The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1474: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (44)

   Chapter 1474 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (44)

   The little fox has just moved to a new home. This apartment was left by the original owner’s mother. Because the area is not large, it is not a 70-year property right, and the market value is not very high.

   But the advantage is that this apartment is relatively close to the headquarters of A. It will be much easier for the little fox to commute to and from school in the future, and there are also many supermarkets and cinemas around, so there is absolutely no problem in daily living.

   It was just that the little fox did not expect that as soon as his front foot arrived, an uninvited guest would come to harass him on his back foot.

   She put on her slippers and was feeling a little unhappy. When she looked closely, she saw an extremely handsome face in the access control monitor.

   Li Zihao smiled at her in the monitor, those peach blossom eyes looked at her through the monitor, and there was a sense of seductive charm.


   The little fox was not electrocuted, but when she saw a few workers carrying things standing behind the man, she was surprised and quickly pressed the pass button to let go.

   "Zihao, how do you know I live here?"

   "It's not that simple. I saw you posted it on a circle of friends. According to your location, let the housekeeper contact the nearby properties, and you won't know."

  Li Zihao speaks eloquently, but the rich and powerful style revealed invisibly makes the little fox feel ashamed.

   If someone from Li Zihao's background wants to investigate, the real ancestors of the eighteenth generation can be investigated.

   Therefore, those women who were harassed by Li Zihao and thought they could marry into a wealthy family were actually too low in rank. After all, Li Zihao was not a foolish sweetheart.

   Others may not be able to see it, but the little fox knows very well that Li Zihao is very dissatisfied with his elder brother, but he is unable to resist the family's arrangement, so he chooses to play the flower bushes, watching others sink with a cold eye, to relieve his loneliness.


   This kind of scumbag is really hard to describe.

   It's just that when one sees Li Zihao's bright and sunny smile, it's hard for people to associate the word "scheming" with such a well-crafted handsome face.

  Most people are extremely face-controlled, even if they know that the other party is deceiving you, they can't help but look at this face's sake and try their best to excuse the other party.

   In fact, the original owner did the same to Li Moyao, but she not only controlled her appearance, but also controlled her IQ. She also fell under Li Moyao's suit pants and lost herself in order to love a man.

In fact, no matter how good a man is, no matter how many radiant qualities a man possesses, if the other party does not love you or protect you, no matter how much halo he has, it is useless. For them, you are just a shadow under the lamp. insignificant in their lives.


   The little fox secretly sighed in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface, and smiled at Li Zihao as if he was flattered.

   "You're so fast that I'm scared. You mustn't come here to eat, I didn't buy anything."

   The previous cooking show was enough, she didn’t easily wash hands and make soup for others, either because of what she loved in her heart, or something in her heart.

Li Zihao was a little nervous when the little fox made this joke. In the past, some people liked to say that widows had a lot of troubles. For a woman who had just officially announced her divorce, he was so close, and naturally he would inevitably be involved in the whirlpool of public opinion. .

   If it was before, Li Zihao would have silently retreated to the side, hiding his merits and fame. He is the most egoistic person, and he never likes to cause trouble.

Even if a woman with a master is willing to be single for him, or even seek life and death, Li Zihao can completely turn a blind eye, but when the divorced person is Su Qinghuan, the man finds that what emerges in his heart is a kind of saying no. out of joy.

He can't talk too much with others, and even in order to take care of Su Qinghuan's reputation, Li Zihao is rarely willing to make concessions for Su Qinghuan. The man can only suppress the throbbing, and use this joy as his blessing for his friend to get out of the sea of ​​misery. .


Now that the little fox took the initiative to mention the meal, the inexplicable anxiety from before has also dissipated. Yes, he came to find his friends, not to confess to Su Qinghuan, and Su Qinghuan did not force him to be responsible. What's there to worry about?

  The man's peach blossom eyes were curved, and when he was in a good mood, he also joked about the little fox.

   "It's okay, didn't you temporarily ask the supermarket to deliver ingredients last time? Why don't I place an order now?"

   "How dare you come to eat!"

  The little fox gave Li Zihao a white look, and pretended to hit him with the feather duster he had used to clean up the dust, and Li Zihao, the showman, also cooperated very well, and hurriedly pretended to be holding his head and running around like a mouse.

   "How dare you! The heroine spares her life, why don't I cook for you?"

   "Just like your last time, you must have never been in the kitchen before. I just moved to a new house, but I dare not let you ruin my cleanliness."

  Li Zihao smiled shyly, he looked at Su Qinghuan's frown and smile with some fascination, perhaps because he knew that Su Qinghuan was single now, and the goodwill in the man's heart was also expanding.

   And the Filipino servants of Li's family who helped Li Zihao with things behind him, seeing the dignified Second Young Master Li's obedience to the little fox, couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, they had never seen Li Zihao dote on a woman like this before.

  Those who want to be close to Li Zihao can't wait for all the little birds to depend on each other, and one is more gentle and obedient than the other.

  Second Master Li, shouldn't he really be planted on this Miss Su family?

   Everyone was stunned, but they didn't dare to show it, and Li Zihao seemed to finally realize that there were so many light bulbs behind him, so he quickly coughed.

   "Bring things up."

  Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows.

   "Are you here to give gifts? Such a big gesture?"

   "That's right, you just moved, it's time to celebrate."

Li Zihao clapped his hands, and soon, the servants at the back opened the big wooden box, and what was displayed inside was the one that the two of them were interested in at the French painter Frank's art exhibition. Millions of "Sunrise on the Lotus".

   Seeing such an expensive gift, Su Qinghuan couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

   "Zihao, the things you gave are more than the price of my small apartment. They all say that you won't get paid for nothing. How could I have the nerve to ask for it?"

   Now that the art exhibition is over, it would be too expensive for her to deliberately find something of similar value to send back.

   "Oh, just take it and dress up your new house, wouldn't you? If you feel embarrassed, or give me as a gift..."

  Li Zihao looked at the beautiful face of the little fox, and subconsciously blurted out the words in his heart.

   And the Filipino maids in the back almost lost their footing, and they all staggered.

   The little fox was also stunned.


   Realizing that he had said the wrong thing, Li Zihao felt annoyed for a while, and quickly remedied with a hilarious smile.

   "Oh, don't think about it, I mean, give you to me for a day and be my cook. I'm hungry, it's not too much to eat a painting, right?"

   (end of this chapter)

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