The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1476: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (46)

   Chapter 1476 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (46)

  Li Zihao didn't know if it was because he was hot-blooded for a while and lost his mind, or if he really wanted to play a prank, suddenly, like a small animal, he sniffed softly on the back of Su Qinghuan's neck.

   The distance was already close before, but now it seems to be inseparable. The faint fragrance around the girl's body instantly penetrated into the man's heart.

   It's hard to describe the aura on Su Qinghuan's body, it's like cold snow, mixed with the faint scent of cold plum, which makes men feel extremely cool, and has an indescribable ecstasy that makes people unforgettable.

At this moment, against the delicate texture of the girl's neck, Li Zihao only felt that he was standing on the cloud, and his whole body was a little fluttering. He didn't dare to see Su Qinghuan's reaction, but his hand subconsciously grabbed the little fox's arm, not letting her go. .


  Unexpectedly, the little fox was not at all as embarrassed or embarrassed as Li Zihao imagined. She smashed Li Zihao's head with a smile, and the two looked at each other.

"I said Li Ershao, you must be a dog, right? Why don't I know what smells on me? Well, get up quickly, fortunately no one is there, if anyone sees it, maybe I'll be there tomorrow. in the headlines."

   The little fox looked at Li Zihao calmly. Under such a close look at each other, the girl's already stunning facial features became more and more stunning.

   And the tear mole under her eyes made the woman look forward to a more classical beauty-like charm.

   It's just that any classical beauty, looking at a man in such a cramped space, should be embarrassed to have her cheeks flushed, but Su Qinghuan didn't.

Li Zihao felt a little uneasy in his heart. He was really aggrieved by the woman's shoulders like a large dog. He couldn't say that he wanted to see Su Qinghuan also fascinated by him, so the words passed through his mouth several times, but he could only be sour. typical.

   "Qing Huan, what if I belong to a dog? You are too stingy, you don't even want to share a bottle of perfume."

   "But I really don't use perfume."

   In order to prevent the man from deliberately pretending to be ignorant and holding her down, the little fox was not so fooled, so he pushed Li Zihao away and stood up gracefully.

  Li Zihao felt a sense of loss in his heart.

  Sometimes, he really thinks that Su Qinghuan is playing stupid, or the two of them are like a confrontation between the sea king and the sea king, waiting for who will break the defense first.

   But Li Zihao can be considered to have known the original owner since he was a child. Except for Li Moyao, he has never seen one. Su Qinghuan has been moved by any man.

  Li Zihao didn't dare to pierce this layer of window paper in a short period of time, so he could only blink his colorful peach blossom eyes, and said to Su Qing aggrievedly.

   "You don't use perfume. Can you share what brand of shampoo and shower gel you use?"

   "Cough, I buy open-shelf goods, and the brand is random. If you really want to know this, you can go to the bathroom to see it yourself."


   For this sake, chatting can be considered dead.

   The ambiguous atmosphere between the two of them that seemed to ignite a fire in the air disappeared in an instant.


Li Zihao pursed his thin lips. He only felt that when he stayed by Su Qinghuan's side, his heart was like riding a roller coaster. What is he pretending to be clear-high.

   But in the face of the person he really likes, this **** who has always been a playboy, doesn't dare to be abrupt.

  He suppressed the depression in his heart and had to change the subject.

   "Then what shall we have for dinner?"

   Mentioning this, Li Zihao suddenly became interested again. Since eating the dishes made by the little fox once, the man has been very greedy.

   It's just that he was afraid that Su Qinghuan would mistakenly think that he came to eat because of her cooking skills, so Li Zihao didn't dare to really use the little fox as a cook.


   It's just that after he found out that he liked her, he didn't go in, and he didn't go out either. Whatever he did seemed to be wrong.


   "Hotpot, right? There's nothing else in the house. After all, I just moved here. If you don't like it, we should go out to eat."

  The little fox made it clear that he didn’t want to cook. It would be much easier to make a hot pot.

  Li Zihao was stared at by the girl's eyes that cut her pupils in autumn water, and her heart was half-hearted, how could she dare to say half of it was bad.

   "How could I dislike it! Hot pot is just hot pot! I haven't eaten hot pot at home yet, come come come, let me wash the dishes with you?"



   Perhaps it was because the two had a more tacit understanding of the division of labor this time after they cooperated in Lanyuan last time.

   In addition, the base of the hot pot is not prepared by the little fox himself. It was ordered before the supermarket. After washing some vegetables, adding some meatballs and meat, you can easily cook a good pot of deliciousness.

  The little fox was afraid that a young master like Li Zihao would not be able to eat spicy food, so he made a mandarin duck pot with a thick white soup base and a spicy soup base.

   And Li Zihao saw that the little fox ate almost all the spicy hot pot, he was embarrassed, and somehow felt like he wanted to be the same as the little fox, he subconsciously took the fat cow in the hot pot with chopsticks.

   The little fox raised his eyebrows when he saw the fat cow that was scalded with red oil.

   "Is your stomach delicate? Are you sure you can eat spicy food? And the base I bought is very spicy with butter, you may not be used to it..."

   In the little fox's impression, the Li family would definitely not let Li Zihao and Li Moyao eat roadside stalls, and they probably didn't know much about hot pot.

   "How can it be so exaggerated, my lord, I'm an iron man!"

  Li Zihao boasted in front of his sweetheart, and wanted to prove himself even more, so he hurriedly handed the fat cow into his mouth.

   It was just out of the pot, and the heat doubled the spiciness. Li Zihao only felt a strong spicy taste in his throat.

  It is fragrant and domineering, and the numbness is refreshing, but it is spicy and bone-piercing.

  Li Zihao almost wanted to cough, but when he saw the little fox's bright eyes, the man was too embarrassed to say that he couldn't eat it, so his face flushed from the spicy food, and he ate it abruptly.

   "Cough, drink some water."

   The little fox saw that the young man's already handsome face turned red, and he looked a little more real in the world than the usual dangling, and the little fox almost wanted to reach out and pinch Li Zihao.

   She snickered in her heart, and hurriedly handed a glass of water, she didn't laugh at Li Zihao's embarrassment.


  Li Zihao took Su Qinghuan's water, feeling a little annoyed and sweet, just as the atmosphere was getting better, the little fox's phone rang suddenly.

  Su Qinghuan frowned, and before he answered, he saw that the name displayed above was extremely annoying.

   was actually called by Father Su!

   (end of this chapter)

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