The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1532: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (102)

   Chapter 1532 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (102)

  Li Moyao stretched his long arms slightly, trapping the little fox between the narrow courtyard walls.

  The man lowered his head deliberately, and looked at Su Qinghuan with burning eyes. The always cold peach blossom eyes seemed to be wrapped in a fire, which could burn everything in the world.

   "Su Qinghuan, why didn't I find out that the girl I had a marriage contract with is such a person who likes to play with people's hearts?"

   With his eyes facing each other, the little fox felt that as long as he raised his head a little, he could touch Li Moyao's well-defined jaw angle.

   - This distance is too close and too dangerous.

   The level of "closeness" between the two now clearly exceeds the boundaries of an ordinary relationship, and at the same time, there is a faint cedar scent brushing the tip of the nose.

   This is the smell of Li Moyao. Like him, it seems clear and flawless, but it hides a distinct aggressiveness and possessiveness.


  Su Qinghuan didn't like Li Moyao's eyes that regarded her as her prey, or even her possessions. She kept her eyes closed and lowered her eyebrows, almost like a cold and graceful beauty.

   "Is it weird? Mr. Li, how dare I compare with you in terms of the ability to play with people's hearts."

  What the little fox said was sarcasm. Li Moyao never liked others to be so aggressive in front of him, but when he heard what the little fox said, Li Moyao suddenly laughed.

   The man stretched out his articulated fingers and grabbed the little fox's jaw, forcing Su Qinghuan to meet his gaze.

   "Qing Huan, are you angry? I abandoned you when you were angry?"

  Li Moyao originally thought that he would feel awkward when he called out the little fox's name, but what he didn't expect was that the two words Qinghuan lingered on his lips and teeth, even causing Li Moyao's heartbeat to speed up faintly.

   He stared at Su Qinghuan with burning eyes, thinking in his heart how to explain his past behavior in order to make Su Qinghuan feel better.

   "What if I said, besides you, I have never played with other women? Even, I don't think I have played with your feelings in the past, at most..."

   Before the man's words were finished, the little fox curled his lips indifferently and sneeringly, helping him to make up for it.

   "At most it's just turning a blind eye!"

   "Yes, you don't like me at all, and you don't like other women at all. You just lacked a shield to shirk your marriage at that time. I just appeared and just got out. You want to say that, right?"


  Li Moyao was shocked by Su Qinghuan's intelligence for a moment. He originally wanted to find a relatively less hurtful explanation. Even if they broke up in the past, no, or the divorce was indecent, but Li Moyao didn't regret the decision very much.

   If it wasn't for the divorce, maybe he wouldn't have seen such an interesting side of the little fox now.

   It is said that the phoenix was born from the ashes. If there was no accident of breaking the marriage, perhaps Su Qinghuan would have been huddled in that cowardly and rigid shell all his life.

   What made his heart move was always the girl who had clear love and hatred, and a bright and bright personality, not the woman who was as dull as a blank sheet of paper and put herself in the shackles of everyone at a young age.


   The only thing that Li Moyao regrets is that when the little fox said these words, he almost looked at the little fox's expression very seriously, and he did not let go of the slightest change.

   But Li Moyao only saw full ridicule and irony, but not half of the old love.

   She seems to have really let go of the past completely and cleanly.

On the contrary, it was him who took the initiative to step into the sweet trap that the girl made by herself. No, it was not even sweet. She never gave him a good face, but her heart was full of engravings of the other party. trace.

  Thinking about it day and night, unforgettable dreams.

   This feeling of reversing the position and losing control of things makes the man feel a little discomfort in his heart, but the man unexpectedly did not restrain this cross-border impulse, and even thought that it would be good to just let it go.


  Li Moyao suddenly felt a little jealous of his cheap brother again, although the man could see that Su Qinghuan didn't have half the love for Li Zihao, but at the very least, Su Qinghuan's attitude towards Li Zihao was much better than towards him.

   Even sometimes, he is willing to coax Li Zihao.

   This kind of treatment is unimaginable for him.

  Li Moyao stretched out his hand and carefully rubbed the outline of the little fox, a little infatuation in his heart.

   He never knew that having such a simple physical contact with a girl could make him feel so happy.

   Even if Su Qinghuan looked at him with disgust and indifference, he couldn't contain his heartbeat.

  Li Moyao thought for a moment, then took a deep breath and spoke to the little fox very seriously.

   "Qing Huan, if I say, I apologize for my past behavior, and I am also willing to be responsible for you, so that you can become a legitimate young lady of the Li family again, would you like to?"

   This is the most respectable result Li Moyao thinks he can give to the little fox.

  Looking at the whole country A, there are as many unmarried women who want to marry them as the crucian carp crossing the river. Even if they are married, I am afraid that they cannot resist such an olive branch.

   Even though Su Qinghuan doesn't like him as much as he used to, Li Moyao thinks he has other capital.

   At the moment when the little fox's thin lips moved, the man stretched out his hand and pressed against her lips.

   "Don't rush to say your answer."

   Feeling the softness and warmth of the fingertips that did not belong to him, Li Moyao's normally handsome and cold brows softened a bit unconsciously, and his eyes looked at the little fox almost dotingly.

   "Ding, Li Moyao's favorability has increased by 5 points, and the current favorability point is 70 points."

  The little fox looked at Li Moyao in astonishment, obviously not understanding why Li Moyao just made a confession, why his favorability suddenly increased.


   But what Li Moyao said next proved that the responsibility Li Moyao said was serious.

   The man's voice is as elegant as velvet.

"I'm not a person with a capricious personality like Mu Hanting, and I'm not like Zihao. I'm too young and full of character. If you marry me, I promise that I won't interfere with your freedom, and I will share it unconditionally. my property."

   "I won't set up any prenuptial agreement for you, nor will I limit your studies. You can study until you graduate from a bachelor's degree, continue your studies to a graduate school or even a Ph.D. I respect you."

"The money you want, the freedom you want, I will give you the greatest tolerance. I know you don't like me now, and I won't force you to do anything with me until the day you fall in love with me again. , I have the confidence to wait for it.”


   Little Fox never thought that Li Moyao could easily say the word proposal before his favorability score reached 80.

   She looked at Li Moyao strangely.

   "What if your self-confidence is destined to be broken?"

   (end of this chapter)

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