The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1510: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (80)

   Chapter 1510 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (80)

  Li Zihao just went downstairs, and when he saw the housekeeper of Li house flatteringly handing a delicate box to the little fox, the young man's vigilance suddenly appeared.

   After seeing the Patek Philippe logo above, the string in Li Zihao's heart was tensed to the extreme.

  From yesterday, Li Zihao saw that Li Moyao was willing to put aside his usual cleanliness and carry the little fox away from the forest, Li Zihao felt that his cold and unsympathetic brother might also have a little bit of temptation for the little fox.

   Seeing such an expensive gift early this morning, the worry in Li Zihao's heart was almost settled.


  Although Li Zihao always knew that with Li Moyao's character, he would never be willing to owe others favors, but if it was only out of the touch of Su Qinghuan's rescue of the pet cat, how could Li Moyao be willing to hug her?

   How can people find this Patek Philippe watch eagerly in this short, almost ten-hour night?

   You must know that in the middle of the night, it is impossible for the Patek Philippe counter in City A to be open. How much manpower Li Moyao has spent is second, and the most important thing is what he thinks about the little fox.

  If you are really just grateful, why do you have to rush on this day?

   Or, to be cheesy, wouldn't it be enough to pay the little fox a decent amount? Does it have to be so romantic?


  Li Zihao knows too well how Su Qinghuan gave up on Li Moyao in the past, but now Li Moyao seems to have a little affection for the little fox, is it enough for this woman to change her mind?

   All kinds of jealous thoughts swirled in his mind, Li Zihao almost didn't even think about it, so he took the little fox's hand.

   "Qing Huan, don't pick it up!"

   When Su Qinghuan heard Li Zihao's voice, he turned his head in surprise, and saw a young man with peach blossom eyes looking at him aggrievedly.

   The young man's eyelashes, which are longer than ordinary girls, cast a dark shadow on Li Zihao's eyelids, which makes people feel distressed.

   Although the little fox loves money the most, but she is not short of money now, so she smiled and ignored the housekeeper Li who came to give gifts, and looked at Li Zihao with bright eyes.

   "Why did you suddenly appear? I was going to find you, but I just said goodbye to you. I have an elective class to take this afternoon, so I'm going to go back to the apartment to clean up myself."

   Seeing that Su Qinghuan no longer paid attention to the Patek Philippe sent by Li Moyao, the jealousy and grievance in Li Zihao's heart disappeared as if it was caressed by a soft hand.

   He subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, just now he was aggrieved like a large abandoned dog, but now he is smiling and his eyebrows are curved.

   "Then I'll drive you there? Canglan Mountain is a little far from the city, and my driver's license is many years old. You know I don't have road rage while driving, so I'll be more at ease when I drive you back."

  The facial features of the young man are all exquisite, and at this moment, he has such a sincere and good mood, and the pair of peach blossom eyes are more like dipped in the sky, and the waves are moving.

   There is a free driver to take him, of course the little fox deserves it.

   "Okay, then take me back."


  The little fox and Li Zihao had a harmonious atmosphere here, and the old butler of Li's house, who was in charge of delivering the Patek Philippe, saw the two of them chatting in such a joking manner, thinking that they would not be able to complete the task that Young Master Li had given him, and he was so anxious that he went crazy.

   The old housekeeper of Li's house is weak and authentic.

   "Second Young Master, don't be too busy talking to Miss Su."

   Butler Li paused as he spoke, and then looked at Su Qinghuan earnestly with his eyes.

   "Miss Su, you also know that I am the hardest to do. For a kind-hearted person like you, don't make it difficult for me as a housekeeper?"

   "After all, this is a gift from the young master, and it doesn't mean anything else. It's just to thank you for saving Xiaobai. If you accept it, I'll go back and do business."


  Su Qing looked at Butler Li with a smile, and she couldn't help but think that the original owner was kneeling at the entrance of Li's old house on a rainy day when Li Moyao broke off the marriage.

  At that time, Butler Li not only couldn't bear it, but also brought a large group of bodyguards with umbrellas over and said some ugly words, trying to drive away the original owner.

   I was just afraid that something would happen to the original owner, so I didn’t forcibly drag the original owner away.


In a sense, Butler Li is also very good at guessing Li Moyao's thoughts. He can be regarded as a loyal servant, and he is not too embarrassed by the original owner. .

  After all, in this day and age, refined and egoistic people are everywhere.

   For example, Li Zihao, who seems to be rehabilitated now, does not know how many sincere hearts have been hurt by this sincere young man?

   The little fox felt more and more cold for a while, and the pair of almond eyes that were still smiling quickly cooled down.

   Searching the memory of the original owner, you can find that in the heart of the original owner, he really never felt the warmth and kindness of the Li family.

   Her infatuation with Li Moyao was only supported by her unrequited love.

   Not to mention the broken dream, but also being trampled by so many people including the Li family, the Su family, and even Mu Hanting. .


  Li Zihao's attention was on the little fox. It was obvious that the curvature of Su Qinghuan's lips did not change, and his eyes were bright, but Li Zihao clearly felt that the little fox seemed to have changed his aura.

   became unhappy.

Li Zihao's heart froze, thinking that it was only Butler Li who listened to Li Moyao's words too much, and Su Qinghuan would be unhappy because of the forced purchase and delivery. Just when the young man was about to help the little fox retire Butler Li, Su Qinghuan suddenly took a step forward and put him first. One step spoke.

   "Butler Li, it's boring for you to say that. Do I have to accept what your eldest young master gave me? Is Li Moyao the emperor? Everyone else has to accept his reward with gratitude?"

   Seeing the little fox being so aggressive, Butler Li's flattering smile suddenly choked on the corner of his mouth.

   "Miss Su, you know that my eldest young master doesn't mean that... Aren't we thanking you for saving the cat?"

  Su Qinghuan glanced lazily at Butler Li.

"It is said that no merit is not rewarded. Even if I save Xiaobai, it is only because I have a certain affinity with him. Step back 10,000 steps, why do you need such a precious gift to save a cat, I will accept it. Uneasy."

   "If you like this watch so much, you can take it back and wear it yourself."

   "How dare I **** the things that the young master gave you!"

   Butler Li complained for a while, but when the atmosphere was deadlocked, a cold and clear voice came from behind everyone.

   "Is it so embarrassing to accept my thank you gift?"

   (end of this chapter)

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