The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1467: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (37)

   Chapter 1467 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (37)

   The little fox smiled and calmly looked at Louis, who was deliberately approaching her.

   In terms of appearance alone, Louis' facial features are deep and handsome, and his blond hair is more like a little bit of gold sprinkled by the sun, but before he stood next to Li Moyao, the light was inevitably dimmed a little.


   Seeing Su Qinghuan looking back at him very calmly, Louis raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his face became brighter and more sincere.

   "Miss, are you shy? I wonder if I have the honor to send you a bunch of gypsophila?"

   "I think this flower suits you very well."

   Said, Louis handed over the blue gypsophila that he had just picked from the flower shop.


  Unexpectedly, in the face of Louis' poor Chinese, the little fox suddenly switched to fluent French.

   "Are you French? I see that you stood next to Brother Li just now. The owner of this exhibition is held by a French painter, so there is a guess."


  Louis looked at the little fox in disbelief, and even thought for a moment that he had hallucinated.

  He came to country A to do business for so many years. There are many people in city A who are fluent in English, but those who are fluent in French and have such an elegant accent, unless it is a special interpreter specially hired for business, it is really rare.

  Louis subconsciously glanced at Li Moyao who was more than ten meters away.

   He is a girl, why does he feel that the start is not good?

   was directly seen by this delicate-looking girl who was only twenty years old.


   But the little fox smiled and calmly pulled the man's gaze back.

   "What? Aren't you French? Are you English, or Italian?"

  The first few sentences of the little fox were switched to the most common English abroad, and the last sentence was switched to Italian.

   Now, Louis is completely convinced. A person who can speak in multiple languages ​​will definitely not be a vase.

  The man put away his contempt for the little fox, as if he was staring at the muse in his heart, his eyes became more and more intense.

  A talented beauty will always make men look a little higher than a flashy background board.

  Louis simply began to chat with Su Qinghuan in French.

   "Let me introduce myself again, my name is Louis, and I am a partner of Young Master Li."

   "Hello, my name is Su Qinghuan, this name may be a bit confusing for you, you can just call me Su."

  Louis nodded, but saw that Li Moyao and Li Zihao seemed to notice the movement on their side, and they all looked this way.

  Li Zihao didn't know about the boring game between his eldest brother and Louis, but Louis saw that he was about to lose, so he reluctantly handed the bouquet to the little fox.

   "I really want to be friends with you, beautiful Su, can you accept this bunch of blue gypsophila? In my eyes, you are just like this flower, beautiful, fragrant and pure."


   The little fox glanced at the bunch of gypsophila with a half-smile, and then suddenly looked at Li Moyao, who was watching not far away. She spoke word by word.

   "Mr. Lewis, I can't accept your bouquet of flowers."


   Su Qinghuan gave him a casual glance, knowing that the little fox might have seen through his tricks, but Louis, who was in love in the game, really had the amazing feeling of falling in love with his prey at first sight, and his heart couldn't help beating.

   "If it's a rose, a lily, a hyacinth, etc., I might be able to accept it, but the gypsophila cannot."

   "Is there a sad story behind this?"

"Forget it." The little fox's eyes narrowed slightly, and it was worthless for the original owner's crazy infatuation with Li Moyao: "I used to be crazy for a man, and I gave him a bunch of blue sky stars, but it's a pity , but was thrown into the trash by the other party."

   "Ah, that man really has no vision."

  Louis heard this story, and then contacted the little fox who was Li Moyao's fiancee, and naturally knew who the little fox was talking about.

  Louis saw the sad look on the little fox's face, and he was inexplicably drawn by the sadness on the girl's face. He didn't think Li Moyao rejected Su Qinghuan at first, but he couldn't help thinking at this moment.

   If it were him, he would definitely be reluctant to make such a beautiful and smart girl sad.


   Just when Louis was a little sighed and thought it was time for him to quit, the little fox suddenly opened up another topic.

   "Mr. Lewis, take the liberty to ask, when you came to City A this time, you should be trying to promote some cooperation with the Li family? I don't know what it is?"

   "Biological vaccines."

   This was originally a commercial secret, and Louis shouldn't have said it, but in the face of Su Qinghuan, who was full of melancholy, he blurted out subconsciously.

  The man thought that Su Qinghuan must not understand this kind of technical term, but the little fox suddenly swept away melancholy, and looked at him with bright eyes.

   "Mr. Lewis, then you should still be negotiating with the Li family, haven't you signed the contract?"

   "I don't know if you've ever heard of it. In fact, in country A, the Mu family's pharmaceutical company is the most extensive. The so-called shopping mall has no eternal friends, only eternal interests. Have you considered changing partners?"


   This time, Louis really stared at Su Qinghuan in a stunned manner.

   "Miss Su, do you know what you're talking about?"

   "I know very well that one of the reasons why you didn't choose the Mu family is because the Mu family was in a period of turmoil when the head of the family was seriously ill and the heir was chosen?"

"Then I might as well tell you, in fact, I'm still the nominal wife of the current heir of the Mu family. If I can facilitate your cooperation with the Mu family, I can also help you get one more point than the Li family contract. Would you consider changing your partner? "

  Su Qing laughed meaningfully, nothing impresses this man more than defeating Li Moyao in business.


  Little Fox and the others were all talking in French, and most of the people passing by were from A country, and they couldn't understand what they were saying, so no one stopped to listen.

   Just from the perspective of Li Moyao and Li Zihao, Su Qinghuan frowned at first, but then smiled at Louis, and Louis was obviously emotionally affected by Su Qinghuan, and he seemed to be talking happily.

  Li Moyao somehow felt that this scene was even more annoying, and he coldly pulled Li Zihao who wanted to run to Su Qinghuan's side.

   "Zihao, you see, Su Qinghuan may just be frustrated in love right now. Any man can make her the object of loneliness."

   "Are you sure you want to be so close with her? Aren't you afraid of offending that lunatic Mu Hanting?"

   "Brother, what nonsense are you talking about! I believe in Qinghuan, and we were just ordinary friends."

  Li Zihao's hand trembled when Li Moyao exposed the layer of careful thought in his heart.

   Is he really just an ordinary friend to Su Qinghuan?

   (end of this chapter)

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