The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1519: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (89)

   Chapter 1519 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (89)

   The little fox's giggling words made the string in Mu Hanting's heart tighten.

   Mu Hanting's eyes darkened suddenly, and the scene from that year appeared in his mind almost immediately.

   It was a first snow day, the weather in City A was freezing cold, and Mu Hanting, huddled on the street corner hungry, almost suspected that he would die of illness in the next moment.

   In the hazy eyes of the boy, he vaguely saw a girl wearing a pure white down jacket with the school badge of a middle school hanging in front of her, helping a pregnant woman with a big belly to walk across the road.

   It was an extremely beautiful scene, but in Mu Hanting's eyes, only a sneer appeared on the corner of the boy's lips.

  All the goodness in the world will only make Mu Hanting feel more miserable and dejected.

   A girl who glowed like a little fairy, Mu Hanting would not think that she would have anything to do with him.

But what Mu Hanting didn't expect was that after the girl helped the pregnant woman across the road, she went to the supermarket to buy a lot of food, and then slowly walked to him under the fear and disgust on the boy's face. around.

   In addition to the food, the girl in the pure white down jacket even handed Mu Hanting several hundred-yuan bills.

  Mu Hanting never imagined that the God of Destiny would also take care of him one day.

   Even because of this sudden kindness, the young man stood there dumbfounded, and before he had time to ask the girl's name, he saw that the girl had waved her hand and disappeared on the street corner.

   Just at a glance, Mu Hanting saw that the identity card on the back of the girl's backpack showed Su Xier, Grade 1, Class 3, Middle A.


The name    appeared from time to time when Mu Hanting was dreaming back in the middle of the night.

   It was just that Mu Hanting was too weak at first and had no ability to give back. It was not until he returned to Mu's house that he went to look for this little angel.

   Even though he only had one relationship with the girl in the pure white down jacket, Mu Hanting was able to firmly believe that she was a very gentle and kind girl.

   Later, when Mu Hanting found Su Xi'er by virtue of his sphere of influence, with so many years of experience as a man, of course, it could be seen that Su Xi'er was quite different from the girl he met at the beginning.

  Su Xier has a gentle and moving appearance, and looks pitiful, but she is very good at using the help of men to do some shameful things.

  Mu Hanting didn't think about it at first, he just thought that in the course of so many years of growth, the girl who was spotless like an angel in the beginning was also stained with dark colors.

   After being reminded by the little fox, Mu Hanting suddenly realized that something was wrong.


  The man's mind was in a mess for a while.

  If the girl who had Su Xier's identity card was not Su Xier, who could it be?

  Mu Hanting pursed his thin lips, he raised his eyes, just happened to collide with the sight of the little fox in the air.

   Even after so many years, Mu Hanting can still remember the young girl smiling like a flower on the street corner.

   Looking closely, Su Qinghuan's eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to the girl from before.

   But this is not surprising, after all, Little Fox and Su Xier are half-sisters.

   It's just that Su Qinghuan's appearance is more bright and flamboyant, while Su Xier's appearance is more petite.


   A terrifying answer popped into the man's mind.

  This ridiculous idea made Mu Hanting clench his hands tightly, and blue veins popped out of his forehead.

   After so many years, the surveillance on the streets was not as intensive as it is now, and with the passage of time, it must be impossible to find it.

  The specific details of his first encounter with the girl at the time, Mu Hanting did not tell anyone carefully, whether it was Su Qinghuan or Su Xier.

   So Mu Hanting doesn't think that the little fox has the ability to strike straight.


   This matter is very important to Mu Hanting, the ointment has already been given to the little fox, and the man can't stay any longer.

   Mu Hanting stood up abruptly, and was indifferent to the little fox.

   "I still have some things to investigate, so I won't disturb your rest."

   Without waiting for the little fox to answer, the man stretched his legs and left without looking back.

   If it was a normal time, Su Qinghuan would definitely sneer coldly, this guy is really rude.

   But the little fox understands Mu Hanting's state of mind very well at this moment, I'm afraid that the man's cold and beautiful appearance has already set off a stormy wave in his heart.


   Just as the little fox had imagined, as soon as he walked out of Su Qinghuan's community, Mu Hanting couldn't wait to open his mobile phone and call his confidant.

   "Old K, help me investigate. All the information and photos of Su Qinghuan, the eldest Miss of the Su family, and Su Xier, the second young lady of the Su family, when they were in middle school, send me everything you can find."

   "By the way, there is still more to do to investigate their classmates, or classmates nearby, to evaluate the daily style of these two girls."


   After hanging up the phone, Mu Hanting leaned on the door frame of Big G, feeling agitated and even had the urge to have a cigarette.

   In fact, men have quit smoking for a long time.

   But when he thought that he might have recognized the wrong person, and that Su Xier had falsely accepted his favor, a bloodthirsty impulse emerged in the man's heart.

   There is even a faint sense of guilt that he doesn't want to face all this.

   But Mu Hanting didn't think he was Su Xier's good friend in middle school, and took Su Xier's identity card at that time.

  Because the little girl in the pure white down jacket in his memory is indeed quite similar to the sisters of the Su family. Even if the female college has changed eighteen times, some common features can still be seen in the facial features.

  The man closed his eyes irritably, and finally got on the big G off-road vehicle and galloped away with a kick of the accelerator.


   The results of the investigation have not been officially released yet, but Su Xier is keenly aware that Mu Hanting seems to have a very cold attitude towards her these days.

   There was less than a month before the A-grand art show, but aside from lending himself the white jade piano worth over ten million yuan, Mu Hanting actually ignored her.

   Su Xi'er felt some kind of inexplicable fear in her heart for a while, and even the piano rehearsal was a little absent-minded these days.

   Even though she was very afraid of Mu Hanting's ruthless style, Su Xi'er summoned up the courage to call Mu Hanting.

   "Brother Mu, didn't you promise me to come to our school to watch Xi'er's theatrical performance in two days?"

   "It's not yet time, but I think my piano practice is very poor, why don't you come and practice with me?"

   Hearing the sweet and beautiful voice of a yellow warbler over the phone, Mu Hanting used to be a little patient, but now the man who is waiting for the results of the investigation is obviously not in such good interest.

   His voice was as cold as ice.

   "What can I do with you as a layman? Xi'er, you should practice on your own!"

   (end of this chapter)

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