The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1478: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (48)

   Chapter 1478 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (48)

   Little Fox really didn't expect that he had moved here, and Father Su would leave his work to disturb him.

   And when System 233 sensed the voice of the little fox, it couldn't help but be greatly surprised.

   "Host, how do you know that it will be Father Su who is knocking on the door now?"

   "Is it hard to guess? I just didn't answer his call on the front foot, and this guy was so controlling that he wanted to fly over immediately. With a little twist of his mind, he should have guessed that it was the old scumbag of Father Su."

   "...It makes sense, I'm speechless."

   Forced by the sharp knock on the door, the little fox finally couldn't hold back the disgust in his heart, and stood up decisively and said to Li Zihao.

   "I'm sorry to make you watch a joke."


  Li Zihao looked at the little fox with a bewildered expression, and saw that Su Qinghuan had walked neatly towards the door, almost opening the door with a cold expression.

   I saw Father Su standing outside the door with anger on his face, while Su Xier was obediently standing behind Father Su, hiding his merit and fame.

   It can be seen that Su Xier obviously dressed up to demonstrate to the little fox.

  Su Xier's original straight hair was permed into light chestnut curly hair, which she pinned lightly with a butterfly hairpin, and the expensive light pink dress on her body made her more feminine and quiet.

  Which normal younger sister, who came to visit her newly divorced sister, would have such an aloof attitude?

   is simply ridiculous.

Obviously, Su Xi'er wanted to see how embarrassed the little fox who was just kicked by Mu Hanting is now, so she took advantage of the situation to make her gorgeous appearance to crush Su Qinghuan, but unfortunately, Su Xi'er was thinking in the wrong place. .


  Because the little fox didn't care about the outfit that Su Xier had spent hours carefully preparing, and even a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips, mockingly swept the father and daughter at the door.

   "Have you knocked on the door enough? People who don't know, think you two are rushing to go to my mother's funeral."


  What kind of **** is this woman talking about!

   Father Su and Su Xier, who were standing at the door, looked at the little fox in disbelief. Obviously, they did not expect that a girl who was always gentle and beautiful would have such a fierce side.

Even Li Zihao, who was in the living room, heard the little fox's undisguised words, but the strange thing was that Li Zihao didn't feel that the little fox was rude, but felt that the little fox could still face the two people in the Su family so calmly now. , is really stable enough.


   Father Su was so angry that he couldn't slap the little fox.

   "Reverse girl, do you talk to your own father and sister like this?!"

   "I haven't seen any normal father and sister be so ruthless to my sister."

Su Xier saw that the little fox did not hesitate to reply to Su's father. In addition to being surprised, she was more delighted. In her opinion, the little fox is now like this, obviously after being abandoned by Mu Hanting. Become a grumpy woman.

  Su Xi'er acted like she knew the whole thing, and immediately grabbed Su's father who wanted to slap Su Qinghuan.

   "Dad, don't hit your elder sister. How pitiful elder sister is now. Brother Mu divorced her just after marrying her for less than a month. It's normal for elder sister to have resentment in her heart."

   After saying that, Su Xier looked at the little fox again, pretending to be worried.

   "Sister, why are you dressed so thin at home? It's windy at night, so be careful you catch a cold, and you smell like hot pot? What if you eat such cheap food, what if you get food poisoning?"

   "I know that you were just divorced by Brother Mu, and it was a time when you were in a bad mood, but the days to come are still long. You must not give up on yourself, and give up on yourself like this!"


   The little fox glanced at Su Xier with a half-smile, and she even clapped her hands.

   "Su Xi'er, are you mistaken? Why is it cheap to eat hot pot? You are a superior person, don't you still eat whole grains?"

   "Sister, I didn't mean that..."

Su Xi'er was stared straight at by the little fox, and when she met those cold and clear eyes, Su Xi'er suddenly became frightened. She couldn't say why she would see Mu Hanting when she saw the little fox. General fear.

   Could it be that this woman stayed by Mu Hanting's side for less than a month, and she was also infected with the murderous aura of that Hades?


"Sister, I just care about you, is it wrong to care about you? After my dad and I saw your circle of friends, we were afraid that you couldn't think of it, so we hurried over to find you. How could you question your loved ones' treatment of you? Is your concern fake?"

  Su Xi'er looked at the little fox pitifully, tears welling up from her eyes, the tip of her nose was red, and the way she wanted to cry was indeed enough to inspire many men's desire for protection.

   But unfortunately, the little fox does not eat this set.

   The little fox glanced at Su Xier coldly.

   "I'm sorry, maybe you guys didn't make it clear. The divorce from Mu Hanting was brought up by me."

   "If you really want to be considered an abandoned poor person, why don't you ask Mu Hanting that after he lost his marriage relationship with me, he will never despair? Come and ask me what to do? I'm really fed up."



   For a moment, Su Xi'er and Su's father were stunned. They never thought that the golden turtle son-in-law in the eyes of everyone would be so lightly proposed for divorce by the little fox.

   No matter how cruel Mu Hanting is, but she is the real heir to the Mu family, and Su Qinghuan just broke off the marriage with Li Moyao in front of him, and then got divorced by Mu Hanting in the back, how can such a notorious woman get married in the future? !

  Father Su was so angry that his whole body rushed towards Tianling Gai. He no longer wanted to listen to these harsh words from the little fox, and subconsciously wanted to slap Su Qinghuan a few times to wake him up.

   "Well, you rebellious girl, you dare to divorce Mu Shao, do you still dislike our Su family's shame in the upper class of City A is not enough?!"

   Just as the little fox was about to grab Su's father's wrist, no one expected that someone was faster than her.

  The shadow from his head covered half of the little fox's face. The little fox was startled, and saw that Li Zihao was standing behind her at some point, and firmly held Su's father's hand.

   "Uncle Su, I respect you as Qing Huan's father, so I call you uncle. Isn't it too shameless for you to bully Qing Huan like this?!"


  Su Xi'er and Su's father never thought that there were still people in the apartment where the little fox just moved, and this man was the **** of the Li family, Ershao Li!

  Especially when she smelled the hot pot smell on Li Zihao's body, Su Xi'er immediately thought of what she said just now that hot pot is cheap, and her pretty face twisted a little on the spot.

   How could Su Qinghuan hook up with Li Zihao!

   She would never allow it!

   (end of this chapter)

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