The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1487: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (57)

   Chapter 1487 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (57)

  The Palace of Never Night, as the most famous place of love and moon in City A, has always been an extremely extravagant gold-selling cave.

But compared with other entertainment clubs, most of the people who can come to the Palace of Evernight are either rich or expensive, and in order to be popular, Palace of Evernight has also found a lot of handsome men and beauties to come to the platform. Correspondingly, Palace of Evernight is the worst. The opening consumption also has to start at 10,000.

  The current average salary in City A is less than this amount. Even some white-collar workers who claim to be petty bourgeoisie with a decent salary would never dare to spend money in such a place where money is drunk.

   After all, one month's salary is still unbearable, this is just the opening fee, not enough to buy a bottle of wine, how can you make a beautiful smile?

   Therefore, the Palace of Never Night has become an unattainable place for ordinary people.

   But not many people know that in a place like Never Night Palace, the boss behind the scenes is also the Mu family.


   Stepping into the Palace of Never Night, the little fox had five sharper senses than ordinary people, and in this deafening music, he almost felt that his ears were going to be useless.

   She frowned in disgust and asked the waiter at the bar directly.

   "Hello, where is A3506 heading?"

   The little fox's voice was as cold as a clear spring in the mountains, and she had a beautiful face even with her face up to the sky. She was standing here in a white dress at the moment, and she didn't know how many men and women were secretly attracted to her.

The waiter in charge of guiding had actually noticed her for a long time. At this moment, when he heard the room number reported by the little fox, his pupils flashed, and the original surprise in his eyes was replaced by deep awe in an instant. heart of.

   Just as the waiter was about to show Su Qinghuan the way, a middle-aged man who was half-drunk came up with a smile on the back of his drink, and was about to hold the little fox by the shoulders.

   "Little sister, you look so young, are you still a high school student? How did you come to such a place?"

   "Did you have a quarrel with your boyfriend? Or is it a lovelorn? Come on, uncle invites you to drink, and help you solve it."

   It was just that before his hand fell on the little fox's shoulder, the little fox avoided it vigilantly.

   She looked at the middle-aged man mockingly and said coldly.

"No need to."

  The little fox was lit by the colorful laser lights of the Palace of Nevernight, and because of that overly beautiful face, it attracted the covetousness of countless Zhongshan wolves.

   This middle-aged man was only the first to come to test, but he might not be the last.

In their opinion, this kind of young girl who is still studying at such a young age can come to the Palace of Evernight, either to see something new, or because she was hurt by the boy she liked, and it is the easiest for them to pick it up and occupy it. cheap type.

  Unfortunately, the middle-aged man really kicked the iron plate today.


   Before the little fox stood up, after hearing the room number reported by the little fox, the waiter immediately gestured to the bodyguards of the Evernight Palace with a wink to stand up for the little fox.

   Several strong men with a height of nearly 1.9 meters and a dazzling blue dragon tattooed on their exposed arms emerged from the shadows, staring at the middle-aged man who wanted to be disrespectful to the little fox earlier.

   "Who do you want to invite for a drink?"


   It was the first time that the middle-aged man saw such a scene. The Palace of Nevernights spanned both black and white, and the bodyguards inside had heard that they had a lot of backgrounds. How could ordinary people dare to offend easily.

  The middle-aged man was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he quickly apologized while trembling.

   "No, no, I just recognized the wrong person, sorry, sorry."


  The little fox watched the middle-aged man exit the stage with indifferent eyes, and felt ridiculous in his heart. This was not aimed at the middle-aged man, but at Mu Hanting.

   Actually, the original owner was brought to this kind of random place by Mu Hanting because he offended Su Xier.

   What is going on inside is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine. The original owner, a lady from a noble background, is almost scared to see it.

   But the little fox is different.

   She only thought that Mu Hanting's thoughts were ridiculous.

   Using this method to deal with a little girl is a hundred times more disgusting than what Li Zihao did in the first place.


   When the waiter saw Su Qinghuan's thin lips pursing slightly, his expression was calm, there was no obvious joy, anger, sadness and joy on his face, and he didn't seem to be frightened by the drunk man just now, he couldn't help but be surprised.

   After all, this is the first time for an ordinary girl to come to a place like the Palace of Nevernights, and it is common for a middle-aged uncle who is ignorant to laugh and be frightened to cry.

   He said respectfully.

   "Miss Su, I'm telling you a joke. Young Master Mu has been waiting for you in the box for a long time. A3506 is the first room on the third floor. You can go up quickly."

"Okay thank you."

  The little fox nodded lightly at the other party, and then went up to the third floor.


  The soundproofing of the Palace of Evernight is obviously not bad. When I went to the third floor, I didn't hear the deafening music. When the little fox opened the door of the first box, he found that there was a cave inside.

   Originally, she thought it was just an ordinary box, but unexpectedly, it was over a hundred square meters inside. The decoration was not as gorgeous and rustic as the first floor, but much more elegant.

   It's just a pity that the strong fragrance of fat powder just entered the door, which made the little fox feel a little choking.

   The little fox looked up and saw Mu Hanting sitting in the center of the velvet sofa. The man was like a god, and all the surrounding Yingying Yanyan did not dare to get close.

   But the men sitting next to Mu Hanting all had one in their left arm, one in their right hand, and another under their feet.

  Those girls look young and beautiful, or cute and ignorant, or bright and flamboyant, or fresh and lovely, all kinds are different, it really makes the little fox feel like he is watching the harem draft.

It's just that the hot eyes are that the several men who are carefully served by those beauties are much inferior to Mu Hanting in terms of appearance, not to mention half of Mu Hanting's appearance, but one-tenth of Mu Hanting's handsomeness. Even good.

   One of them was a particularly hot-eyed old man with a thick thick gold chain around his neck. He wished he could proclaim to the world that he was a middle-aged man who was a local tyrant.

There is still a scary scar on this guy's face, but the girl he is holding is the most beautiful in the little fox's aesthetic point of view. The other party is probably old enough to be this person's granddaughter. Such as pear blossoms in March, fresh and pleasant.

   In contrast, the little fox only felt guilty.

   "Tong'er, fortunately it's me who is standing here instead of the original owner, otherwise I'd really have to spit it out."

   "Cough, I also think it's outrageous."


The moment the little fox opened the door, everyone's eyes were focused on the little fox, and the old man with the scarred face stared at Su Qinghuan, and almost pushed the girl in his hand away. .

   And Mu Hanting seemed very satisfied with the effect of the little fox's appearance, he waved to the little fox lightly.

   "Why are you here so late? Come here."

   (end of this chapter)

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