessary?"

"You are my woman."

"I'm not."


  Mu Hanting's eyes flashed with a strong gloomy color,

   He stared at the little fox's lips, his face darkened, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

   And the little fox panicked, quickly packed up his things, and coldly said a word to Mu Hanting.

   "Mu Hanting, you'd better think about it clearly, what is the reason for the relationship between the two of us now."

   "If you have any indescribable needs, you can find another woman or Su Xi'er, it has nothing to do with me."

   "As for me, you still have a dead heart."

  If Su Qinghuan crossed over and the original owner really got a certificate from Mu Hanting, she would have to get a divorce certificate from Mu Hanting without stopping.

   There is no such thing now, how could she hold herself.

   To bind yourself to a snake spirit disease for life, isn't that stupid?!


   Seeing the girl turn around without hesitation, Mu Hanting's expression was filled with anger, and the man suddenly stretched out his hand and overturned the medicine box in front of him.

   The little foxes all left, and a loud bang was heard from upstairs.

  Su Qinghuan rolled his eyes speechlessly, only to think that Mu Hanting really was a snake spirit.

   "Tonger, this may be the advantage of living in a single-family villa? If there are neighbors next to me, I might complain about the noise in the middle of the night."

   "Host, isn't your point a little lost? Doesn't this mean that Mu Hanting is really interested in you, so he turned into anger when he was rejected by you?"

"Pfft? Who does he think he is? If he likes me, I have to accept it? Your host is naturally beautiful and hard to give up. If others like me, I have to compromise and satisfy them. I have long been sliced ​​into 108,000. block."

   "...It seems to make sense?"

  The little fox reached out and probed the Colt Falcon in his pocket, feeling its presence, and the whole person felt more at ease.

   There is also the problem of monitoring at home. The little fox thought about it, and normal people can't accept it.

   Other places are fine, but the little fox has screened inside and out in the second bedroom and bathroom where he lives, and after confirming that there is really nothing, the little fox has not completely calmed down.

   "Tong'er, I'll give you 100 points. In the future, if there is surveillance in the place where I usually rest, remember to remind me in time."

   "Okay! You are satisfied!"


The decoration of the second bedroom on the third floor is also simple and cool. The little fox looks at it and thinks it can pass her eyes, but she does not intend to wrong herself. Now the little fox has inherited a large amount of wealth from the original owner's mother, and is going to add a little bit here." Popular" ornaments.

   After she took a brief shower, she opened WeChat only to find that Li Zihao had sent herself several messages.

   seems to be afraid of annoying Su Qinghuan, so Li Zihao only asks every once in a while, and his words are more restrained.

   But even so, the little fox could read the anxiety caused to the **** by his sudden disappearance.

  Su Qinghuan couldn't help curving the corners of her lips and replied to Li Zihao.

   "I just went to take a shower, I didn't mean to ignore you."

   "But it's a bit late today, so I won't talk about it. See you on Friday."

  Li Zihao was sitting slumped on the velvet carpet a little unhappy, when he saw the screen suddenly light up, the little fox's WeChat echoed, and the man was suddenly excited.

  A man has never been treated so coldly before. Those who are ignorant have no chance of being seen by Li Zihao.

   But for some reason, Li Zihao found that his principles seemed less important to Su Qinghuan.

   No, waiting for the girl to reply to WeChat is not a matter of principle, right?

  Li Shuangbiao Zihao thought so.

He quickly typed a few words on the keyboard of the mobile phone, and specially screened several poor cat emojis, but he was afraid that the little fox would not like a big man so sticky, so he deleted all the words he thought of. clean.

   In the end, he could only reply to Su Qinghuan in a hurry.

   "Ok, good night, have a good dream."


The little fox saw that "the other party is typing" was displayed on the screen. The words flashed and flashed again, but Li Zihao didn't respond. Just when the little fox was about to put down the phone, he saw the young man send him such a polite remark. .

   The little fox burst out laughing.

  In the past, whether it was when the original master was in high school, or when the two became university alumni in A University, there was always a rumor in the school that Li Zihao was a charismatic, passionate, and a sea king.

   But Neptune's reply standard, emmmm, can only be said to be at the level of elementary school students.


   It was night, but the little fox slept soundly.

   And Li Zihao and Mu Hanting tossed and turned all night, Mu Hanting was angry with the little fox, and Li Zihao was thinking about how to give Su Qinghuan a perfect date.

   Although Li Zihao is not like his eldest brother Li Moyao, who was regarded as the successor of the Li family since he was a child, he naturally spends more money on various training than his peers.

  Li Zihao has been proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since he was a child, and at least he knows a little bit about it. In order to have a chat with the little fox, Li Zihao deliberately searched for information on the life of French painter Frank.

  The man even thought about whether he would take a picture of the little fox if she liked it when the exhibition was over. Of course, if she liked all of it, the man would not mind buying a few more pictures.

   After all, what the Li family lacks the most is money.


   The next day, the little fox deliberately got up early because there was an early class. This place is not far from A University, but being late is always bad.

   Little fox didn't expect that he had just warmed up the whole wheat bread he bought yesterday, and was about to make do with milk when he saw Mu Hanting with cold eyes.

   "You eat this in the morning?!"

  Mu Hanting picked up the breakfast in front of the little fox with disgust, his handsome brows furrowed into Sichuan characters.

   (end of this chapter)

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